To do this, locate the core file that was produced as a result
of this crash (it's usually called `core' and is located in the
directory in which you started the editor, or maybe in your home
directory), and type
gdb /usr/local/bin/xemacs core
then type `where' when the debugger prompt comes up.
(If you don't have GDB on your system, you might have DBX,
or XDB, or SDB. A similar procedure should work for all of
these. Ask your system administrator if you need more help.)
Lisp backtrace follows:
make-extent(0 38 "Wed, 5 Aug 1998 Average load: 0.07")
# bind (list elem tmp balloon-help balloon-ext textual time-string)
# bind (list elem tmp result)
# bind (dayname month monthname year day time-zone seconds minutes am-pm 12-hours hour 24-hours mail mail-spool-file load time nowhigh now)
# bind (time-elapsed itimers itimer this-command inhibit-quit quit-flag current-itimer)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (match-data)
byte-code("..." [match-data match-data ((store-match-data match-data)) itimer current-itimer nil quit-flag inhibit-quit this-command itimers time-elapsed itimer-uses-arguments apply itimer-function itimer-function-arguments] 4)
# (condition-case ... . ((error (byte-code "ÀÁÂ!Ä
!#" ... 5)) (quit (byte-code "ÀÁÂ!\"" ... 4))))
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (itimers itimer next-wakeup idle-time last-event-time recorded-run-time inhibit-quit time-elapsed)
# bind (sleep elapsed now itimer-inside-driver inhibit-quit ignored)
# (condition-case ... . error)
# (unwind-protect ...)
read-minibuffer-internal("Foreground: ")
byte-code("..." [recursion-depth minibuffer-depth t standard-input standard-output read-minibuffer-internal prompt] 2)
# (catch exit ...)
# bind (mouse-grabbed-buffer current-prefix-arg help-form minibuffer-history-variable minibuffer-history-position minibuffer-scroll-window)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (_history_ oconfig mconfig frame buffer window oframe owindow dir abbrev-table history readp keymap initial-contents prompt)
read-from-minibuffer("Foreground: " nil #<keymap minibuffer-local-completion-map 16 entries 0xcde> nil nil)
# bind (minibuffer-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate minibuffer-completion-confirm last-exact-completion history initial-contents require-match predicate table prompt)
completing-read("Foreground: " (("lightgreen") ("LightGreen") ("light green") ("darkred") ("DarkRed") ("dark red") ("darkmagenta") ("DarkMagenta") ("dark magenta") ("darkcyan") ("DarkCyan") ("dark cyan") ("darkblue") ("DarkBlue") ("dark blue") ("darkgray") ("DarkGray") ("dark gray") ("darkgrey") ("DarkGrey") ("dark grey") ("grey100") ("gray100") ("grey99") ("gray99") ("grey98") ("gray98") ("grey97") ("gray97") ("grey96") ("gray96") ("grey95") ("gray95") ("grey94") ("gray94") ("grey93") ("gray93") ("grey92") ("gray92") ("grey91") ("gray91") ("grey90") ("gray90") ("grey89") ("gray89") ("grey88") ("gray88") ("grey87") ("gray87") ("grey86") ("gray86") ("grey85") ("gray85") ("grey84") ("gray84") ("grey83") ("gray83") ("grey82") ("gray82") ("grey81") ("gray81") ("grey80") ("gray80") ("grey79") ("gray79") ("grey78") ("gray78") ("grey77") ("gray77") ("grey76") ("gray76") ("grey75") ("gray75") ("grey74") ("gray74") ("grey73") ("gray73") ("grey72") ("gray72") ("grey71") ("gray71") ("g!
rey70") ("gray70") ("grey69") ("gray69") ("grey68") ("gray68") ("grey67") ("gray67") ("grey66") ("gray66") ("grey65") ("gray65") ("grey64") ("gray64") ("grey63") ("gray63") ("grey62") ("gray62") ("grey61") ("gray61") ("grey60") ("gray60") ("grey59") ("gray59") ("grey58") ("gray58") ("grey57") ("gray57") ("grey56") ("gray56") ("grey55") ("gray55") ("grey54") ("gray54") ("grey53") ("gray53") ("grey52") ("gray52") ("grey51") ("gray51") ("grey50") ("gray50") ("grey49") ("gray49") ("grey48") ("gray48") ("grey47") ("gray47") ("grey46") ("gray46") ("grey45") ("gray45") ("grey44") ("gray44") ("grey43") ("gray43") ("grey42") ("gray42") ("grey41") ("gray41") ("grey40") ("gray40") ("grey39") ("gray39") ("grey38") ("gray38") ("grey37") ("gray37") ("grey36") ("gray36") ("grey35") ("gray35") ("grey34") ("gray34") ("grey33") ("gray33") ("grey32") ("gray32") ("grey31") ("gray31") ("grey30") ("gray30") ("grey29") ("gray29") ("grey28") ("gray28") ("grey27") ("gray27") ("grey26") ("gray26") ("gr!
ey25") ("gray25") ("grey24") ("gray24") ("grey23") ("gray23") ("grey22") ("gray22") ("grey21") ("gray21") ("grey20") ("gray20") ("grey19") ("gray19") ("grey18") ("gray18") ("grey17") ("gray17") ("grey16") ("gray16") ("grey15") ("gray15") ("grey14") ("gray14") ("grey13") ("gray13") ("grey12") ("gray12") ("grey11") ("gray11") ("grey10") ("gray10") ("grey9") ("gray9") ("grey8") ("gray8") ("grey7") ("gray7") ("grey6") ("gray6") ("grey5") ("gray5") ("grey4") ("gray4") ("grey3") ("gray3") ("grey2") ("gray2") ("grey1") ("gray1") ("grey0") ("gray0") ("thistle4") ("thistle3") ("thistle2") ("thistle1") ("mediumpurple4") ("MediumPurple4") ("mediumpurple3") ("MediumPurple3") ("mediumpurple2") ("MediumPurple2") ("mediumpurple1") ("MediumPurple1") ("purple4") ("purple3") ("purple2") ("purple1") ("darkorchid4") ("DarkOrchid4") ("darkorchid3") ("DarkOrchid3") ("darkorchid2") ("DarkOrchid2") ("darkorchid1") ("DarkOrchid1") ("mediumorchid4") ("MediumOrchid4") ("mediumorchid3") ("MediumOrchid3")!
("mediumorchid2") ("MediumOrchid2") ("mediumorchid1") ("MediumOrchid1") ("plum4") ("plum3") ("plum2") ("plum1") ("orchid4") ("orchid3") ("orchid2") ("orchid1") ("magenta4") ("magenta3") ("magenta2") ("magenta1") ("violetred4") ("VioletRed4") ("violetred3") ("VioletRed3") ("violetred2") ("VioletRed2") ("violetred1") ("VioletRed1") ("maroon4") ("maroon3") ("maroon2") ("maroon1") ("palevioletred4") ("PaleVioletRed4") ("palevioletred3") ("PaleVioletRed3") ("palevioletred2") ("PaleVioletRed2") ("palevioletred1") ("PaleVioletRed1") ("lightpink4") ("LightPink4") ("lightpink3") ("LightPink3") ("lightpink2") ("LightPink2") ("lightpink1") ("LightPink1") ("pink4") ("pink3") ("pink2") ("pink1") ("hotpink4") ("HotPink4") ("hotpink3") ("HotPink3") ("hotpink2") ("HotPink2") ("hotpink1") ("HotPink1") ("deeppink4") ("DeepPink4") ("deeppink3") ("DeepPink3") ("deeppink2") ("DeepPink2") ("deeppink1") ("DeepPink1") ("red4") ("red3") ("red2") ("red1") ("orangered4") ("OrangeRed4") ("orangered3") (!
"OrangeRed3") ("orangered2") ("OrangeRed2") ("orangered1") ("OrangeRed1") ("tomato4") ("tomato3") ("tomato2") ("tomato1") ("coral4") ("coral3") ("coral2") ("coral1") ("darkorange4") ("DarkOrange4") ("darkorange3") ("DarkOrange3") ("darkorange2") ("DarkOrange2") ("darkorange1") ("DarkOrange1") ("orange4") ("orange3") ("orange2") ("orange1") ("lightsalmon4") ("LightSalmon4") ("lightsalmon3") ("LightSalmon3") ("lightsalmon2") ("LightSalmon2") ("lightsalmon1") ("LightSalmon1") ("salmon4") ("salmon3") ("salmon2") ("salmon1") ("brown4") ("brown3") ("brown2") ("brown1") ("firebrick4") ("firebrick3") ("firebrick2") ("firebrick1") ("chocolate4") ("chocolate3") ("chocolate2") ("chocolate1") ("tan4") ("tan3") ("tan2") ("tan1") ("wheat4") ("wheat3") ("wheat2") ("wheat1") ("burlywood4") ("burlywood3") ("burlywood2") ("burlywood1") ("sienna4") ("sienna3") ("sienna2") ("sienna1") ("indianred4") ("IndianRed4") ("indianred3") ("IndianRed3") ("indianred2") ("IndianRed2") ("indianred1") ("Indian!
Red1") ("rosybrown4") ("RosyBrown4") ("rosybrown3") ("RosyBrown3") ("rosybrown2") ("RosyBrown2") ("rosybrown1") ("RosyBrown1") ("darkgoldenrod4") ("DarkGoldenrod4") ("darkgoldenrod3") ("DarkGoldenrod3") ("darkgoldenrod2") ("DarkGoldenrod2") ("darkgoldenrod1") ("DarkGoldenrod1") ("goldenrod4") ("goldenrod3") ("goldenrod2") ("goldenrod1") ("gold4") ("gold3") ("gold2") ("gold1") ("yellow4") ("yellow3") ("yellow2") ("yellow1") ("lightyellow4") ("LightYellow4") ("lightyellow3") ("LightYellow3") ("lightyellow2") ("LightYellow2") ("lightyellow1") ("LightYellow1") ("lightgoldenrod4") ("LightGoldenrod4") ("lightgoldenrod3") ("LightGoldenrod3") ("lightgoldenrod2") ("LightGoldenrod2") ("lightgoldenrod1") ("LightGoldenrod1") ("khaki4") ("khaki3") ("khaki2") ("khaki1") ("darkolivegreen4") ("DarkOliveGreen4") ("darkolivegreen3") ("DarkOliveGreen3") ("darkolivegreen2") ("DarkOliveGreen2") ("darkolivegreen1") ("DarkOliveGreen1") ("olivedrab4") ("OliveDrab4") ("olivedrab3") ("OliveDrab3") ("ol!
ivedrab2") ("OliveDrab2") ("olivedrab1") ("OliveDrab1") ("chartreuse4") ("chartreuse3") ("chartreuse2") ("chartreuse1") ("green4") ("green3") ("green2") ("green1") ("springgreen4") ("SpringGreen4") ("springgreen3") ("SpringGreen3") ("springgreen2") ("SpringGreen2") ("springgreen1") ("SpringGreen1") ("palegreen4") ("PaleGreen4") ("palegreen3") ("PaleGreen3") ("palegreen2") ("PaleGreen2") ("palegreen1") ("PaleGreen1") ("seagreen4") ("SeaGreen4") ("seagreen3") ("SeaGreen3") ("seagreen2") ("SeaGreen2") ("seagreen1") ("SeaGreen1") ("darkseagreen4") ("DarkSeaGreen4") ("darkseagreen3") ("DarkSeaGreen3") ("darkseagreen2") ("DarkSeaGreen2") ("darkseagreen1") ("DarkSeaGreen1") ("aquamarine4") ("aquamarine3") ("aquamarine2") ("aquamarine1") ("darkslategray4") ("DarkSlateGray4") ("darkslategray3") ("DarkSlateGray3") ("darkslategray2") ("DarkSlateGray2") ("darkslategray1") ("DarkSlateGray1") ("cyan4") ("cyan3") ("cyan2") ("cyan1") ("turquoise4") ("turquoise3") ("turquoise2") ("turquoise1")!
("cadetblue4") ("CadetBlue4") ("cadetblue3") ("CadetBlue3") ("cadetblue2") ("CadetBlue2") ("cadetblue1") ("CadetBlue1") ("paleturquoise4") ("PaleTurquoise4") ("paleturquoise3") ("PaleTurquoise3") ("paleturquoise2") ("PaleTurquoise2") ("paleturquoise1") ("PaleTurquoise1") ("lightcyan4") ("LightCyan4") ("lightcyan3") ("LightCyan3") ("lightcyan2") ("LightCyan2") ("lightcyan1") ("LightCyan1") ("lightblue4") ("LightBlue4") ("lightblue3") ("LightBlue3") ("lightblue2") ("LightBlue2") ("lightblue1") ("LightBlue1") ("lightsteelblue4") ("LightSteelBlue4") ("lightsteelblue3") ("LightSteelBlue3") ("lightsteelblue2") ("LightSteelBlue2") ("lightsteelblue1") ("LightSteelBlue1") ("slategray4") ("SlateGray4") ("slategray3") ("SlateGray3") ("slategray2") ("SlateGray2") ("slategray1") ("SlateGray1") ("lightskyblue4") ("LightSkyBlue4") ("lightskyblue3") ("LightSkyBlue3") ("lightskyblue2") ("LightSkyBlue2") ("lightskyblue1") ("LightSkyBlue1") ("skyblue4") ("SkyBlue4") ("skyblue3") ("SkyBlue3") ("!
skyblue2") ("SkyBlue2") ("skyblue1") ("SkyBlue1") ("deepskyblue4") ("DeepSkyBlue4") ("deepskyblue3") ("DeepSkyBlue3") ("deepskyblue2") ("DeepSkyBlue2") ("deepskyblue1") ("DeepSkyBlue1") ("steelblue4") ("SteelBlue4") ("steelblue3") ("SteelBlue3") ("steelblue2") ("SteelBlue2") ("steelblue1") ("SteelBlue1") ("dodgerblue4") ("DodgerBlue4") ("dodgerblue3") ("DodgerBlue3") ("dodgerblue2") ("DodgerBlue2") ("dodgerblue1") ("DodgerBlue1") ("blue4") ("blue3") ("blue2") ("blue1") ("royalblue4") ("RoyalBlue4") ("royalblue3") ("RoyalBlue3") ("royalblue2") ("RoyalBlue2") ("royalblue1") ("RoyalBlue1") ("slateblue4") ("SlateBlue4") ("slateblue3") ("SlateBlue3") ("slateblue2") ("SlateBlue2") ("slateblue1") ("SlateBlue1") ("azure4") ("azure3") ("azure2") ("azure1") ("mistyrose4") ("MistyRose4") ("mistyrose3") ("MistyRose3") ("mistyrose2") ("MistyRose2") ("mistyrose1") ("MistyRose1") ("lavenderblush4") ("LavenderBlush4") ("lavenderblush3") ("LavenderBlush3") ("lavenderblush2") ("LavenderBlush2")!
("lavenderblush1") ("LavenderBlush1") ("honeydew4") ("honeydew3") ("honeydew2") ("honeydew1") ("ivory4") ("ivory3") ("ivory2") ("ivory1") ("cornsilk4") ("cornsilk3") ("cornsilk2") ("cornsilk1") ("lemonchiffon4") ("LemonChiffon4") ("lemonchiffon3") ("LemonChiffon3") ("lemonchiffon2") ("LemonChiffon2") ("lemonchiffon1") ("LemonChiffon1") ("navajowhite4") ("NavajoWhite4") ("navajowhite3") ("NavajoWhite3") ("navajowhite2") ("NavajoWhite2") ("navajowhite1") ("NavajoWhite1") ("peachpuff4") ("PeachPuff4") ("peachpuff3") ("PeachPuff3") ("peachpuff2") ("PeachPuff2") ("peachpuff1") ("PeachPuff1") ("bisque4") ("bisque3") ("bisque2") ("bisque1") ("antiquewhite4") ("AntiqueWhite4") ("antiquewhite3") ("AntiqueWhite3") ("antiquewhite2") ("AntiqueWhite2") ("antiquewhite1") ("AntiqueWhite1") ("seashell4") ("seashell3") ("seashell2") ("seashell1") ("snow4") ("snow3") ("snow2") ("snow1") ("thistle") ("mediumpurple") ("MediumPurple") ("medium purple") ("purple") ("blueviolet") ("BlueViolet") ("b!
lue violet") ("darkviolet") ("DarkViolet") ("dark violet") ("darkorchid") ("DarkOrchid") ("dark orchid") ("mediumorchid") ("MediumOrchid") ("medium orchid") ("orchid") ("plum") ("violet") ("magenta") ("violetred") ("VioletRed") ("violet red") ("mediumvioletred") ("MediumVioletRed") ("medium violet red") ("maroon") ("palevioletred") ("PaleVioletRed") ("pale violet red") ("lightpink") ("LightPink") ("light pink") ("pink") ("deeppink") ("DeepPink") ("deep pink") ("hotpink") ("HotPink") ("hot pink") ("red") ("orangered") ("OrangeRed") ("orange red") ("tomato") ("lightcoral") ("LightCoral") ("light coral") ("coral") ("darkorange") ("DarkOrange") ("dark orange") ("orange") ("lightsalmon") ("LightSalmon") ("light salmon") ("salmon") ("darksalmon") ("DarkSalmon") ("dark salmon") ("brown") ("firebrick") ("chocolate") ("tan") ("sandybrown") ("SandyBrown") ("sandy brown") ("wheat") ("beige") ("burlywood") ("peru") ("sienna") ("saddlebrown") ("SaddleBrown") ("saddle brown") ("indianred") !
("IndianRed") ("indian red") ("rosybrown") ("RosyBrown") ("rosy brown") ("darkgoldenrod") ("DarkGoldenrod") ("dark goldenrod") ("goldenrod") ("lightgoldenrod") ("LightGoldenrod") ("light goldenrod") ("gold") ("yellow") ("lightyellow") ("LightYellow") ("light yellow") ("lightgoldenrodyellow") ("LightGoldenrodYellow") ("light goldenrod yellow") ("palegoldenrod") ("PaleGoldenrod") ("pale goldenrod") ("khaki") ("darkkhaki") ("DarkKhaki") ("dark khaki") ("olivedrab") ("OliveDrab") ("olive drab") ("forestgreen") ("ForestGreen") ("forest green") ("yellowgreen") ("YellowGreen") ("yellow green") ("limegreen") ("LimeGreen") ("lime green") ("greenyellow") ("GreenYellow") ("green yellow") ("mediumspringgreen") ("MediumSpringGreen") ("medium spring green") ("chartreuse") ("green") ("lawngreen") ("LawnGreen") ("lawn green") ("springgreen") ("SpringGreen") ("spring green") ("palegreen") ("PaleGreen") ("pale green") ("lightseagreen") ("LightSeaGreen") ("light sea green") ("mediumseagreen") ("!
MediumSeaGreen") ("medium sea green") ("seagreen") ("SeaGreen") ("sea green") ("darkseagreen") ("DarkSeaGreen") ("dark sea green") ("darkolivegreen") ("DarkOliveGreen") ("dark olive green") ("darkgreen") ("DarkGreen") ("dark green") ("aquamarine") ("mediumaquamarine") ("MediumAquamarine") ("medium aquamarine") ("cadetblue") ("CadetBlue") ("cadet blue") ("lightcyan") ("LightCyan") ("light cyan") ("cyan") ("turquoise") ("mediumturquoise") ("MediumTurquoise") ("medium turquoise") ("darkturquoise") ("DarkTurquoise") ("dark turquoise") ("paleturquoise") ("PaleTurquoise") ("pale turquoise") ("powderblue") ("PowderBlue") ("powder blue") ("lightblue") ("LightBlue") ("light blue") ("lightsteelblue") ("LightSteelBlue") ("light steel blue") ("steelblue") ("SteelBlue") ("steel blue") ("lightskyblue") ("LightSkyBlue") ("light sky blue") ("skyblue") ("SkyBlue") ("sky blue") ("deepskyblue") ("DeepSkyBlue") ("deep sky blue") ("dodgerblue") ("DodgerBlue") ("dodger blue") ("blue") ("royalblue")!
("RoyalBlue") ("royal blue") ("mediumblue") ("MediumBlue") ("medium blue") ("lightslateblue") ("LightSlateBlue") ("light slate blue") ("mediumslateblue") ("MediumSlateBlue") ("medium slate blue") ("slateblue") ("SlateBlue") ("slate blue") ("darkslateblue") ("DarkSlateBlue") ("dark slate blue") ("cornflowerblue") ("CornflowerBlue") ("cornflower blue") ("navyblue") ("NavyBlue") ("navy blue") ("navy") ("midnightblue") ("MidnightBlue") ("midnight blue") ("lightgray") ("LightGray") ("light gray") ("lightgrey") ("LightGrey") ("light grey") ("grey") ("gray") ("lightslategrey") ("LightSlateGrey") ("light slate grey") ("lightslategray") ("LightSlateGray") ("light slate gray") ("slategrey") ("SlateGrey") ("slate grey") ("slategray") ("SlateGray") ("slate gray") ("dimgrey") ("DimGrey") ("dim grey") ("dimgray") ("DimGray") ("dim gray") ("darkslategrey") ("DarkSlateGrey") ("dark slate grey") ("darkslategray") ("DarkSlateGray") ("dark slate gray") ("black") ("white") ("mistyrose") ("MistyR!
ose") ("misty rose") ("lavenderblush") ("LavenderBlush") ("lavender blush") ("lavender") ("aliceblue") ("AliceBlue") ("alice blue") ("azure") ("mintcream") ("MintCream") ("mint cream") ("honeydew") ("seashell") ("lemonchiffon") ("LemonChiffon") ("lemon chiffon") ("ivory") ("cornsilk") ("moccasin") ("navajowhite") ("NavajoWhite") ("navajo white") ("peachpuff") ("PeachPuff") ("peach puff") ("bisque") ("blanchedalmond") ("BlanchedAlmond") ("blanched almond") ("papayawhip") ("PapayaWhip") ("papaya whip") ("antiquewhite") ("AntiqueWhite") ("antique white") ("linen") ("oldlace") ("OldLace") ("old lace") ("floralwhite") ("FloralWhite") ("floral white") ("gainsboro") ("whitesmoke") ("WhiteSmoke") ("white smoke") ("ghostwhite") ("GhostWhite") ("ghost white") ("snow")) nil nil nil)
# bind (table initial-contents must-match prompt)
read-color("Foreground: ")
# bind (tag event widget)
widget-color-action((color :to #<marker at 1141 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e90ac> :from #<marker at 1108 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e9124> :field-extent #<extent [1120, 1131) :inactive-count help-echo balloon-help keymap button-or-field field 0x86f48bc in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :sample-extent #<extent (1133, 1139) 0x86e7b64 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :sample-face #<face sample-face-52607> :button-extent #<extent (1108, 1118) :inactive-count keymap balloon-help button-or-field button 0x86e7b80 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :indent 28 :parent (group :button (checkbox :to #<marker at 1107 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86ff55c> :from #<marker at 1106 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86ff544> :button-extent #<extent (1106, 1107) H keymap help-echo balloon-help button-or-field button 0x86e2240 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :glyph-up #<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=... fallback=... 0x3e3b>0x3e3a> :indent 28 :parent ... :help-e!
cho "Control whether this attribute have any effect" :value t) :inactive nil :to #<marker at 1141 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e901c> :from #<marker at 1108 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e9094> :children (... #0) :indent 28 :parent (custom-face-edit :to #<marker at 1511 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86f0134> :from #<marker at 1094 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86f011c> :children ... :buttons ... :indent 24 :parent ... :value nil :args ...) :inline t :sibling-args nil :args (... ...)) :tag "Foreground" :value "" :help-echo "Set foreground color.") #<buttonup-event button2up>)
widget-apply((color :to #<marker at 1141 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e90ac> :from #<marker at 1108 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e9124> :field-extent #<extent [1120, 1131) :inactive-count help-echo balloon-help keymap button-or-field field 0x86f48bc in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :sample-extent #<extent (1133, 1139) 0x86e7b64 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :sample-face #<face sample-face-52607> :button-extent #<extent (1108, 1118) :inactive-count keymap balloon-help button-or-field button 0x86e7b80 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :indent 28 :parent (group :button (checkbox :to #<marker at 1107 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86ff55c> :from #<marker at 1106 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86ff544> :button-extent #<extent (1106, 1107) H keymap help-echo balloon-help button-or-field button 0x86e2240 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :glyph-up #<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=... fallback=... 0x3e3b>0x3e3a> :indent 28 :parent ... :help-echo "Co!
ntrol whether this attribute have any effect" :value t) :inactive nil :to #<marker at 1141 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e901c> :from #<marker at 1108 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e9094> :children (... #0) :indent 28 :parent (custom-face-edit :to #<marker at 1511 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86f0134> :from #<marker at 1094 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86f011c> :children ... :buttons ... :indent 24 :parent ... :value nil :args ...) :inline t :sibling-args nil :args (... ...)) :tag "Foreground" :value "" :help-echo "Set foreground color.") :action #<buttonup-event button2up>)
# bind (event widget)
widget-apply-action((color :to #<marker at 1141 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e90ac> :from #<marker at 1108 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86e9124> :field-extent #<extent [1120, 1131) :inactive-count help-echo balloon-help keymap button-or-field field 0x86f48bc in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :sample-extent #<extent (1133, 1139) 0x86e7b64 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :sample-face #<face sample-face-52607> :button-extent #<extent (1108, 1118) :inactive-count keymap balloon-help button-or-field button 0x86e7b80 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :indent 28 :parent (group :button (checkbox :to #<marker at 1107 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86ff55c> :from #<marker at 1106 in *Customize Face: Default* 0x86ff544> :button-extent #<extent (1106, 1107) H keymap help-echo balloon-help button-or-field button 0x86e2240 in buffer *Customize Face: Default*> :glyph-up #<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) xemacs
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Script started on Wed Aug 5 03:22:00 1998
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Remote-CVS/ skeleton.patch.gz
Todo slib/
amirs-info-bt01 slib-psd1-3.tar.gz
basic-mode.el sounds-au-1.01-pkg.tar.gz* sql-mode.tar.Z
cperl-mode.el.3.12 struct-vs-list.el
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eldap.h texi2html
eval.c.diff texinfmt-elp-results
expand.el.gz tmp/
file-log.el.gz vroot.h
gifreader-0.9/ which-function.el
gifreader-0.9.tar.gz xemacs-21@
gnuplot-example* xemacs-21-png-set.tar.gz
gnuplot-example.c xemacs-21.2@
info-bug1 xemacs-21.2-Aeolus/
iso-sgml.el.gz xemacs-packages/
minibuf-hack.el xemacs-storage/
% [Kccd xemacs-21.2-Aeolus/
% [Khhostname
% [Kssrc/xemas cs
% [K## the package path is different.
zsh: bad pattern: #
% [Kxxemacs -vanilla
% [Kdduh'
zsh: command not found: duh
zsh: exit 1 duh
% [Kssrc/xemacs -vanilla
Fatal error (11).
Your files have been auto-saved.
Use `M-x recover-session' to recover them.
Please report this bug by running the send-pr script included
with XEmacs, or selecting `Send Bug Report' from the help menu.
As a last resort send ordinary email to `crashes(a)'.
*MAKE SURE* to include the information in the command
M-x describe-installation.
If at all possible, *please* try to obtain a C stack backtrace;
it will help us immensely in determining what went wrong.
To do this, locate the core file that was produced as a result
of this crash (it's usually called `core' and is located in the
directory in which you started the editor, or maybe in your home
directory), and type
gdb /bse/usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21.2-Aeolus/src/xemacs core
then type `where' when the debugger prompt comes up.
(If you don't have GDB on your system, you might have DBX,
or XDB, or SDB. A similar procedure should work for all of
these. Ask your system administrator if you need more help.)
Lisp backtrace follows:
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (catch #<INTERNAL EMACS BUG (opaque, size=4) 0x82b1528> ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (inhibit-quit)
# (condition-case ... . error)
# (catch top-level ...)
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) src/xemacs -vanilla
% [Khhmm.
zsh: command not found: hmm.
zsh: exit 1 hmm.
% [Kccd
[2Cc ccd
% [Kttel
[2Ct nno.
[2Cn sslogin bse
Last login: Mon Aug 3 19:25:07 1998 from localhost
Linux bittersweet 2.0.35 #10 Thu Jul 30 10:59:39 PDT 1998 i586 unknown
Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Software in the Public Interest, and others
Most of the programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are
freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
are described in the individual files in /usr/doc/*/copyright
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
You have new mail.
[3g H H H H H H H H H
Erase is backspace.
Kill is control-U (^U).
Interrupt is control-C (^C).
Anyone wishing to smoke, however, must file, in triplicate, the
U.S. government Environmental Impact Narrative Statement (EINS),
describing in detail the type of combustion proposed, impact on
the environment, and anticipated opposition. Statements must be
filed 30 days in advance.
% [K## cool.
zsh: bad pattern: #
% [Kwwhich xemacs
% [Klls -l =xemacs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Jul 22 06:14 /usr/local/bin/xemacs -> /usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21/src/xemacs*
% [Kxxema
[2Cx eech o $DISPLAY
% [Keexport DISPLAY=duh.
[2Ce xxemacs
the background, which is a png image, has vertical strips through it.
I picked customize face, and it looks like the e seo cond screenshot now.
Fatal error (11).
Your files have been auto-saved.
Use `M-x recover-session' to recover them.
Please report this bug by running the send-pr script included
with XEmacs, or selecting `Send Bug Report' from the help menu.
As a last resort send ordinary email to `crashes(a)'.
*MAKE SURE* to include the information in the command
M-x describe-installation.
If at all possible, *please* try to obtain a C stack backtrace;
it will help us immensely in determining what went wrong.
To do this, locate the core file that was produced as a result
of this crash (it's usually called `core' and is located in the
directory in which you started the editor, or maybe in your home
directory), and type
gdb /usr/local/bin/xemacs core
then type `where' when the debugger prompt comes up.
(If you don't have GDB on your system, you might have DBX,
or XDB, or SDB. A similar procedure should work for all of
these. Ask your system administrator if you need more help.)
Lisp backtrace follows:
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (format-alist)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (inhibit-quit)
# (catch #<INTERNAL EMACS BUG (opaque, size=4) 0x82b1528> ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
add-spec-list-to-specifier(#<image-specifier global=<unspecified> fallback=((nil . ...)) 0x4846> ((global (nil . ...) (nil . ...))) nil)
# bind (is-valid nval how-to-add tag-set locale value specifier)
set-specifier(#<image-specifier global=<unspecified> fallback=((nil . ...)) 0x4846> ([png :file "/usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21/etc/custom/set-up.png"] [string :data "[Set]"]) nil nil nil)
# bind (how-to-add tag-set locale value property glyph)
set-glyph-property(#<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=<unspecified> fallback=(...) 0x4846>0x4845> image ([png :file "/usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21/etc/custom/set-up.png"] [string :data "[Set]"]) nil nil nil)
# bind (how-to-add tag-set locale spec glyph)
set-glyph-image(#<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=<unspecified> fallback=(...) 0x4846>0x4845> ([png :file "/usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21/etc/custom/set-up.png"] [string :data "[Set]"]))
# bind (glyph type spec-list)
make-glyph(([png :file "/usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21/etc/custom/set-up.png"] [string :data "[Set]"]))
# bind (file formats dirlist tag image)
widget-glyph-find("set-up" "[Set]")
# bind (inactive down image tag widget)
widget-glyph-insert((push-button :action #<compiled-function (widget &optional event) "...(3)" [Custom-set] 1> :help-echo "Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session" :tag-glyph ("set-up" "set-down") :tag "Set") "[Set]" ("set-up" "set-down"))
# bind (gui-glyphs text tag-glyph tag widget)
widget-push-button-value-create((push-button :action #<compiled-function (widget &optional event) "...(3)" [Custom-set] 1> :help-echo "Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session" :tag-glyph ("set-up" "set-down") :tag "Set"))
widget-apply((push-button :action #<compiled-function (widget &optional event) "...(3)" [Custom-set] 1> :help-echo "Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session" :tag-glyph ("set-up" "set-down") :tag "Set") :value-create)
# bind (escape from button-begin button-end button-glyph sample-begin sample-end doc-begin doc-end value-pos inhibit-read-only before-change-functions after-change-functions)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (widget)
widget-default-create((push-button :action #<compiled-function (widget &optional event) "...(3)" [Custom-set] 1> :help-echo "Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session" :tag-glyph ("set-up" "set-down") :tag "Set"))
widget-apply((push-button :action #<compiled-function (widget &optional event) "...(3)" [Custom-set] 1> :help-echo "Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session" :tag-glyph ("set-up" "set-down") :tag "Set") :create)
# bind (widget args type)
widget-create(push-button :tag "Set" :tag-glyph ("set-up" "set-down") :help-echo "Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session" :action #<compiled-function (widget &optional event) "...(3)" [Custom-set] 1>)
# bind (description options)
custom-buffer-create-internal(((default custom-face)) nil)
# bind (description name options)
custom-buffer-create(((default custom-face)) "*Customize Face: Default*")
# bind (symbol)
#<compiled-function (&optional symbol) "...(56)" [symbol 0 custom-buffer-create custom-sort-items mapcar #<compiled-function ... "...(4)" ... 2> face-list t nil "*Customize Faces*" intern wrong-type-argument symbolp custom-face format "*Customize Face: %s*" custom-unlispify-tag-name] 6 ("/usr/local/src/XEmacs/xemacs-21/lisp/cus-edit.elc" . 18685) (list (completing-read "Customize face: (default all) " obarray ...))>("default")
# (condition-case ... . error)
# (catch top-level ...)
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) xemacs
% [Ktthe background, which is a png image, has vertical strips through it.
zsh: command not found: the
zsh: exit 1 the background, which is a png image, has vertical strips through it.
% [K
% [KII picked customize face, and it looks like the second screenshot now.
zsh: command not found: I
zsh: exit 1 I picked customize face, and it looks like the second screenshot now.
% [K## typed default, and got that crash.
zsh: bad pattern: #
% [K
Connection to bse closed.
zsh: exit 1 slogin bse
% [K
Script done on Wed Aug 5 03:34:25 1998