Re: What is the status of 21.5?
17 years, 6 months
Aidan Kehoe
Ar an seachtú lá is fiche de mí Lúnasa, scríobh SL Baur:
> On 8/23/07, Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)> wrote:
> >
> > Ar an tríú lá is fiche de mí Lúnasa, scríobh SL Baur:
> >
> > > I guess I better ask now. What relationship does this tree have with
> > > Andrew Choi's code?
> >
> > It is his code. We (mostly Stephen) had discussions with him about
> > merging it, which foundered when at least one file which he declared
> > entirely public domain was (as far as can be worked out) derived from a
> > GPLed file. We don't have any objection to public domain code, but code
> > that contravenes the GPL is problematic.
> That's a show stopper then. He asked not to have his code merged and I
> would prefer to stay well away from anything that might be a violation of
> the GPL.
Stephen’s getting paid legal advice on this from Larry Rosen when he gets to
California. Rosen’s I-am-a-lawyer-but-I-am-not-your-lawyer opinion was that
we can distribute his code nonetheless--because we’re doing it under the
GPL, the licence of the original code, and because Choi removed any
conditions on the distribution of his code with his public domain
declaration. The paid advice is expected to confirm that.
I’m not sure what the story is with the copyright notices Choi appears to
have removed; AIUI we have to restore them.
is a nice summary I hadn’t seen before.
But basically legally-informed opinion is expected to say that we can merge
it. Which is kind of the point of a public domain declaration!
> The only acceptable license solution would be to port the stuff in FSF
> Emacs. At least that's vetted.
This should be vetted too.
> I tried building a carbon XEmacs from the link I was pointed to and it
> has issues. I'm not sure what language it decides to display in by
> default, but it looks like some kind of Chinese. I don't know how I would
> begin debugging that. :-(
I don’t have that issue; which link are you talking about in particular?
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Bug in replace-match (21.4.13)
17 years, 6 months
SL Baur
I've verified this in XEmacs 21.4.13 (RHEL 5).
The scenario runs something like this:
Do a successful string match in a read-only buffer, ie. the
match string data gets set.
Switch to a writable buffer, do an unsuccessful string match
followed by a replace-match.
I see the text in the read-only buffer get changed. This is a
no-no unless inhibit-read-only is set and it isn't.
I'll post a test case and check 21.5 after work, unless this has
come up before and you've already fixed it.
Ugh. We've also got an interface divergence of the ugliest sort
with FSF 21.3.
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: shell unmaintainable [Re: comint + shell still hosed]
17 years, 6 months
Jerry James
Please keep the discussion on the list.
"Ilya N. Golubev" <gin(a)> wrote:
>> Are you sure you have the shell.el as of 2006-06-01?
> It was an error in change merge. Because of continuous committing
> buggy versions in upstream, had to maintain a distinct local one.
> With `shell.el' as of 2006-06-01 fully duplicated, finding no more
> bugs. As for being able to run `comint', `shell', considering it
> closed.
I am happy to have had your help in identifying bugs in the sync, but I
don't understand why you think you have to maintain a distinct local
copy. Can't you just stick with the officially released packages? If
you are installing test packages, then you've agreed to be a tester.
And you've been a good one, so I hope you continue, but you shouldn't
feel like you are required to be a tester.
> One reason to still maintain another `shell.el' version is that is
> still has a maintainability bug. It does not `(require 'font-lock)'
> in run time, but does so in `eval-when-compile'. Already wrote that
> `font-lock' has a (IMO, mis-) feature of enabling itself on mere load,
> so there may be strong reasons not to load it. That perhaps makes no
> difference when compiling `shell.el' in batch mode, but user may need
> his own version of the file, and compile it by executing
> `byte-compile-file' interactively. In this case the undesired changes
> in his environment will occur.
> What is the purpose of such a `require' in `eval-when-compile'? If it
> is only to shut warnings about use of `font-lock-mode-hook', this
> variable is autoloaded, but in `auto-autoloads.el'. In this case
> should `(require 'lisp-autoloads)'.
> Changing `font-lock' not to enable itself on load (in all xemacs
> branches) perhaps would be even better.
Are you worried about this?
;; Install ourselves:
(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'font-lock-set-defaults t)
I don't see anything else in font-lock.el that makes an obtrusive change
to the user's environment.
As for the byte compiling issue, (require 'auto-autoloads) is not the
right thing to do, because there are lots of auto-autoloads.el files,
one per package in fact. It is true that this is just to quiet a byte
compiler warning. That may be considered a small thing by some, but I
try to get rid of such warnings whenever I touch a package. I have this
dream that, eons from now, some XEmacs developer may be able to notice
that there were 2 warnings when compiling the packages and go fix the
problem. Right now, we get so many warnings that they are nearly
We could drop the require of font-lock and get the warning back. I'm
not terribly concerned about this, though, because (1) we distribute the
packages in precompiled form, which is good enough for the vast majority
of users; and (2) anybody who needs to compile their own due to
maintaining local variations should be sophisticated enough to deal with
a change in find-file-hooks.
Jerry James, Assistant Professor Jerry.James(a)
Computer Science Department
Utah State University
ucs->big5 translation failure in 21.4.20
17 years, 6 months
Julian Bradfield
I'm not yet putting in a formal bug report, as I still have ambitions to
sort it out myself, but I'd like to mention the problem in case
somebody else already knows about it, or can guess the likely location
of the problem.
I use 21.4.20, with mule-ucs handling unicode. My packages are the
most recent sumos.
Since I'm usually dealing with old-ish Chinese, I want to
(un-define-change-charset-order '(ascii chinese-big5-1 chinese-big5-2))
so that I get big5 characters whenever possible, rather than the
default Japanese.
Unfortunately, there is a bug in the conversion from UCS to Big5: a
UCS codepoint that is found to be in the chinese-big5-2 charset is
mistranslated into an Emacs character. Depending on the precise
character, this may simply result in corruption, or it may result in a
For example, create a file containing the single character U+8F46
(corresponding to Big5 F146) in the UTF-8 encoding.
Do the above change of charset ordering, and visit the file in utf-8.
XEmacs crashes with a segfault inside buffer_insert_string_1 at
(That's with a standard build; with a build without optimization (just
-g), it goes into an infinite loop instead.)
The problem seems to be specific to chinese-big5-2 : if I prioritize
the CNS character sets instead, it's fine - but unfortunately my big5
fonts are better than my CNS fonts, so I prefer big5, and anyway I
want to save big5 versions in parallel with utf-8 versions.
Since the translation process is an unholy mess of
semi-automatically generated CCL programs, it's, erm, challenging to
debug. If anybody has any private notes about how it all fits
together, I'd appreciate any hints!
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[Bug: 21.5-b25] Cannot deal with non-ACII directories
17 years, 6 months
Jarl Friis
Dear Bug Team!
I have a directory named "børn" (containin the danish character oslash).
Xemacs does not handle this directory correct.
The directory name is UTF-8 encoded, i.e. it is 5 bytes long namely 62
c3 b8 72 6e. When I try to open a file in that dir, xemacs asks me to
create the dir. If I say yes, it creates another dir 7 bytes long
namely 62 c3 83 c2 b8 72 6e.
FYI: The filesystem is ReiserFS.
The problem is reproducable on a 32bit systems as well, and also on
older xemacsens.
Sincerely yours, Jarl Friis <jarl(a)>
System Info to help track down your bug:
uname -a: Linux puccini 2.6.16 #1 SMP Tue Mar 14 18:04:33 UTC 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
./configure 'x86_64-suse-linux' '--with-gcc' '--with-dynamic' '--with-debug' '--enable-error-checking=none' '--with-cflags=-O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -Wall -Wno-switch -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -DLDAP_DEPRECATED ' '--with-ldflags=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/X11R6/bin' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--with-archlibdir=/usr/lib/xemacs/' '--with-docdir=/usr/lib/xemacs/' '--with-lispdir=/usr/share/xemacs/' '--with-etcdir=/usr/share/xemacs/' '--with-statedir=/var/lib/xemacs' '--with-moduledir=/usr/lib/xemacs/' '--infodir=/usr/share/xemacs/info' '--mandir=/usr/share/man/man1' '--enable-database=gdbm,berkdb' '--with-ncurses' '--with-canna' '--with-tty=yes' '--with-site-lisp' '--with-mc-alloc' '--with-kkcc' '--with-newgc' '--enable-sound=native' '--with-gpm' '--enable-pdump' '--disable-dump-i
n-exec' '--with-xpm' '--with-gif' '--with-tiff' '--with-jpeg' '--with-png' '--with-x' '--with-athena=3d' '--enable--menubars=lucid' '--enable-scrollbars=lucid' '--enable-dialogs=athena' '--enable-widgets=athena' '--x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include' '--x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib64' '--enable-mule' '--with-xim=xlib' '--with-xfs' '--enable-clash-detection' '--with-ldap' '--with-pop' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -Wall -Wno-switch -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -DLDAP_DEPRECATED ' 'LDFLAGS=' 'build_alias=x86_64-suse-linux' 'host_alias=x86_64-suse-linux' 'target_alias=x86_64-suse-linux'
XEmacs 21.5-b25 "eggplant" (+CVS-20060326) configured for `x86_64-suse-linux'.
Compilation Environment and Installation Defaults:
Source code location: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/xemacs-
Installation prefix: /usr
Operating system description file: `s/linux.h'
Not using any machine description file
Compiler version: gcc (GCC) 4.1.0 (SUSE Linux)
- GCC specs file: specs.
- Compiler command: gcc -Wall -Wno-switch -Wundef -Wsign-compare -Wno-char-subscripts -Wpacked -Wunused-parameter -g -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -Wall -Wno-switch -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -DLDAP_DEPRECATED
libc version:
Relocating allocator for buffers: no
GNU version of malloc: yes
- Using Doug Lea's new malloc from the GNU C Library.
Window System:
Compiling in support for the X window system:
- X Windows headers location: /usr/X11R6/include
- X Windows libraries location: /usr/X11R6/lib64
- Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
Compiling in support for the Athena widget set:
- Athena headers location: X11/Xaw3d
- Athena library to link: Xaw3d
Using Lucid menubars.
Using Lucid scrollbars.
Using Athena dialog boxes.
Using Athena native widgets.
Compiling in support for ncurses.
Compiling in support for GPM (General Purpose Mouse).
Compiling in support for GIF images (builtin).
Compiling in support for XPM images.
Compiling in support for PNG images.
Compiling in support for JPEG images.
Compiling in support for TIFF images.
Compiling in support for X-Face message headers.
Compiling in support for sound (native).
Compiling in support for Berkeley database.
Compiling in support for GNU DBM.
Compiling in support for LDAP.
Compiling in support for Mule (multi-lingual Emacs).
Compiling in support for XIM (X11R5+ I18N input method).
- Using raw Xlib to provide XIM support.
- Using XFontSet to provide bilingual menubar.
Compiling in support for Canna on Mule.
Compiling in support for the WNN input method on Mule.
Compiling in support for POP mail retrieval.
Compiling in support for "file" mail spool file locking method.
Other Features:
Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
Compiling in support for dynamic shared object modules.
Using the new GC mark algorithms (KKCC).
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
WARNING: The new algorithms are experimental. They are enabled by
WARNING: default for this release. Use `--disable-kkcc' to
WARNING: turn it off.
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
Using the new incremental garbage collector and the new allocator.
Using POSIX sigaction() to install fault handler.
Using the new portable dumper.
Compiling in support for extra debugging code.
Load-Path Lisp Shadows:
/usr/share/xemacs/ /home/jarl/elisp/mwheel
Installed XEmacs Packages:
(zenirc ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.112)
(xslt-process ver: 1.12 upstream: 1.2.1)
(xslide ver: 1.09 upstream: 0.2.2)
(xetla ver: 1.0 upstream: steve(a)
(xemacs-devel ver: 1.72 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(xemacs-base ver: 2.0 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(x-symbol ver: 1.1 upstream: 4.5.1)
(w3 ver: 1.31 upstream: 4.0pre47)
(vm ver: 7.22 upstream: 7.17)
(viper ver: 1.47 upstream: 3.09)
(view-process ver: 1.13 upstream: 2.4)
(vhdl ver: 1.2 upstream: 3.33.2)
(vc ver: 1.41 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(tramp ver: 1.28 upstream: 2.0.51)
(tpu ver: 1.14 upstream: 4.2X)
(tm ver: 1.38 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(time ver: 1.14 upstream: 1.17)
(textools ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(text-modes ver: 1.9 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(texinfo ver: 1.3 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(supercite ver: 1.21 upstream: 3.55x3)
(strokes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(speedbar ver: 1.28 upstream: 0.14beta4)
(slider ver: 1.15 upstream: 0.3x1)
(sieve ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sh-script ver: 1.21 upstream: 2.0f)
(sgml ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(semantic ver: 1.19 upstream: 1.4.2)
(scheme ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ruby-modes ver: 1.02 upstream: 1.6.8)
(rmail ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(riece ver: 1.21 upstream: 2.0.2)
(reftex ver: 1.34 upstream: 4.21)
(re-builder ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.20)
(python-modes ver: 1.06 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(psgml ver: 1.44 upstream: 1.3.1)
(ps-print ver: 1.11 upstream: 6.5.6)
(prog-modes ver: 2.06 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pgg ver: 1.06 upstream: 0.1)
(perl-modes ver: 1.08 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pcomplete ver: 1.04 upstream: 1.1.6)
(pcl-cvs ver: 1.66 upstream: R-2_9_9)
(pc ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(os-utils ver: 1.36 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ocaml ver: 0.05 upstream: 3.06)
(misc-games ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(mine ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.9)
(mh-e ver: 1.29 upstream: 7.4.2)
(mew ver: 1.19 upstream: 1.94.2)
(mailcrypt ver: 2.14 upstream: 3.5.8)
(mail-lib ver: 1.75 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(jde ver: 1.48 upstream: 2.3.2)
(ispell ver: 1.32 upstream: 3.6)
(ilisp ver: 1.33 upstream: 5.12.0)
(igrep ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.111)
(idlwave ver: 1.32 upstream: 5.1)
(ibuffer ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(hm--html-menus ver: 1.23 upstream: 5.9)
(haskell-mode ver: 1.07 upstream: 1.45)
(gnats ver: 1.17 upstream: 3.101)
(games ver: 1.17 upstream: 1.04)
(fsf-compat ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(fortran-modes ver: 1.04 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(forms ver: 1.15 upstream: 2.37)
(footnote ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.18x)
(eudc ver: 1.39 upstream: 1.32)
(eterm ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(eshell ver: 1.1 upstream: 2.4.1)
(escreen ver: 1.01 upstream: 1.16)
(emerge ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(eieio ver: 1.05 upstream: 0.17)
(efs ver: 1.33 upstream: 1.23)
(edt ver: 1.13 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edit-utils ver: 2.32 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ediff ver: 1.6 upstream: 2.75)
(edebug ver: 1.21 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ecrypto ver: 0.2 upstream: 2.0)
(ecb ver: 1.22 upstream: 2.31)
(docbookide ver: 0.07000000000000001 upstream: 0.1)
(dired ver: 1.17 upstream: 7.13)
(dictionary ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.8)
(debug ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(cookie ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(clearcase ver: 1.1 upstream: /main/laptop/165)
(cc-mode ver: 1.45 upstream: 5.30.10)
(calendar ver: 1.23 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(calc ver: 1.26 upstream: 2.02fX3)
(c-support ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(build ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.02)
(bbdb ver: 1.29 upstream: 2.34)
(auctex ver: 1.46 upstream: 11.55)
(apel ver: 1.32 upstream: 10.6)
(ada ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.27)
(mule-ucs ver: 1.14 upstream: 0.84)
(mule-base ver: 1.47 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(leim ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(latin-unity ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.15)
(egg-its ver: 1.27 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edict ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.9.9)
Installed Modules:
(hexl time-stamp view-less view ehelp electric mail-abbrevs xemacsbug
shadow sendmail rfc822 efs-cu bbdb regexp-opt timezone esms esms-conf
esms-ssp-funs time-functions dansk code-conversion ansi-color mwheel
psvn edmacro vc ring vc-hooks font-lock tex-site pcl-cvs diff-mode
advice advice-preload pcl-cvs-parse pcl-cvs-info pcl-cvs-defs
pcl-cvs-util cvs-compat dired-faces dired-xemacs dired cookie dll
elib-node time cus-face un-define latin-euro-input quail overlay
latin-unity-tables latin-euro-standards latin-euro-latin10
latin-euro-latin9 latin-euro-latin7 latin-unity-vars latin-unity
ispell latin-euro-latin8 x-compose zenirc-autoloads xwem-autoloads
xslt-process-autoloads xslide-autoloads xlib-autoloads xetla-autoloads
xemacs-devel-autoloads xemacs-base-autoloads x-symbol-autoloads
w3-autoloads vm-autoloads viper-autoloads view-process-autoloads
vhdl-autoloads vc-autoloads tramp-autoloads tpu-autoloads tm-autoloads
time-autoloads textools-autoloads text-modes-autoloads
texinfo-autoloads supercite-autoloads strokes-autoloads
speedbar-autoloads slider-autoloads sieve-autoloads
sh-script-autoloads sgml-autoloads semantic-autoloads scheme-autoloads
ruby-modes-autoloads rmail-autoloads riece-autoloads reftex-autoloads
re-builder-autoloads python-modes-autoloads psgml-autoloads
ps-print-autoloads prog-modes-autoloads pgg-autoloads
perl-modes-autoloads pcomplete-autoloads pcl-cvs-autoloads
pc-autoloads os-utils-autoloads ocaml-autoloads net-utils-autoloads
misc-games-autoloads mine-autoloads mh-e-autoloads mew-autoloads
mailcrypt-autoloads mail-lib-autoloads jde-autoloads ispell-autoloads
ilisp-autoloads igrep-autoloads idlwave-autoloads ibuffer-autoloads
hm--html-menus-autoloads haskell-mode-autoloads gnus-autoloads
gnats-autoloads games-autoloads fsf-compat-autoloads
fortran-modes-autoloads forms-autoloads footnote-autoloads
eudc-autoloads eterm-autoloads eshell-autoloads escreen-autoloads
erc-autoloads emerge-autoloads eieio-autoloads efs-autoloads
edt-autoloads edit-utils-autoloads ediff-autoloads ediff-hook
edebug-autoloads ecrypto-autoloads ecb-autoloads docbookide-autoloads
dired-autoloads dictionary-autoloads debug-autoloads cookie-autoloads
clearcase-autoloads cc-mode-autoloads calendar-autoloads
calc-autoloads c-support-autoloads build-autoloads bbdb-autoloads
auctex-autoloads apel-autoloads ada-autoloads mule-ucs-autoloads
mule-base-autoloads leim-autoloads latin-unity-autoloads
egg-its-autoloads edict-autoloads modules-autoloads mule-autoloads
auto-autoloads disp-table loadhist rsz-minibuf auto-show fontl-hooks
canna-leim tibetan lao devanagari indian slovenian czech romanian ccl
code-cmds gutter-items menubar-items x-menubar mode-motion mouse
behavior itimer auto-save lisp-mode easymenu easy-mmode iso8859-1 page
buff-menu lib-complete cus-file derived newcomment env text-props
fontconfig frame obsolete cus-start custom widget cl-extra cl cl-19
packages backquote wnn unicode lucid-scrollbars cut-buffer
lucid-menubars athena-dialogs x c-balloon-help tty-frames tty toolbar
native-sound scrollbar unix-processes multicast network-streams
subprocesses modules menu-accelerator-support menubar berkeley-db dbm
md5 xemacs xim mule gutter tiff png gif jpeg xface xpm xbm
lisp-float-type file-coding linux dialog devices window-system base64)
Recent keystrokes:
left right right right right left left left left right
right right right left left left left C-x b RET down
down down down up up up up up up up up up up up up
up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up RET RET
down up up down down down C-x k RET C-x b RET C-x k
RET C-x b RET M-x up up RET up RET C-x o C-x o C-g
C-x b RET C-x k RET C-x b RET C-x k RET C-x b C-g M-x
up RET
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XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[Bug: 21.5-b28] gc-incremental crash in CVS XEmacs
17 years, 6 months
Adrian Aichner
Dear Bug Team!
In a recently started XEmacs[1] I do
C-x d (dired)
and instead of a nice directory listing I get this:
Let me know what other information I should collect should this kind
of crash happen again.
System Info to help track down your bug:
OS version:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
OS: Windows_NT
XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" (+CVS-20070824) configured for `i586-pc-win32'.
Building XEmacs using "NMAKE".
Building XEmacs using make flags " ".
Building XEmacs in source tree "c:\\Hacking\\\\XEmacs\\xemacs-21.5-clean".
For src, using compiler "cl -nologo -W3 -DSTRICT -Zi -O2 -G5 -Ob2 -MDd -c -TP -Ic:\Hacking\\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\nt\inc -Ic:\Hacking\\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\src -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\xpm-3.4k" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\xpm-3.4k\lib" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\libpng-1.0.2" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\zlib" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\tiff-v3.4\libtiff" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\jpeg-6b" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\compface" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\zlib" -DHAVE_MS_WINDOWS -DHAVE_MENUBARS -DHAVE_SCROLLBARS -DHAVE_TOOLBARS -DHAVE_WIDGETS -DHAVE_DIALOGS -DHAVE_XPM -DFOR_MSW -DHAVE_GIF -DHAVE_PNG -DHAVE_TIFF -DHAVE_JPEG -DHAVE_XFACE -DHAVE_ZLIB -DHAVE_NATIVE_SOUND -DMULE -DUSE_UNION_TYPE -DPDUMP -DNEW_GC -DUSE_KKCC -DSYSTEM_MALLOC -DDEBUG_XEMACS -D_DEBUG -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN32_NATIVE -Demacs -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DPATH_VERSION=\"21.5-b28\" -DPATH_PROGNAME=\"xemacs\" -DEMACS_VERSION=\"21.5-b28\" -DEMACS_PROGNAME=\"xemacs\" -DSTACK_TRACE_EYE_CATCHER=xemacs_21_5_b28_i586_pc_win32 -DPATH_PREFIX=\"..\" -DEMACS_MAJOR_VERSION=21 -DEMACS_MINOR_VERSION=5 -DEMACS_BETA_VERSION=28 -DXEMACS_CODENAME=\""fuki"\" -DXEMACS_EXTRA_NAME=\"(+CVS-20070824)\" -DEMACS_CONFIGURATION=\"i586-pc-win32\"".
For lib-src, using compiler "cl -nologo -W3 -DSTRICT -Zi -O2 -G5 -Ob2 -MDd -Ic:\Hacking\\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\lib-src -Ic:\Hacking\\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DWIN32_NATIVE".
Compiling as C++.
Installing XEmacs in "c:\\Program Files\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.5-b28".
Compiling in support for Microsoft Windows native GUI.
Compiling in international (MULE) support.
Compiling in support for XPM images.
Compiling in support for GIF images.
Compiling in support for PNG images.
Compiling in support for TIFF images.
Compiling in support for JPEG images.
Compiling in support for X-Face message headers.
Compiling in support for GZIP compression/decompression.
Compiling in support for toolbars.
Compiling in support for dialogs.
Compiling in support for widgets.
Compiling in support for native sounds.
Using union type for Lisp object storage.
NOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: This tends to trigger compiler bugs, especially when combined
NOTE: with MULE and ERROR_CHECKING. Crashes in pdump have recently
NOTE: been observed using Visual C++ in combination with union type,
NOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------
Using portable dumper.
Using system malloc.
Using DLL version of C runtime library.
Compiling in debugging support (no slowdown).
Compiling with optimization.
Using new experimental GC mark algorithms.
Using new experimental incremental garbage collector and new allocator.
Load-Path Lisp Shadows:
(c:\Program Files\XEmacs\site-packages\lisp\gnugo-xpms c:\Program
Files\XEmacs\site-packages\lisp\mokuxpms-2\gnugo-xpms c:\Program
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\calendar\time-date
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\gnus\time-date c:\Program
Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\calendar\parse-time c:\Program
Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\gnus\parse-time c:\Program
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\mule-packages\lisp\mule-base\korea-util
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\mule-packages\lisp\mule-base\japan-util
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\mule-packages\lisp\mule-base\ethio-util
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\mule-packages\lisp\mule-base\cyril-util
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\mule-packages\lisp\mule-base\china-util
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\mule-packages\lisp\mule-ucs\unicode
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\xemacs-base\regexp-opt
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\xemacs-base\easy-mmode
c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\build\build-report
Installed XEmacs Packages:
(zenirc ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.112)
(xwem ver: 1.22 upstream: lg(a)
(xslt-process ver: 1.12 upstream: 1.2.1)
(xslide ver: 1.09 upstream: 0.2.2)
(xlib ver: 1.14 upstream: lg(a)
(xetla ver: 1.01 upstream: steve(a)
(xemacs-devel ver: 1.75 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(xemacs-base ver: 2.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(x-symbol ver: 1.1 upstream: 4.5.1)
(whois-complete ver: 2.08 upstream: 2.08)
(w3 ver: 1.33 upstream: 4.0pre47)
(vm ver: 7.22 upstream: 7.17)
(viper ver: 1.55 upstream: 3.09)
(view-process ver: 1.13 upstream: 2.4)
(vhdl ver: 1.22 upstream: 3.33.12)
(vc ver: 0.9300000000000001 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(vb-mode ver: 1.37 upstream: 1.37)
(tramp ver: 1.38 upstream: 2.0.56)
(tpu ver: 1.14 upstream: 4.2X)
(tooltalk ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(time ver: 1.14 upstream: 1.17)
(textools ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(text-modes ver: 1.94 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(supercite ver: 1.21 upstream: 3.55x3)
(strokes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(speedbar ver: 1.28 upstream: 0.14beta4)
(sounds-wav ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sounds-au ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sml-mode ver: 0.12 upstream: 3.9.5)
(slider ver: 1.15 upstream: 0.3x1)
(sieve ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sh-script ver: 1.22 upstream: 2.0f)
(sgml ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(semantic ver: 1.2 upstream: 1.4.4)
(scheme ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sasl ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.14.4)
(ruby-modes ver: 1.02 upstream: 1.6.8)
(rmail ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(riece ver: 1.23 upstream: 3.1.2)
(reftex ver: 1.34 upstream: 4.21)
(python-modes ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pxp ver: 0.8 upstream: regular)
(psgml-dtds ver: 1.03 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(psgml ver: 1.45 upstream: 1.3.2)
(ps-print ver: 1.11 upstream: 6.5.6)
(prog-modes ver: 2.13 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pgg ver: 1.06 upstream: 0.1)
(perl-modes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pcomplete ver: 1.04 upstream: 1.1.6)
(pcl-cvs ver: 1.67 upstream: R-2_9_9)
(pc ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(os-utils ver: 1.39 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(oo-browser ver: 1.04 upstream: 4.08)
(ocaml ver: 0.06 upstream: 3.06)
(net-utils ver: 1.52 upstream: N/A)
(mmm-mode ver: 1.02 upstream: 0.4.7)
(misc-games ver: 1.19 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(mine ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.9)
(mh-e ver: 1.29 upstream: 7.4.2)
(mew ver: 1.19 upstream: 1.94.2)
(mailcrypt ver: 2.14 upstream: 3.5.8)
(mail-lib ver: 1.79 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(liece ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.4.9)
(jde ver: 1.51 upstream: 2.3.3)
(ispell ver: 1.32 upstream: 3.6)
(ilisp ver: 1.34 upstream: 5.12.0)
(igrep ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.111)
(idlwave ver: 1.32 upstream: 5.1)
(ibuffer ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(hyperbole ver: 1.16 upstream: 4.18)
(hm--html-menus ver: 1.23 upstream: 5.9)
(haskell-mode ver: 1.11 upstream: 2.1)
(gnus ver: 1.9 upstream: 5.10.7)
(gnats ver: 1.17 upstream: 3.101)
(general-docs ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(games ver: 1.17 upstream: 1.04)
(fsf-compat ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(frame-icon ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(fortran-modes ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(forms ver: 1.15 upstream: 2.37)
(footnote ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.18x)
(eudc ver: 1.39 upstream: 1.32)
(eterm ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ess ver: 1.16 upstream: 5.2.7)
(eshell ver: 1.11 upstream: 2.4.1)
(erc ver: 0.21 upstream: Version 5.1.2 Revision: 1.796.2.6)
(emerge ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(elib ver: 1.11 upstream: 1.0)
(eieio ver: 1.05 upstream: 0.17)
(eicq ver: 1.05 upstream: regular)
(efs ver: 1.33 upstream: 1.23)
(edt ver: 1.13 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edit-utils ver: 2.37 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ediff ver: 1.68 upstream: 2.75)
(edebug ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ecrypto ver: 0.2 upstream: 2.0)
(docbookide ver: 0.08 upstream: 0.1)
(dictionary ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.8)
(debug ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(crisp ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.34)
(cookie ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(clearcase ver: 1.1 upstream: /main/laptop/165)
(cc-mode ver: 1.45 upstream: 5.30.10)
(calendar ver: 1.3 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(calc ver: 1.26 upstream: 2.02fX3)
(cadence ver: 0.01 upstream: 0.01)
(c-support ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(build ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.02)
(bbdb ver: 1.32 upstream: 2.35)
(bat-mode ver: 1.5 upstream: 1.5)
(auctex ver: 1.48 upstream: 11.55)
(atp-mode ver: 1.6 upstream: 1.6)
(apel ver: 1.32 upstream: 10.6)
(ada ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.27)
(TerIDL ver: 1.0 upstream: 1.0)
(Sun ver: 1.16 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(mule-ucs ver: 1.14 upstream: 0.84)
(mule-base ver: 1.5 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(lookup ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.0)
(leim ver: 1.25 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(latin-unity ver: 1.2 upstream: 1.20)
(latin-euro-standards ver: 1.07 upstream: 1.07)
(xemacsbug shadow gnus-fun gnus-cite smiley annotations gnus-async
gnus-bcklg gnus-dup gnus-ml nnfolder pop3 nnml nndraft nnmh bbdb-gnus
bbdb-snarf mail-extr bbdb-com bbdb timezone nnnil gnus-agent gnus-srvr
gnus-score score-mode nnvirtual gnus-cache gnus-demon nntp gnus-setup
parse-time passwd cal-move view-less view ibuf-ext ibuffer epa-dired
vc-cvs time-stamp lazy-lock desktop blink-cursor erc-fill erc-stamp
erc-match erc-spelling flyspell ispell erc-goodies erc erc-backend
erc-menu erc-compat pp paren blink-paren uniquify iso-acc epa-setup
epa-file epa epg epg-config epg-package-info simple-wiki-completion
simple-wiki-definitions simple-wiki-edit simple-wiki thingatpt
http-post http-get http-cookies hexl emms-playing-time emms-lyric
emms-player-extensions emms-info-later-do later-do emms-mode-line
emms-pbi-popup emms-pl-manip emms-tageditor emms-pbi-mark
emms-info-ogg ogg-comment emms-info-mp3info emms-info emms-pbi
emms-player-simple emms-source-file emms-default emms nnir
org-timeclock org outline remember-planner remember planner-publish
muse-xml planner-gnus gnus-msg gnus-art mm-uu mml2015 pgg pgg-parse
pgg-def mm-view gnus-sum gnus-group gnus-undo gnus-start gnus-spec
gnus-int gnus-range gnus-win planner-accomplishments planner-id
compile planner-timeclock-summary align planner-timeclock timeclock
planner-tasks-overview planner-schedule edmacro schedule holidays
diary-lib planner-report planner overlay calendar cal-xemacs
cal-compat sort muse-html muse-xml-common muse-colors font disp-table
muse-mode pcomplete muse-project cus-edit cus-load muse-publish muse
muse-protocols info muse-regexps muse-nested-tags ffap gnuslog nndoc
nnoo nnmail mail-source gnus gnus-ems gnus-xmas wid-edit message
messagexmas mml mml-sec mml-smime smime dig mm-decode mm-bodies
mm-encode mailcap lpr mail-parse rfc2045 rfc2231 rfc2047 qp ietf-drums
mail-abbrevs sendmail rfc822 mailheader canlock sha1 hex-util nnheader
nnheaderxm gnus-util netrc time-date mm-util mail-prsvr mail-utils
clearcase reporter tramp-vc tramp regexp-opt executable advice
advice-preload shell comint password format-spec timer-funcs trampver
vc-rcs vc ring vc-hooks vc-xemacs redo scroll-in-place func-menu
font-lock filladapt crypt crypt++ crypt+pgp-pub completer efs-cu
efs-x19.15 efs-fnh efs-ovwrt efs-auto cus-face dired-faces
dired-xemacs dired pending-del zenirc-autoloads xwem-autoloads
xslt-process-autoloads xslide-autoloads xlib-autoloads xetla-autoloads
xemacs-devel-autoloads xemacs-base-autoloads x-symbol-autoloads
whois-complete-autoloads w3-autoloads vm-autoloads viper-autoloads
view-process-autoloads vhdl-autoloads vc-autoloads vb-mode-autoloads
tramp-autoloads tpu-autoloads tooltalk-autoloads time-autoloads
textools-autoloads text-modes-autoloads texinfo-autoloads
supercite-autoloads strokes-autoloads speedbar-autoloads
sounds-wav-autoloads sounds-au-autoloads sml-mode-autoloads
slider-autoloads sieve-autoloads sh-script-autoloads sgml-autoloads
semantic-autoloads scheme-autoloads sasl-autoloads
ruby-modes-autoloads rmail-autoloads riece-autoloads reftex-autoloads
re-builder-autoloads python-modes-autoloads pxp-autoloads
psgml-dtds-autoloads psgml-autoloads ps-print-autoloads
prog-modes-autoloads pgg-autoloads perl-modes-autoloads
pcomplete-autoloads pcl-cvs-autoloads pc-autoloads os-utils-autoloads
oo-browser-autoloads ocaml-autoloads net-utils-autoloads
mmm-mode-autoloads misc-games-autoloads mine-autoloads mh-e-autoloads
mew-autoloads mailcrypt-autoloads mail-lib-autoloads liece-autoloads
jde-autoloads ispell-autoloads ilisp-autoloads igrep-autoloads
idlwave-autoloads ibuffer-autoloads hyperbole-autoloads
hm--html-menus-autoloads haskell-mode-autoloads gnus-autoloads
gnats-autoloads general-docs-autoloads games-autoloads
fsf-compat-autoloads frame-icon-autoloads fortran-modes-autoloads
forms-autoloads footnote-autoloads eudc-autoloads eterm-autoloads
ess-autoloads eshell-autoloads erc-autoloads emerge-autoloads
elib-autoloads eieio-autoloads eicq-autoloads efs-autoloads
edt-autoloads edit-utils-autoloads ediff-autoloads edebug-autoloads
ecrypto-autoloads ecb-autoloads docbookide-autoloads dired-autoloads
dictionary-autoloads debug-autoloads crisp-autoloads cookie-autoloads
clearcase-autoloads cc-mode-autoloads calendar-autoloads
calc-autoloads cadence-autoloads c-support-autoloads build-autoloads
bbdb-autoloads bat-mode-autoloads auctex-autoloads atp-mode-autoloads
apel-autoloads ada-autoloads TerIDL-autoloads Sun-autoloads
mule-ucs-autoloads mule-base-autoloads lookup-autoloads leim-autoloads
latin-unity-autoloads latin-euro-standards-autoloads planner-autoloads
bbdb-pilot-autoloads site-packages-lisp-autoloads mule-autoloads
auto-autoloads auto-show fontl-hooks canna-leim tibetan slovenian
czech romanian lao devanagari indian cyrillic code-cmds gutter-items
menubar-items x-menubar dragdrop mode-motion mouse behavior itimer
auto-save lisp-mode easymenu easy-mmode iso8859-1 page buff-menu
lib-complete loadhist cus-file derived newcomment rsz-minibuf env
text-props frame obsolete cus-start custom widget cl-extra cl cl-19
packages backquote unicode mswindows-scrollbars mswindows toolbar
native-sound scrollbar network-streams subprocesses
menu-accelerator-support menubar md5 xemacs mule gutter tiff png gif
jpeg xface xpm xbm lisp-float-type file-coding dde windows-nt
dragdrop-api dialog devices window-system base64)
Recent keystrokes:
C-a C-g M-p M-p C-SPC C-a C-w C-g M-x p l - e d SPC
RET C-e C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b
C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b
C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-f C-b C-b C-b
C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b C-b [ [ ] ] SPC C-b
C-b C-b C-y RET TAB RET M-x g n u s RET RET M-x g n
- g o SPC RET q s M-x r - e - b SPC RET
Recent messages (most recent first):
Starting new Ispell process...
Fontifying *mail to XEmacs Beta*... done.
Fontifying *mail to XEmacs Beta*...
Loading xemacsbug...done
Loading xemacsbug...
Saving c:\Users\AichnerAd\.newsrc.eld...done
Wrote c:\Users\AichnerAd\.newsrc.eld
Saving c:\Users\AichnerAd\.newsrc.eld...
Loading gnus-fun...done
Loading gnus-fun...
Generating summary...done
Generating summary...
Suppressing duplicates...done
Suppressing duplicates...
Fetching headers for nnml:xemacs-patches...done
Fetching headers for nnml:xemacs-patches...
Retrieving newsgroup: nnml:xemacs-patches...
Parsing BBDB... (frobnicating...done)
Parsing BBDB... (frobnicating...)
Parsing BBDB... (reading...)
[1] This XEmacs build is documented in
From: "Adrian Aichner" <adrian(a)>
Subject: [Success] XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" (+CVS-20070824) i586-pc-win32
To: XEmacs Build Reports List <xemacs-buildreports(a)>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:25:27 +0200
Organization: The XEmacs Project
Message-ID: <mywgfrbs.fsf(a)>
Adrian Aichner
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[AC21.4] xemacs-21.5-clean: Sync font-lock-add-keywords and font-lock-remove-keywords from GNU Emacs
17 years, 6 months
Vin Shelton
Thanks for the patch, Adrian.
It has been committed to the 21.4 branch and will appear
in the 21.4.21 release.
- Vin
On 11/1/06, Adrian Aichner <adrian(a)> wrote:
> Hi Vin, here is the patch again.
> I was able to find it quickly by use of
> M-x gnus-article-refer-article
> on the message-id I quoted in my followup mail.
> Let me know if this works for you.
> Best regards!
> Adrian
> Many unbundled lisp libraries don't work out-of-the-box due to these
> missing functions.
> I've had these locally added to my 21.4 build for years.
> It's time we close this compatibility gap.
> oddmuse.el works out of the box for me with this patch.
> Adrian
> xemacs-21.5-clean ChangeLog patch:
> Diff command: cvs -q diff -U 0
> Files affected: lisp/ChangeLog
> Index: lisp/ChangeLog
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /pack/xemacscvs/XEmacs/xemacs/lisp/ChangeLog,v
> retrieving revision 1.766
> diff -u -U0 -r1.766 ChangeLog
> --- lisp/ChangeLog 1 Nov 2006 21:35:35 -0000 1.766
> +++ lisp/ChangeLog 1 Nov 2006 23:13:52 -0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
> +2006-11-02 Adrian Aichner <adrian(a)>
> +
> + * font-lock.el: Sync font-lock-add-keywords and
> + font-lock-remove-keywords from GNU Emacs.
> + * font-lock.el (font-lock-keywords-alist): New.
> + * font-lock.el (font-lock-removed-keywords-alist): New.
> + * font-lock.el (font-lock-add-keywords): New.
> + * font-lock.el (font-lock-update-removed-keyword-alist): New.
> + * font-lock.el (font-lock-remove-keywords): New.
> +
The Journey by Mary Oliver
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: [Bug: 21.4.17] XEmacs eats customizations in .emacs file
17 years, 6 months
Michael Sperber
Ralf Angeli <angeli(a)> writes:
> When starting XEmacs without a .xemacs directory, but with a .emacs
> file being present, it asks if the .emacs file should be migrated to
> .xemacs/init.el. If you answer "no" to this question, it will change
> and delete a lot of customizations in the .emacs file.
I know things take a long time out here, but here's finally a fix for
this. Migration will now create a backup file of your .emacs if
possible. (Leaving the old .emacs in place doesn't really
work---migration either wants to replace it or know that it's been
moved.) Will apply Saturday if nobody objects.
2007-08-09 Mike Sperber <mike(a)>
* startup.el (migrate-user-init-file): Create backup of
`user-init-file' before migrating.
* startup.el (maybe-migrate-user-init-file): Print
information about backup file.
(maybe-create-compatibility-dot-emacs): Follow above change.
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla
Index: lisp/startup.el
RCS file: /pack/xemacscvs/XEmacs/xemacs/lisp/startup.el,v
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.59 startup.el
--- lisp/startup.el 2 Aug 2007 06:37:53 -0000 1.59
+++ lisp/startup.el 9 Aug 2007 12:54:05 -0000
@@ -880,43 +880,56 @@
(yes-or-no-p-minibuf (concat "Migrate init file to "
"? "))))
- (progn
- (migrate-user-init-file)
- (maybe-create-compatibility-dot-emacs))
- (customize-save-variable 'load-home-init-file t))))
-(defun maybe-create-compatibility-dot-emacs ()
- "Ask user if she wants to create a .emacs compatibility file."
- (if (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer-name nil)
- (progn
- (princ "The initialization code has now been migrated to the ")
- (princ user-init-directory)
- (princ "directory.
+ (let ((backup (migrate-user-init-file)))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer-name nil)
+ (progn
+ (princ "The initialization code has now been migrated to the ")
+ (princ user-init-directory)
+ (princ "directory.
For backwards compatibility with, for example, older versions of XEmacs,
XEmacs can create a special old-style .emacs file in your home
directory which will load the relocated initialization code.")
- (show-temp-buffer-in-current-frame standard-output)
- (yes-or-no-p-minibuf "Create compatibility .emacs? ")))
+ (if backup
+ (progn
+ (princ "\nMoreover, a backup of your old .emacs file was created as\n")
+ (princ backup)
+ (princ ".\n")))
+ (show-temp-buffer-in-current-frame standard-output)
+ (maybe-create-compatibility-dot-emacs))))
+ (customize-save-variable 'load-home-init-file t))))
+(defun maybe-create-compatibility-dot-emacs ()
+ "Ask user if she wants to create a .emacs compatibility file."
+ (if (yes-or-no-p-minibuf "Create compatibility .emacs? ")
(defun migrate-user-init-file ()
- "Migrate the init file from the home directory."
+ "Migrate the init file from the home directory.
+Return the name of backup file, if one was created."
(if (not (file-exists-p user-init-directory))
(message "Creating %s directory..." user-init-directory)
(make-directory user-init-directory)))
(message "Migrating custom file...")
- (customize-set-value 'load-home-init-file nil)
- (custom-migrate-custom-file (make-custom-file-name user-init-file
- 'force-new))
- (message "Moving init file...")
- (let ((new-user-init-file (expand-file-name user-init-file-base
- user-init-directory)))
- (rename-file user-init-file new-user-init-file)
- (setq user-init-file new-user-init-file))
- (message "Migration done."))
+ (let* ((backup (concat user-init-file ".backup"))
+ (backup-p
+ (and (not (file-exists-p backup))
+ (progn
+ (copy-file user-init-file backup)
+ t))))
+ (customize-set-value 'load-home-init-file nil)
+ (custom-migrate-custom-file (make-custom-file-name user-init-file
+ 'force-new))
+ (message "Moving init file...")
+ (let ((new-user-init-file (expand-file-name user-init-file-base
+ user-init-directory)))
+ (rename-file user-init-file new-user-init-file)
+ (setq user-init-file new-user-init-file))
+ (message "Migration done.")
+ (and backup-p backup)))
(defun create-compatibility-dot-emacs ()
"Create .emacs compatibility file for migrated setup."
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