15 years, 3 months
strange chars in news,
15 years, 3 months
Uwe Brauer
The following text is displayed correctly in seamonkey, but xemacs
21.4.21 Mule with ngnus fails:
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \begin{align}
>> \label{eq:klaus_t09:1}
>> |1 + (1-2\alpha)it + (\alpha-\frac{1}{3})t^{2}|^2 &\leq \left( |
>> 1 - \alpha i t|^2
>> \right)^2\\
> \intertext{Wegen <deshalb> schreibt man
>> |1 + (1-2\alpha)it + (\alpha-\frac{1}{3})t^{2}|^2
>> & \leq \left( 1 + \alpha^2 t^{2}
>> \right)^2\\
> \intertext{Mit <darum> führt das zu
>> \left( 1 +(\alpha-\frac{1}{3})t^{2} \right)^2 +
>> (1-2\alpha)^2t^{2}
>> & \leq \left( 1 + \alpha^2 t^{2} \right)^2\\
> [
> \end{align}
What can I do about that?
Uwe Brauer
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
#'cd was broken?
15 years, 3 months
Dear Developers,
As title, after the changeset:
changeset: 4640:8cef85a39d2c
user: Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)>
date: Sat Jun 06 17:20:21 2009 +0100
summary: Make CDPATH handling portable, accept entries not matching "/$".
The #'cd function is seemed to be broken, in the following scenario:
1. the CDPATH environment is unseted or empty
2. 'cd-path was nil
3. cd to a relative path, e.g. (cd ".."), (cd "foo/bar")
==> wrong type of argument stringp, nil
Caused by (split-path nil)....
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
15 years, 3 months
Tom Browder
I'm using gfortran and having a problem with a certain line in the
compile message buffer. I use "C-x `" to go to the next error. On
lines like this:
/path/libtb4.a(asi_expext.o):/path/asi_expext.f:207: first defined here
I get. in the mini-buffer:
Find this error in (default) expect.f: /path
If I hiit return in the mini-buffer I get a beep. If I instead do
"C-x `" again I go to the next error in source just fine.
What I would like to do is have lines like
/path/libtb4.a(asi_expext.o):/path/asi_expext.f:207: first defined here
not show in the error list since they are always accompanied by a good
error pointer. If that isn't possible, I would XEmacs to point to the
Can anyone tell me how to do that? By looking at compile.el, it looks
like there are a series of regexes, associated with compiler or system
keywords (gnu, sgi, etc.), that find all error lines during a compile.
Using what I've seen at the g95 site s a guide, I have put this in my
init.el to try to capture the info in that error line:
(eval-after-load "compile"
'(setq compilation-error-regexp-alist
(cons '("^\\(.+\\):\\(.+\\):\\([0-9]+\\): first defined here" 2 3)
According to what I see in the compile.el, that should capture the
second file name instance and the line number, but that hasn't worked
in this case.
In compile.el, for gnu, there are these two lines:
("[a-zA-Z]?:?[^0-9 \n\t:]+:[ \t]*\\([^ \n\t:]+\\):\
\\([0-9]+\\):\\(\\([0-9]+\\)[: \t]\\)?" 1 2 4)
;; GNU messages with program name and optional column number
;; and a severity letter after that. nsgmls makes them.
("[^0-9 \n\t:]+:[ \t]*\\([^ \n\t:]+\\):\
\\([0-9]+\\):\\(\\([0-9]+\\):\\)?[A-Za-z]:" 1 2 4)
I assume that those two normally determine the actions of "C-x `", so
how does the entry in my init.el come into action? Before or after or
in between what's going on? Or maybe not at all?
A gnu list with regex to ignore an error line would be my choice.
Thanks for any help or pointers..
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Volunteer needed: Windows installer for 21.5.29
15 years, 4 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
We've received a couple of requests for Windows installers (Innosetup
or MSI would do, there are probably others that would be acceptable).
I'm not in a position to tool up for it myself, so I'm looking for a
volunteer. Of course we'd like to have somebody who would do it for
future releases, too, but a one-off contribution of the time and
expertise would certainly be welcomed.
If you think you might be able to do it in the future, let me say that
I'm hoping to go to a fixed schedule for betas. At current pace of
development every two months, hopefully monthly with a faster pace of
patches in the future. Again, we would like all releases to have an
installer built, but that would be up to the volunteer. Also, there's
no reason it needs to be a single person, it could be a team in
Thanks for your support!
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Bug in dired? (Still a bug in ediff-directories)
15 years, 4 months
Tom Browder
1. Since I started using ubuntu (and XEmacs 2.4.21), I see weird
things in my dired buffer at the bottom:
//DIRED// 66 67 121 123 177 178 232 253
//DIRED-OPTIONS// --quoting-style=literal
Is that normal now (it didn't use to be so that I recall). I have the
latest sumo packages installed (2009-02-17).
2. And I'm still haunted by the change in ediff-directories behavior
that started a year or so ago (which I reported on this list but no
one else had seen the problem then):
M-x ediff-directories<rtn>
minibuffer: "Directory A to compare:/path/to/di1/"<rtn> ;; <==
note the trailing slash, didn't use to show
minibuffer: "Directory B to compare:/path/to/"<rtn> ;; ditto
minibuffer: "Filter through regular expression: "<rtn>
minibuffer: <grating beep>"Directories A and B are the same:/path/to/di1/"
If I delete the trailing backslash each time, the function proceeds as
it always has (the delete '/' action on my part has become automatic
now, but it is an irritant).
Thanks for supporting such an incredible editor.
Tom Browder
Niceville, Florida
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Mercurial: automatically merge ChangeLogs
15 years, 4 months
Jerry James
With CVS, we got automatic ChangeLog merging, which I liked. I don't
get that, out of the box at least, with Mercurial. Is there some way
to set it up?
I would like to avoid what I just went through. I pulled in the
latest changes, got a merge conflict on two ChangeLogs, and then had
to figure out how to use meld (the tool selected by mercurial). That
very nice program silently changed the encoding of the merged file
from ISO8859-1 to UTF-8 without even asking me, and also added a blank
line at the end. Niiiiiiiiiice.
Jerry James
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Bug in dired? (Still a bug in ediff-directories) [SOLVED dired]
15 years, 4 months
Tom Browder
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 17:31, Mats Lidell<matsl(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Tom Browder <tom.browder(a)> writes:
> Tom> 1. Since I started using ubuntu (and XEmacs 2.4.21), I see weird
> Tom> things in my dired buffer at the bottom:
> Tom> //DIRED// 66 67 121 123 177 178 232 253
> Tom> //DIRED-OPTIONS// --quoting-style=literal
> My guess is that you have dired-use-ls-dired set to t.
> Dired should behave with that set, because it tells dired to use `ls
> --dired', really for its own usage. But my experience is that it seems
> to be buggy. Try setting dired-use-ls-dired to nil and this should go
> away.
That did it (but I didn't have dired-use-ls-dired set before, so it
must be set somewhere else as the default behavior).
Thanks so much, Mats.
> Yours
> --
> %% Mats
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Fortan.el [SOLVED]
15 years, 4 months
Tom Browder
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 08:15, Joachim Schrod<jschrod(a)> wrote:
> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> Tom Browder writes:
>> > When in fortran mode, I can't get paragraph fill to keep the '!'
>> > (exclamation point) character at the beginning of each wrapped line.
>> >
>> > Is there any way to fix that in my init.el file?
>> Try filladapt mode, and set filladapt-token-table appropriately
>> (sorry, I haven't played with this for years and don't have time to
>> dig in at the moment, HTH).
> Since a very long time, I've got the following code in my xemacs
> startup:
> ;; Add X Resource file support.
> (setq filladapt-token-table (append filladapt-token-table
> '(("!+" x-resource-comment))))
> (push '(x-resource-comment x-resource-comment)
> filladapt-token-match-table)
> (push '(x-resource-comment . exact)
> filladapt-token-conversion-table)
> That should do the trick.
That did the trick--thanks so much, Joachim!
XEmacs-Beta mailing list