Re: scrolling behavior
14 years
David Kastrup
Mats Lidell <matsl(a)> writes:
>>>>>> David Kastrup <dak(a)> writes:
> David> C-x 6 C-h on Emacs gives
> David> C-x 6 2 2C-two-columns
> [...]
> David> And those are used to create Windows scrolling together.
> two-column-mode is not part of the XEmacs Packages.
> It is probably easy to port to XEmacs. I have a version that almost
> works but have never found any real use for it so it is still almost
> working.
Actually, that last sentence describes my impression of 2C modes on
Emacs when I tried them last. Not sure whether porting would be worth
the trouble.
David Kastrup
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
RE: scrolling behavior
14 years
Sirano Dhe-Paganon
Thanks Mats and David; i also cannot get the C-x 6 command to work. Let me
know how I can help.
-----Original Message-----
From: xemacs-beta-bounces(a) []
On Behalf Of Mats Lidell
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 5:28 PM
To: David Kastrup
Cc: xemacs-beta(a)
Subject: Re: scrolling behavior
>>>>> David Kastrup <dak(a)> writes:
David> C-x 6 C-h on Emacs gives
David> C-x 6 2 2C-two-columns
David> And those are used to create Windows scrolling together.
two-column-mode is not part of the XEmacs Packages.
It is probably easy to port to XEmacs. I have a version that almost
works but have never found any real use for it so it is still almost
%% Mats
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: unicode in *compilation* buffer?
14 years
Charles G Waldman
Sean MacLennan writes:
> On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 21:24:49 +0100
> Glynn Clements <glynn(a)> wrote:
> > > Recent versions of gcc produce message like
> > >
> > > cd /home/cgw/Work/
> > > gcc -o inotify inotify.c
> > > inotify.c: In function a^\200\230actiona^\200\231:
> > > ...
> Sure these aren't colour codes? It seems some distros produce colour
> coded gcc output.
Yes, I'm sure they are quotes and not color codes. When I compile the
same code in a terminal window, these sequences are rendered as quotes.
- Charles
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
eldoc for xemacs
14 years
Raymond Toy
Sometime ago, I mentioned getting an updated version of eldoc into
xemacs. As mentioned then, the next to latest version which is GPLv2
compatible can be used. I've been using this version unchanged with
xemacs for some time now.
What do I need to do to get it into xemacs?
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: The XEmacs issue tracker is down^Wback up!
14 years
Aidan Kehoe
Ar an naoú lá is fiche de mí Méan Fómhair, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
> Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
> > Indeed, it is down.
> It's back up.
“Apart from the nine-banded armadillo, man is the only natural host of
Mycobacterium leprae, although it can be grown in the footpads of mice.”
-- Kumar & Clark, Clinical Medicine, summarising improbable leprosy research
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: scrolling behavior
14 years
Gary Foster
Hmm, yeah I never bothered wiring it to the mouse wheel (not a big
mouse fan). Shouldn't be too hard though to simply bind the scroll
wheel up and down events to the proper methods from the mode. I would
think it'd be pretty straight forward. It works when binding it
through the keyboard (I generally use the crisp-mode bindings with
You want to make sure you bind to the methods in the the scroll-all
mode, not to some random scrolling methods which may or may not be
captured. Take a look at the scroll bindings (up, down, page-up and
page down) in the crisp mode package for an example of how to play
nice with the scroll-all mode, although I believe the scroll-all mode
package also sets up bindings on the arrow keys (but like I said it's
been a while and I'm at work atm without XEmacs installed to verify).
Find the proper events and scroll methods and then just bind your
mousewheel events in the same way.
-- Gary F.
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
<sirano.dhepaganon(a)> wrote:
> Thank you Gary; scroll-all-mode does work when scroll commands (such as
> 'scroll-up') are manually entered in the input line, but on my machine not
> when the mouse scroll-wheel is used. My startup custom.el file is shown
> below. I will try to couple the commands to the mouse, but not sure.
> Sirano
> (custom-set-faces
> '(default ((t (:size "8pt" :family "Courier New"))) t)
> '(bold ((t (:size "8pt" :bold t))) t)
> '(linum ((t (:foreground ""))) t))
> (custom-set-variables
> '(gutter-buffers-tab-visible-p nil)
> '(interprogram-cut-function nil)
> '(zmacs-regions nil)
> '(case-fold-search nil)
> '(interprogram-paste-function nil)
> '(case-replace nil)
> '(toolbar-visible-p nil)
> '(truncate-lines t))
> (cd "y:/05_constructs")
> (set-face-background 'default "white") ; frame background
> (set-face-foreground 'default "black") ; normal text
> (set-face-background 'zmacs-region "grey") ; When selecting mouse
> (set-face-foreground 'zmacs-region "white")
> (set-face-background 'highlight "blue") ; Ie when selecting buffers
> (set-face-foreground 'highlight "yellow")
> (set-face-background 'modeline "grey") ; Line at bottom of buffer
> (set-face-foreground 'modeline "black")
> (set-face-background 'isearch "yellow") ; When highlighting while
> searching
> (set-face-foreground 'isearch "black")
> (set-face-background 'pointer "red")
> (set-face-foreground 'pointer "white")
> (set-face-background 'linum "green")
> (set-face-foreground 'linum "black")
> (setq x-pointer-foreground-color "black") ; Adds to bg color, so keep
> black
> (setq x-pointer-background-color "grey") ; This is color you really want
> ptr/crsr
> ;(set-face-font 'default "*courier-bold-r*120-100-100*")
> ;(set-face-font 'modeline "*bold-r-normal*140-100-100*")
> (load "y:/lisp/setface")
> (load "y:/lisp/sites")
> (load "y:/lisp/textedit")
> (load "y:/lisp/rectangle.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/toolbar")
> (load "y:/lisp/keys")
> (load "y:/lisp/protein_stability")
> (load "y:/lisp/setnu.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/structures")
> (load "y:/lisp/phylogenetics.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/path_pathways.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/count.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/path_hugo_stiglitz_renaming.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/path_nodes.el")
> (load "y:/lisp/scroll-all.el")
> ;(load "y:/lisp/ediff.el")
> ;(load "y:/lisp/ediff-util.el")
> ;(load "y:/lisp/ediff-wind.el")
> ;(load "y:/lisp/ediff-vers.el")
> ;(define-key ctl-x-map "," 'delete-empty-lines)
> ;;
> (defun delete-empty-lines ()
> "Delete empty lines from buffer"
> (interactive)
> (save-excursion
> (beginning-of-buffer) (replace-regexp "\n$" "")
> ;;(beginning-of-buffer) (replace-regexp "\n[ \t]*$" "")
> (beginning-of-buffer) (delete-blank-lines)))
> (load-file "y:/lisp/pdb-mode.el")
> (setq auto-mode-alist (cons (cons "pdb$" 'pdb-mode) auto-mode-alist ) )
> (autoload 'pdb-mode "PDB")
> (setq dna-do-setup-on-load t)
> (load "y:/lisp/dna-mode")
> (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-setnu-mode)
> (load-file "y:/lisp/prodrg-mode.el")
> (setnu-mode 1)
> (setq minibuffer-max-depth nil)
> (setq w32-use-full-screen-buffer nil)
> ;replace-regularexpression "^ .+" ""
> (setq initial-frame-plist '(height 68 width 260))
> ;(setq default-frame-plist '(height 60 width 205))
> ;(cd "c:/Documents and Settings/dhepag.SGC/My Documents/protein/")
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-on-left-p t)
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-width 30)
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-width 0 (selected-frame))
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-width (cons (current-buffer) 0))
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-width 25 (current-buffer))
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-height 25 (current-buffer))
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-width 20)
> ;(set-specifier scrollbar-height 20)
> ;(global-set-key 'up 'scroll-one-line-up)
> ;(global-set-key 'down 'scroll-one-line-down)
> ;(setq scroll-conservatively 100000)
> (setq scroll-step 4)
> (setq-default scroll-step 1)
> (setq scroll-preserve-screen-position t)
> ;(setq initial-frame-plist '(top 0 left 0 height 92 width 220))
> ;(setq default-frame-plist '(top 1 left 1 height 62 width 156))
> ;(setq w32-use-full-screen-buffer nil)
> ;(setq initial-frame-alist `((left . 0) (top . 0) (width . 237) (height .
> 65)))
> ;(defun w32-maximize-frame () (interactive) (w32-send-sys-command 61488))
> ;(add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'w32-maximize-frame t)
> ;(w32-send-sys-command #xf030)
> (defun uniquify-region-lines (beg end)
> "Remove duplicate adjacent lines in region."
> (interactive "*r")
> (save-excursion
> (goto-char beg)
> (while (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\n\\)\\1+" end t)
> (replace-match "\\1"))))
> (defun uniquify-buffer-lines ()
> "Remove duplicate adjacent lines in the current buffer."
> (interactive)
> (uniquify-region-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
> (defun sacha/increase-font-size ()
> (interactive)
> (set-face-attribute 'default
> nil
> :height
> (ceiling (* 1.10
> (face-attribute 'default :height)))))
> (defun sacha/decrease-font-size ()
> (interactive)
> (set-face-attribute 'default
> nil
> :height
> (floor (* 0.9
> (face-attribute 'default :height)))))
> (global-set-key (kbd "C-+") 'sacha/increase-font-size)
> (global-set-key (kbd "C--") 'sacha/decrease-font-size)
> (defun read-sequence (start end)
> "clean up sequence data in marked region, call it 'sequence' "
> (interactive "r")
> (setq sequence (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
> (kill-region start end)
> (setq truncate-lines nil)
> (setq sequence (mapconcat
> '(lambda (var) (if (string-match "[ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV]"
> (upcase (char-to-string var)))
> (upcase (char-to-string var)) "")) sequence
> "")
> )
> ; regexp filter removes whitespace and line numbers
> (insert sequence)
> )
> (defun hcon(seq)
> "count no of hydrophobic residues in sequence"
> (setq hcon 0)
> (mapcar '(lambda (var)
> (if (string-match "[ACGILMFPWV]"(upcase (char-to-string var)))
> (setq hcon (1+ hcon) ) )) seq)
> hcon)
> (defun sfe-estimate (eps sequence)
> "Rough HP estimate of structural free energy, in units of kT.
> eps is a hydrophobic strength parameter, expected to be typically in the
> range 2-4"
> (setq nh (hcon sequence))
> (setq ntot (length sequence))
> (setq Ne (floor (* 3 (expt ntot (/ 2.0 3))))) ; no. of solvent-exposed
> residues
> (setq Nb (- ntot Ne)) ; no. of 'bulk'
> residues
> (setq A (- (exp eps) 1)) ; ABC for quadratic
> soln
> (setq B (- (- nh Ne) (* (+ nh Nb) (exp eps)))) ; bulk-surface H:P
> partitioning
> (setq C (* (* (exp eps) nh) Nb))
> (setq nbu (floor (/ (/ (- (+ B (sqrt (- (* B B) (* 4 (* A C)))))) 2)
> A)))
> (setq nex (- nh nbu))
> (+ (+ (+ (+ (* eps nex) (* nbu (log nbu))) ; sum thermodynamic
> contributions
> (* (- Nb nbu) (log (- Nb nbu))))
> (* nex (log nex)))(* (- Ne nex) (log (- Ne nex))))
> )
> (define-key global-map '(alt f2) 'hyphenallminus)
> (define-key global-map '(alt f3) 'q126)
> (define-key global-map '(button1) 'mouse-track)
> (define-key global-map '(button2) 'insert-selection)
> (define-key global-map '(shift button1) 'cw-build-buffers)
> (define-key global-map '(shift button2) 'mouse-keep-one-window)
> (define-key global-map '(shift button3) 'mouse-function-menu)
> (define-key global-map '(alt tab) 'buffer-menu)
> (define-key global-map '(button3) 'popup-buffer-menu)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xemacs-beta-bounces(a) []
> On Behalf Of Gary Foster
> Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:50 PM
> To: David Kastrup
> Cc: xemacs-beta(a)
> Subject: Re: scrolling behavior
> Try the scroll-lock package ( might be called scroll-all, it has been a
> while). I wrote that a very long time ago and it might be what you are
> looking for.
> -- Gary F.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 28, 2010, at 9:06, David Kastrup <dak(a)> wrote:
>> "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen(a)> writes:
>>> Sirano Dhe-Paganon writes:
>>>> In Xemacs 21, how can I lock the scrolling behavior (either horizontal
> or
>>>> vertical, but not both) of split screens?
>>> You'll have to write the code to do this yourself AFAIK. It can be
>>> done, I'm sure, but it's not a built-in behavior. Normally split
>>> windows (even in the same frame) have independent geometry, and I
>>> don't think there's built-in provision for the kind of partial linkage
>>> you're talking about.
>> XEmacs does not have the C-x 6 keybindings? I thought they were pretty
>> ancient.
>> --
>> David Kastrup
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XEmacs-Beta mailing list
The XEmacs issue tracker is down.
14 years
Aidan Kehoe
Thanks to Hans de Graaff in IRC for pointing this out to me. Stephen, what’s
the story with this?
“Apart from the nine-banded armadillo, man is the only natural host of
Mycobacterium leprae, although it can be grown in the footpads of mice.”
-- Kumar & Clark, Clinical Medicine, summarising improbable leprosy research
XEmacs-Beta mailing list