Some time ago, Sandra Wambold wrote...
> From what I understand, we have a new version that solves the "won't
>start on some machines" problem, but we don't have a binary for it.
>(Please correct me if I'm wrong).
If I am not mistaken, the non-starting problem has to do with driver
DLLs smuggled by the system into the address space of the process, so
that the heap cannot be recreated at the same address as it was dumped
This problem has no cure, except for the portable dumper, which, IMO,
works more or less (please correct me if I am wrong again; I spent
more time outside xemacs lately).
Question for which I am crossposting this to xemacs-beta: what's up with
the portable dumper? Last time I tried it, there was no definitive
algorithm for locating the xemacs.dmp file; when I grepped through my
beta mailbox starting from March, I found nothing relevant (unventive