Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic(a)> wrote:
> Dmitry Yaitskov <dimas(a)> writes:
> > I am not sure I understand you correctly, but if so - this means
> > that it breaks the way cut/copy/paste is done in Windows. Is it a
> > "good thing"? Why is that a lot better than what we had before?
> I, for one, think that consistency across platforms is a good thing.
> You won't see C-c being copy or C-v paste in XEmacs any time soon --
> at least not by default. For that matter, XEmacs already does many
> things differently than typical X applications do.
> I'm not sure I fully understand your requests, though, so I might be
> wrong about consistency.
I do not care much about C-c being copy, this is something that can be
easily customized if needed. The thing I'm talking about here is
something much more basic. With the latest changes what happens is,
when under mswindows I *select* text (note - not copy or paste, just
select), the selection goes into the clipboard, overwriting its
previous contents. Hence the one of my most often used ops - getting
something into the clipboard, then selecting something else and
replacing the new selection with the clipboard contents is
*impossible*, I cannot even write a new "my-paste" lisp function to do
that - the XEmacs behaviour is now "consistent" with X selection being
the same as "clipboard", or rather with the lack of a notion of a
clipboard in X. This is consistent with X, but for Windows it is
absolutely outrageous. Selection and clipboard is not the same in
Windows, and - for once - this is something in which Windows is way
better than X. I hope that I simply missed something (I certainly
could've, in which case I sincerely apologize for my drivel), but if
not - the latest change simply makes XEmacs *unusable* for me, period.
For now, I went back to b14...