sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
> >>>>> "Clemens" == Clemens Heitzinger <cheitzin(a)rainbow.studorg.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> Clemens> sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
> >> As I explained, in CL you only have the non-hygienic option. You can
> >> hack around it, but it's still not going to do the right thing in all
> >> cases.
> Clemens> Can you give an example where with-hygienic-variables fails?
> Read the postings between Holger Schauer and myself on this very thread.
Source code, please.
Clemens Heitzinger
Student der Techn. Mathematik, Technische Universität Wien, Österreich
Vienna University of Technology, Austria