>>>>"CN" == Christian Nybø
<s911254(a)stud.nhh.no> writes:
CN> I upcase the string "Dø, e e i a æ å". I get "Dø, E E I A æ
CN> Then I do:
CN> (set-case-table iso8859/1-case-table)
CN> and the above string upcases to "DØ, E E I A Æ Å". Good. Now,
CN> like this behaviour for all buffers, and do
CN> (set-standard-case-table iso8859/1-case-table)
CN> , create a new buffer, and try with the same string.
CN> Contrary to the docs, it does not upcase the chars above address 128.
Unfortunatly, this is a (reported) bug since ages (19.13?). IMHO, there
should be a section "known bugs" somewhere in the XEmacs docs.
- Christoph