Ar an triú lá de mí na Samhain, scríobh stephen(a)
> > No, there's less testing of the registry spec against
actual fonts;
> > but as I understand the code, XListFonts should only be called
> > once.
> That’s not the case.
Then that should be fixed (not necessarily by you). There's provision
for a cache, at least at the Lisp level.
The results are cached, but to get a result, XListFonts may be called an
insane number of times, often, as mentioned, with an entirely inappropriate
pattern for the given charset. This is as expected, and can’t be avoided
with regex charset-registry fields.
A working cache (with a switch to revert to old uncached behavior)
be backported to 21.4, but I don't think an API change like the one
you've proposed should be.
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