kifer(a) (Michael Kifer) writes:
I recall that it was decided at some point that loading vc-hooks was
good citizenship, because it was breaking something.
What was it? pcl-cvs?
No vc-hooks.el, it is/was deemed too obnoxious.
I am asking because ediff uses some functions from vc-hooks.el to
the version control system of a file, or if the file is checked in or out
(in case of RCS). Some version-related things in ediff don't work correctly
if vc isn't loaded, and I don't like the idea of copying functions from one
package to another.
I think the solution is to not the version control stuff if vc-hooks
is not loaded. The other alternative would be to make vc-hooks less
obnoxious but it is difficult since it was not written to be enabled in
mid flight. (Although that is currently exactly what happens when the
VC menu is accessed first).