Vin Shelton <acs(a)> writes:
verna(a) said:
> By giving it a --site-includes, a --site-libraries, or more
> generally, a --site-prefixes option, which will take precedence over
> everything else.
If I could specify --site-XXX=none
I'm not sure what you mean. By default, there's no site-XXX at all.
and if specifying --site-XXX defeated the /usr/local lookup, that I
find satisfactory. I don't have a 21.0 configure handy; does it work like
this? 20.4 does not.
It actually prepends -I... and -L... stuff to the compiler flags.
/ / _ _ Didier Verna
- / / - / / /_/ / E.N.S.T. INF C214 mailto:vernaļ¼
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