On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Charles Hines uttered the following:
Didn't seem to be defined anywhere (that search command is a
nifty little perl
script that does a recursive grep like thing and the -xC option makes it
search all the C/C++ related files, including headers, from the current
directory down).
I concur (I think my `patch application and test' earlier on
unfortunately had a rogue --dry-run in it: there's no way this will
Is no_contribute_to_line_height a 21.4-windows-branch thing?
Because it certainly doesn't exist in 21.4.6.
That hunk (on line 870) looks like part of add_emchar_rune() to me: yet
surely emchar_runes *always* contribute to line height? Only glyphs can
have the contrib-p property...
`Unless they've moved it since I last checked, travelling between
England and America does not involve crossing the equator.'
--- pir