I have received this bug report, https://bugs.gentoo.org/661592, which is about a segmentation violation during the build process of xemacs 21.5.34. I managed to recreate the problem once(!) on one of my machines but after that I have not been able to get it again, sigh, although I have tried it a like 20 times or more.
I can't see that we have had this issue on the build bot either which uses the same machine I got the error on and does a lot of builds!?
Aidan: Have you seen anything …
[View More]like this? (With a hope that some recent development you have done has touched and fixed things that could cause segmentation violations in this old code base!?)
%% Mats
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I nave been banging a bit on vc-fossil.el from
and got it to work with Xemacses "slightly-older vc.
Provided there is interest: What would be the procedure to include the
fuke with the XEmacs vc?
The ASCII Ribbon Campaign Hauke Fath
() No HTML/RTF in email Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
/\ No Word docs in email TU …
[View More]Darmstadt
Respect for open standards Ruf +49-6151-16-21344
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Another possibly silly question arising from perusal of the great Mule
Is speed (or small linear factors in memory) ever actually a concern
nowadays? The whole deal of supporting multiple internal buffer
formats seems to be justified by speed for multi-lingual processing,
and there are various tricky things scattered around the rest of the
code to improve speed.
The last time I can remember being disturbed by XEmacs' slowness was
sometime in the mid 90s when I was running Lucid Emacs …
[View More]19 on a 68040.
(The days when a full compile was a go-out-for-long-dinner job rather than
a you-may-just-have-time-to-make-coffee job.)
On the other hand, I don't do extensive non-English processing.
Do people find XEmacs noticeably slow in any normal usage pattern?
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-09-18 - 2018-09-25)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
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572 open ( +0) / 325 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
Open issues with patches: 13
Average duration of open issues: 3279 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3485 days.
Open Issues Breakdown
new 263 ( +0)
deferred 6 ( +0)
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verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 16 ( +0)
Issues Now Closed (2)
Potential integer overflow bug at scan_lisp_file() 1589 days
http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/issue870 aidan
load-library command should offer interactive mode from comple 1059 days
http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/issue892 aidan
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-09-11 - 2018-09-18)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
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574 open ( +0) / 323 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
Open issues with patches: 13
Average duration of open issues: 3265 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3476 days.
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new 266 ( +0)
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verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 15 ( +0)
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-09-04 - 2018-09-11)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
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verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
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done/needs work 15 ( +0)
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-08-28 - 2018-09-04)
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574 open ( +0) / 323 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
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Average duration of open issues: 3251 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3462 days.
Open Issues Breakdown
new 266 ( +0)
deferred 6 ( +0)
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verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 15 ( +0)
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