>>>>"JR" == Jim Radford
<radford(a)robby.caltech.edu> writes:
JR> Would you mind changing the definition of PERL in the Makefile to
JR> PERL=perl -w. I get the feeling that it is _much_ more likely to work
JR> if you trust the user PATH instead of guessing where it is installed.
JR> Same with ksh. You seem to already trust that ln can be found.
OK, good idea (also using Jan's idea: no -w).
JR> I really want the MANIFEST to contain everything so I can remove
JR> (i.e. upgrade) the package easily.
Hm, if you want to remove everything, why not use
rm {etc,lisp,...}/PACKAGE/* ?
Currently, if you had used a package between 3.0e and 3.1g, and want to
upgrade, you just remove the files in the MANIFEST (actually, you can
leave that part out), and untar the distribution. Then you read in the
Installation section that fonts have not changed since 3.0d and you know
that you don't have to do anything else (because the pcf files are *not*
JR> The pcf font files should come bundled with the binary release.
Hm, I've though of that. But this would add 200k (tarred) to the binary
package (versus 1x "make" taking 5s)... And I'm not sure whether the
compiled pcf files work with all window systems (some people might use
other font managers or whatsoever), but I must admit I don't know too
much about this font stuff. Thus, if more people think that putting the
pcf font files with the binary package, this would be fine with me.
JR> It might be better to have a separate font package
JR> x-symbol-fonts-pkg.tar.gz to help save down-loading time during an
JR> upgrade.
I have though of that, too. (Jan, was it you who said it is better not
to split the distribution?) But I think down-loading a second package
is more work than to type "make" once. How would this work with pui?
JR> There could be a package with a different font format for Windows.
This could be a good reason. I know nothing about Windows, though...
JR> Third, I really think that XEmacs should handle the font path
JR> issues itself without asking the user (or administrator) to set it
JR> up.
This is a very good idea!
JR> I'd really like to see this work in XEmacs 21. I'll add the code to
JR> x-symbol to call these functions if this code is accepted.
OK, thanks.
JR> Here is my first pass at implementing x-(set|get)-font-path. It also
JR> my first attempt at coding elisp in C so I'm forwarding this to the
JR> xemacs-beta list to get suggestions and any other comments.
Thanks for your code. Other people are better candidates for comments
about XEmacs internals than me.
Back to the binary distribution: currently, I leave it as it is (except
the PERL thing), if more people think that I should include the pcf
files, I'll do that. If I get convinced that down-loading and
installing an additional font package is no hassle at all, I might even
split the package.
Anyway, thanks to you and Jan for your suggestions,
- Christoph