Hello Greg,
I spent some time today to get PCL-CVS's
e runs `cvs-mode-ediff'
working on native NT.
Fixed temp-directory handling along the way.
Then I decided to verify my patch against the CVS sources.
Much to my pleasant surprise you had incorporated these changes
already, and somewhat more general than my solution would have been.
So I tried xemacs-pcl-cvs and it works fine. I had to do an
unorthodox installation of xemacs-pcl-cvs under my package path and
generated the info doc from within XEmacs since I don't have makeinfo
on NT.
Now for a sensitive subject: Colors :O)
Cvs Filename Face: (sample) *
PCL-CVS face used to highlight file names.
Looks good.
Cvs Handled Face: (sample) *
PCL-CVS face used to highlight handled file status.
"pink" is almost invisible on grayish backgrounds. How about changing
this to "orchid" or "dark orchid", which is similar, but visible on
gray background.
Cvs Header Face: (sample) *
PCL-CVS face used to highlight directory changes.
Looks good.
Cvs Marked Face: (sample) *
PCL-CVS face used to highlight marked file indicator.
"green" looks vitriolic on my display at least. How about using the
general signaling color "red" here?
Cvs Need Action Face: (sample) *
PCL-CVS face used to highlight status of files needing action.
"orange" looks good. These files get the attention they need.
Cvs Unknown Face: (sample) *
PCL-CVS face used to highlight unknown file status.
"red" draws all attention to these files, while they may well be
un-interesting in many cases. How about using "forest green" for
I realize colors are a subject of taste. However, they can make a
big difference to make one feel at home. I, for one, hate the default
of "red" for font-lock-comment-face. It makes me feel guilty when I
write a comment into the source-code. So I use "forest green" for
comments. The more comments I write, the greener gets the environment
I work in.
PCL-CVS works great on Windows NT with the changes you've made since
the latest binary package.
Do you know when the latest changes will percolate into a package
installable via Options->Manage Packages from xemacs.org?
Best regards,