I just found out that describe-input-method in GNU emacs is much more
informative that ours. Here is a result
| Input method: hebrew-phonetic-xkb (mode line indicator:פ)
| Hebrew phonetic (XKB) input method.
| Based on the XKB (SUN) hebrew-phonetic keyboard layout, layout that
| attempts to match Hebrew letters to English phonetic equivalents.
| 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ ;~
| /Q 'W קE רR אT טY וU ןI םO פP [{ ]}
| שA דS גD כF עG יH חJ לK ךL ף: ," |
| זZ סX בC הV נB מN צM ת< ץ> .?
| ---------------
| This input method works by translating individual input characters.
| Assuming that your actual keyboard has the `standard' layout,
| translation results in the following "virtual" keyboard layout:
| +----------------------------------------------------------------+
| | 1 ! | 2 @ | 3 # | 4 $ | 5 % | 6 ^ | 7 & | 8 * | 9 ) | 0 ( | - _ | = + | ` ~
| +----------------------------------------------------------------+
| | ק ק | ו ו | א א | ר ר | ת ט | ע ע | ו ו | י י | ס ס | פ ף
| ] } | [ { |
| +------------------------------------------------------------+
| | א א | ש ש | ד ד | פ ף | ג ג | ה ה | י י | כ ך | ל ל | ; : |
' " | \ | |
| +-----------------------------------------------------------+
| | ז ז | ח ח | צ ץ | ו ו | ב ב | נ ן | מ ם | , > | . < | /
? |
| +-------------------------------------------------+
| +-----------------------------+
| | space bar |
| +-----------------------------+
| If your keyboard has a different layout, rearranged from
| `standard', the "virtual" keyboard you get with this input method
| will be rearranged in the same way.
| You can set the variable `quail-keyboard-layout-type' to specify
| the physical layout of your keyboard; the tables shown in
| documentation of input methods including this one are based on the
| physical keyboard layout as specified with that variable.
| [customize keyboard layout]
| ------------
| You can also input more characters by the following key sequences:
| key character(s) [type a key (sequence) and select one from the list]
| --- ------------
| E א א
| [back]
that is pretty cool, I just had a look in there mule-cmds.el file, which
is now very different from ours. I can't figure out where do the
generate the nifty graphical keyboard display.
Uwe Brauer
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