On 12 Jan 1999 17:22:14 +0100, you said:
<nbecker(a)fred.net> writes:
> You know, what would really be great? It would be great to be able
> to use customize to edit key bindings.
I agree, but it is not easy to think of a good UI to customize
The three biggest hurdles here are:
1) You don't know what their keyboard looks like (and we probably
can't do the sort of things Apple did with the Macintosh 'Key Caps'
2) A user trying to customize keymaps may not *know* or *care*
what the underlying Lisp function is called. All they might know
is "I like what Meta-Alt-X-5-leftfootpedal-cokebottle does, but it's
a bitch to type, so please make it Meta-7 instead"...
3) We still haven't decided how to cram all the various variants of
"this key either deletes a character in some direction (usually
forward or back, but possibly up or down, unless it happens to invoke
the help facility..." onto the keyboard. ;)
(Guess who had to explain Emacs to a manager recently? ;)
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech