"Stephen J. Turnbull" wrote:
>>>>> "Markus" == Markus Alt <altmark(a)de.ibm.com> writes:
Markus> FWIW, after downloading xemacs-21.2.46-21.2.47.patch.gz
Markus> and trying to apply it to my existing 21.2.46 build tree
Markus> (which also was extracted from the tarballs), I get the
Markus> following:
>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
Stephen> Markus, thank you very much for this report.
Stephen> I would not have caught it myself before the release, and
Stephen> I've added "applypatch" to the set of checks I need to do
Stephen> before uploading.
OK, I've created a new patchkit, tested it by applypatch'ing against
both `cvs checkout -r r21-2-46' and xemacs-21.2.46.tar.gz from
ftp.xemacs.org.[1], and uploading to
ftp.xemacs.org as
Please let me know if I've managed to mess it up in some more subtle
way, this time. :-) (Not your job, Markus!! Thanks again.)
A question of honour ... ;-) It applypatch'es and builds fine, at least
for me. Glad that I could help a little.