Ar an ceathrú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Roland Fehrenbacher:
It's iso-8859/1 as expected.
Okay, beyond that the only thing I can suggest is
1. xemacs -vanilla
Then, within that XEmacs:
2. ESC : (gnuserv-start) RET
Then, from a terminal:
3. gnuclient -nw
If the problem is no longer there in that context, which I’m pretty sure
will be the case, then it’s provoked by something in your init file. The
traditional way to find such problems if you’re not sure where to start is
to temporarily remove half the file, restart, see if the problem persists;
if it does, the problem is in the half you didn’t remove. If it’s gone, it’s
in the half you removed. Then temporarily remove half of the half that gave
the problem, repeating the process until you find the line that provokes it.
Santa Maradona, priez pour moi!