Sean MacLennan writes:
A couple of things right of the bat... what font do people use? I
the fonts are too big and look great, or are too small. I can't find an
in-between. I mainly use a laptop, so size matters ;)
On a 1024x735 Mac iBook I use
XEmacs.default.attributeFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-14
XEmacs*Tabs.fcFontName: Bitstream Charter-14:italic
XEmacs*menubar.fcFontName: Bitstream Bitstream Vera Sans-12:bold
XEmacs*modeline.attributeFont: Bitstream Charter-12
The FreeFonts aren't too bad IMO, either, but Bitstream is nicer and
the repertoire is more complete. (There are also much nicer fonts
available, that I could use but they're not available on my Linux
systems AFAIK.)
When I select a font using Options->Font, it doesn't do
anything. Is
this disabled under xft?
It was never implemented properly, so I guess you can say it's
Last, I cannot set the menubar font using:
XEmacs*menubar.font: -*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-*-80-100-100-*-*-*-*
No, you can't. The Xft font resources are currently fcFontName, not
font, because they have a different syntax from XLFDs, which is
<family>-<size>[:key=value...]. Xft font resources also have a
different internal representation (X font resources are automatically
converted to XFontStruct*, while Xft font resources are char*). The
resources named 'font' are not used at all if Xft is enabled for that
domain (ie, any of emacs, tabs, gauges, menubars).
If you build with '--with-xft=nomenubars,...', then the resource above
should work (but I haven't tested it).
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