I nave been banging a bit on vc-fossil.el from
and got it to work with Xemacses "slightly-older vc.
Provided there is interest: What would be the procedure to include the
fuke with the XEmacs vc?
The ASCII Ribbon Campaign Hauke Fath
() No HTML/RTF in email Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
/\ No Word docs in email TU …
[View More]Darmstadt
Respect for open standards Ruf +49-6151-16-21344
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Another possibly silly question arising from perusal of the great Mule
Is speed (or small linear factors in memory) ever actually a concern
nowadays? The whole deal of supporting multiple internal buffer
formats seems to be justified by speed for multi-lingual processing,
and there are various tricky things scattered around the rest of the
code to improve speed.
The last time I can remember being disturbed by XEmacs' slowness was
sometime in the mid 90s when I was running Lucid Emacs …
[View More]19 on a 68040.
(The days when a full compile was a go-out-for-long-dinner job rather than
a you-may-just-have-time-to-make-coffee job.)
On the other hand, I don't do extensive non-English processing.
Do people find XEmacs noticeably slow in any normal usage pattern?
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
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Hi there,
since years I use xemacs-beta, currently 21.5.34:
Except the lack of updates I am quite happy with that setup, however one
details drives me increasingly crazy. Namely HiDPI font scaling when I
switch between old displays and newer, 4k+ HiDPI, 192++ dpi screens.
I have this font selection in my .xemacs/init.el
(set-face-font 'default "Source Code Pro-13") ; or -22 for HiDPI
Ideally I want this -13 to be pt, so that I do not have to edit …
[View More]the file
each time I switch my desk or continue coding on the road.
Googling around suggest others alternative forms which either do not
work in xemacs-beta, or do not prove the situation.
I tried to read the lisp files, but could not find anything that would
help me there either.
Is there anything "pt" like so that a 13pt would result in say 13 pixels
on a low resolution display, and 26 (or whatever) pixels on a HiDPI
screen with the X server dpi set accordingly?
PS: Surprisingly the Xemacs menus and such sale automatically, just not
this most important, main edit buffer, ..?
Best regards – and greetings from Europe,
René Rebe, ExactCODE GmbH, Lietzenburger Str. 42, DE-10117 Berlin
http://exactcode.com | http://t2-project.org | http://rene.rebe.de
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-01-23 - 2018-01-30)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue
number. Do NOT respond to this message.
574 open ( +0) / 323 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
Open issues with patches: 13
Average duration of open issues: 3034 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3245 days.
Open Issues Breakdown
new 266 ( +0)
deferred 6 ( +0)
[View More] napping 3 ( +0)
verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 15 ( +0)
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-01-16 - 2018-01-23)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue
number. Do NOT respond to this message.
574 open ( +0) / 323 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
Open issues with patches: 13
Average duration of open issues: 3027 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3238 days.
Open Issues Breakdown
new 266 ( +0)
deferred 6 ( +0)
[View More] napping 3 ( +0)
verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 15 ( +0)
[View Less]
Dear XEmacs users and developres,
The message I am citing below piqued my interest: does the GTK version of
XEmacs not suffer from the infamous GTK bug 85715 (
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715) which affects, e.g., GNU
Emacs? Or does the GTK version of XEmacs presently suffer from too many
bugs to worry about that one bug? :P
Ar an naoiú lá de mí na Nollaig, scríobh René Rebe:
The current …
[View More]development GTK code is here:
https://bitbucket.org/jsparkes/xemacs-gtk Which is, thankfully, a bit more
recent. I plan to merge this into the trunk soon. It’s not as polished as
even the Xft code, but has more potential in the longer term, as it
includes Pango support for various scripts that we would otherwise have to
provide ourselves.
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-01-09 - 2018-01-16)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue
number. Do NOT respond to this message.
574 open ( +0) / 323 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
Open issues with patches: 13
Average duration of open issues: 3020 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3231 days.
Open Issues Breakdown
new 266 ( +0)
deferred 6 ( +0)
[View More] napping 3 ( +0)
verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 15 ( +0)
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2018-01-02 - 2018-01-09)
XEmacs Issue Tracking System at http://tracker.xemacs.org/XEmacs/its/
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue
number. Do NOT respond to this message.
574 open ( +0) / 323 closed ( +0) / 897 total ( +0)
Open issues with patches: 13
Average duration of open issues: 3013 days.
Median duration of open issues: 3224 days.
Open Issues Breakdown
new 266 ( +0)
deferred 6 ( +0)
[View More] napping 3 ( +0)
verified 57 ( +0)
assigned 145 ( +0)
committed 19 ( +0)
documented 3 ( +0)
done/needs work 15 ( +0)
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On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 9:39 PM, Jerry James <loganjerry(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, I'm out of time tonight, but in the next couple of days I will
> sync up to mercurial head and try again. If it still doesn't work,
> I'll provide details.
The gtk2 and gtk3 builds both work fine. The failure I saw is in the
glade code. I got rid of the -I directive pointing to the glade
header files and all is fine now. I presume the glade code only works
with gtk+, then.
Jerry James