>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Krause <paulkrause1(a)mediaone.net> writes:
Paul> Adrian Aichner <adrian(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>> >> Do we want to make C-u M-x comment-region smarter?
Paul> No! Make indentation smarter. If a comment begins in column
Paul> 1, don't
Paul> indent it when reindenting a region. This solves the
Paul> problem without
Paul> style-changes or hacks to comment-region.
[View More] Paul> Have I overlooked anything?
>> This, maybe?
>> (Info-goto-node "(xemacs)Comments")
>> Adrian
Paul> Could you be a little more specific? I don't what you're
Paul> referring to. Maybe this?
Paul> You can also use `Meta-;' to align an existing comment. If a line
Paul> already contains the string that starts comments, `M-;' just moves
Paul> point after it and re-indents it to the conventional place.
Paul> Exception:
Paul> comments starting in column 0 are not moved.
Yes, that, and also the following paragraph.
Some major modes have special rules for indenting certain kinds of
comments in certain contexts. For example, in Lisp code, comments which
start with two semicolons are indented as if they were lines of code,
instead of at the comment column. Comments which start with three
semicolons are supposed to start at the left margin. Emacs understands
these conventions by indenting a double-semicolon comment using TAB and
by not changing the indentation of a triple-semicolon comment at all.
You have a valid point, though.
single-; comments srarting in column 0 should not be moved and
comment-region would work as advertised!
You opened my eyes!
To All:
Isn't this what we should do?
Best regards,
Paul> The trouble is, it doesn't work as documented. Here's a sample.
Paul> ;;; header comment
Paul> ;; This function is just an example.
Paul> ;;; Here either two or three semicolons are appropriate.
Paul> (defun foo (x)
Paul> ;;; And now, the first part of the function:
Paul> (lambda (foo bar)
Paul> (if (foo bar)
Paul> 'bif
Paul> 'baz))
Paul> ;; The following line adds one.
Paul> (1+ x)) ; This line adds one.
Paul> ;; This function is just an example.
Paul> ;;; Here either two or three semicolons are appropriate.
Paul> (defun foo (x)
Paul> ;;; And now, the first part of the function:
Paul> ;; The following sexp is commented out using comment-region.
Paul> ; (lambda (foo bar)
Paul> ; (if (foo bar)
Paul> ; 'bif
Paul> ; 'baz))
Paul> ;; The following line adds one.
Paul> (1+ x)) ; This line adds one.
Paul> I get the same indentation using either M-; or C-M-q.
Paul> Testing using xemacs -vanilla on
Paul> XEmacs 21.2 (beta37) "Pan" (win32) of Sun Dec 03 2000 on PAULKRAUSE
Paul> as well as
Paul> XEmacs 21.0 "20 minutes to Nikko" (win32) of Fri Mar 26 1999 on
Paul> (which I just happen to have lying around)
Adrian Aichner
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After seeing the "Call for Testers" for 21.2/22.0, I thought I would
jump on the bandwagon. I'm primarily interested in the GTK+ port.
So, I went out and grabbed the latest xemacs from cvs with:
$ cvs -d :pserver:xemacs@cvs.xemacs.org:/usr/CVSroot checkout -d
xemacs-21.2 -r release-21-2 xemacs
When I run ./configure, I don't see anything about enabling gtk+. Has
the gtk+ port been merged in with 21.2 yet? Is it the default
toolkit? How do I compile xemacs with GTK+ support?
(__) Doug …
[View More]Alcorn (mailto:doug@lathi.net http://www.lathi.net)
oo / PGP 02B3 1E26 BCF2 9AAF 93F1 61D7 450C B264 3E63 D543
|_/ If you're a capitalist and you have the best goods and they're
free, you don't have to proselytize, you just have to wait.
[View Less]
For XEmacs 2.1.12 "GTK" I can set default font from gtkrc by next lines:
style "XEmacsText"
font = "-cronyx-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"
widget_class "*GtkXEmacs" style "XEmacsText"
But for XEmacs 2.4.0 configured --with-gtk this not work.
Question: How I can do this?
Additional info:
1. Full name of required font is
2. Both XEmacses builded without MULE.
Second Question: from where apart …
[View More]from default face I can change
background color for editor and minibuffer areas (for 2.4.0 --with-gtk)?
For 2.1.12 "GTK" it was possible from gtkrc. But now it not work.
Or I don't know how... :-(
Andrew W. Nosenko (awn(a)bcs.zp.ua)
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Aki Vehtari <Aki.Vehtari(a)hut.fi> writes in xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org:
> Btw. gud.el in XEmacs is dated 1993 and gud.el in emacs-20.3 is
> dated 1998. Unfortunately gud.el in emacs-20.3 does not work in
> XEmacs and I don't know much work it would need to make it work and
I've done the initial port of gud.el to XEmacs. It mostly works[1], but
it sorely lacks the functionality in gdbsrc.el. Making a gudsrc.el
mode is on my list of things to do.
It was in
[View More]xemacs.org/pub/xemacs-futures/
when I was on the 'net.
It was delayed integration into the XEmacs packages pending 21.0
I also have a ported cua-mode.el to integrate.
NOTE: The gud.el and cua-mode.el XEmacs portings are courtesy of
Altrasoft, Inc. Thank you Altrasoft.
[1] I have a report that my port does not work on Solaris with dbx.
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Last week I asked about XEmacs-21.4.0 crashing on Digital Unix and
Gunnar Evermann pointed out that this problem is already reported
in PROBLEMS file. As Stephen just told that bug reports should be
preferably sent to xemacs-beta list, below is copy of article sent
to comp.emacs.xemacs few days ago. And my question is that should
the REGEX_MALLOC definition work?
"Gunnar" == Gunnar Evermann <ge204(a)eng.cam.ac.uk> writes:
Gunnar> maybe this entry from the PROBLEMS file helps:
[View More]Gunnar> ** Digital UNIX/OSF/VMS/Ultrix
Gunnar> *** XEmacs crashes on Digital Unix within font-lock, or when dealing
Gunnar> with large compilation buffers.
Yes, this entry describes the problem, but...
Gunnar> 1) Increase your stack size, using `ulimit -s 8192' or a (t)csh
Gunnar> equivalent;
In our current environment it is not easy to set this for our all
users. Moreover, it would not prevent crashing, just make it more
unprobable. So I would prefer other solution...
Gunnar> 2) Recompile regex.c with REGEX_MALLOC defined.
I configured with --cppflags=-DREGEX_MALLOC but...
gcc -c -O3 -I. -I../src -I/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/lib-src -I/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src -DREGEX_MALLOC -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/usr/local/include \
-DINHIBIT_STRING_HEADER /proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c: In function `sys_re_compile_fastmap':
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3412: `DECLARE_NOTHING' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3412: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3412: for each function it appears in.)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3415: parse error before `char'
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3439: `fastmap' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3445: `p' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3445: `pend' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3450: `path_can_be_null' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:3822: `succeed_n_p' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c: In function `re_match_2_internal':
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5053: `DECLARE_NOTHING' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5053: parse error before `int'
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5053: `this_reg' undeclared (first use this function)
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5204: parse error before `int'
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5257: parse error before `int'
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5460: parse error before `int'
/proj/ave/xemacs/xemacs-21.4.0/src/regex.c:5473: parse error before `int'
make[1]: *** [regex.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp_mnt/chaos.lce.hut.fi/proj/ave/ave/xemacs/build/alpha-dec-osf4.0/lib-src'
make: *** [lib-src] Error 2
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Sending bug report using menu entry "Help - Send Bug Report" would
send bug report to xemacs(a)xemacs.org (at least in XEmacs 21.4).
In wep page <http://cvs.xemacs.org/XEmacs-bugs> it says that bug
resports should be sent to xemacsbugs(a)cvs.xemacs.org.
Which one I should use? I suppose that xemacsbugs(a)cvs.xemacs.org
would be more appropriate?
I've always build w/o mule, but a colleague needs mule
he's building his own executable, but I thought we might as well share the
same packages tree, since we saw that the mule-sumo tarball just has the
extra mule stuff in it - it un-tars nicely into its own mule-packages
subdir in lib/xemacs, parallel to the xemacs-packages I was already using
but now when I start my non-mule xemacs I see these warnings:
(1) (warning/warning) Autoload error in: /usr/net/rnd/lib/xemacs/mule-packages/lisp/skk/…
[View More]auto-autoloads:
Cannot open load file: mule
(2) (warning/warning) Autoload error in: /usr/net/rnd/lib/xemacs/mule-packages/lisp/lookup/auto-autoloads:
Cannot open load file: mule
is this just one of those "don't do that" things, or should this be ok?
that is, should we just ignore the warnings, or do they indicate some
deeper badness?
John A. Turner, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate
Blue Sky Studios, 44 S. Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601
http://www.blueskystudios.com/ (914) 259-6319
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