>>>> "Volker" == Volker Zell <Dr.> writes:
Volker> Hi I think there is a bug in the regular expression in
Volker> mc-gpg.el which is used in mailcrypt-3.5.5 together with
Volker> gnupg-1.0.5.
I'm seeing the same problems with XEmacs 21.5 beta 1 "anise",
mailcrypt-3.5.5, GnuPG 1.0.5, under Linux (Redhat 7.1).
I've downgraded to GnuPG 1.0.4 in the mean time.
As I've mentioned, I'm not to bright - how do I go about
applying/testing Volker's fix?
Do I just hack mc-gpg.el and rebuild Mailcrypt?
What about code to detect GnuPG <= 1.0.4 and => 1.0.5 - is it possible
to detect this and add it to Mailcrypt so as not to break old GnuPG
versions with Mailcrypt (even tho everyone should upgrade :-)
I think I should start learning Elisp :-)
Volker> This is what Brian Warner gets whith his version of gpg:
Volker> ;31:warner@zs2-pc4% gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons
Volker> --no-greeting ;/home/warner/.gnupg/secring.gpg
Volker> ;-------------------------------
Volker> ;sec::1024:17:1FE9CBFDC63B6750:1998-08-04:0:::Brian Warner
Volker> (temporary GPG key) <warner(a)lothar.com>:
Volker> ;ssb::1024:20:C68E8DE9F759FBDE:1998-08-04:0:::
Volker> ;sec::768:17:16BD446D567E33CF:1998-08-04:0:::signature
Volker> (sample signature key) <key@key>:
Volker> ;sec::768:16:D514CB72B37D9AF4:1998-08-04:0:::crypt (crypt)
Volker> <crypt@crypt>:
Volker> ;sec::1024:17:4DBDD3258230A3E0:1998-08-04:0:::dummyy
Volker> <d@d>: ;ssb::1024:20:549B0E6CBBBB43D1:1998-08-04:0:::
Volker> And this is his regexp for matching:
Volker> (key-regexp
Volker> )
Volker> I'm using gpg-1.05 compiled under cygwin (passing all
Volker> tests) with (see subject) and I get:
Volker> [712]> gpg --list-secret-keys --no-greeting --batch
Volker> --with-colons /users/vzell/.gnupg/secring.gpg
Volker> -------------------------------
Volker> sec:u:1024:17:0A8F8157EBCFE3E8:2001-05-18::::Dr. Volker
Volker> Zell (Ciko) <dr.volker.zell@oracle.com>:::
Volker> ssb::1024:16:2179761C5E488513:2001-05-18:::::::
Volker> vzell@VZELL /tmp [713]> gpg --list-secret-keys
Volker> --no-greeting --batch --with-colons "Dr. Volker Zell
Volker> (Ciko) <dr.volker.zell(a)oracle.com>"
Volker> sec:u:1024:17:0A8F8157EBCFE3E8:2001-05-18::::Dr. Volker
Volker> Zell (Ciko) <dr.volker.zell@oracle.com>::scESC:
Volker> ssb::1024:16:2179761C5E488513:2001-05-18::::::e:
Volker> As you can see I get two more : at the end of each
Volker> line. Therefore I have to use the following regexp. But
Volker> then everything works. At least for me.
Volker> (key-regexp
Volker> )
Volker> Ciao Volker
Barrie J. Bremner OpenPGP public key ID: 5164F553
baz [at]
barriebremner.com http://barriebremner.com/
baz /baz/ n.
1. [common] The third metasyntactic variable.
2. interj. A term of mild annoyance.
3. Occasionally appended to foo to produce `foobaz'
-- Jargon File v4.3.0,
4. Me.