Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>>>>"David" == David A Cobb
<superbiskit(a)> writes:
David> I have both i686-pc-cygwin and i586-pc-win32 versions and I
David> wish to have the *minimum* of duplication.
David> Especially, I do not want to have all the lisp plus the
David> packages in two places.
Sorry, the core Lisp has to go in two places. Different versions are
typically not API compatible internally. We moved everything we could
justify out to the packages, and there are persistent grumbles from
developers that X Y or Z "needs" to be in core.
Umm, is that "version" as in xemacs-21.5 /vs/ xemacs-21.4, or
xemacs-21.4.6/i586-pc-win32 /vs/ xemacs-21.4.6/i686-pc-cygwin ? I would
expect the former: my lisp is indeed under the release-specific
directory but is shared between the two targets.
You should need only one copy of the packages.
David> Personally, I'd just as soon move this up to
David> /usr/local/xemacs/xemacs-v.e.r and leave the /lib/ out of
David> it. But tradition is tradition.
On Linux it's actually a published standard.
Where? - just curious. It's only a minor quirk, but I don't see in what
sense xemacs is a library.
David> I also have persistant problems with auto-autoloads that
David> are "already loaded." I've commented on that but I'm
David> it's a "normal" bug.
This is _not_ normal. One possible cause is load-path shadows. M-x
list-load-path-shadows. Another possibility is a package that
contains a file that's also dumped into XEmacs. There may be others.
Aha! Consider the second possibility concerning dumping. How can I
determine what was dumped?
This consistantly happens once I've done a package update -- when I
first do the netinstall it is OK.
David> The package download system wants to put things in
David> /usr/local/lib/xemacs/pkgname
David> vice. /usr/local/lib/xemacs-packages/pkgname so I wind up
David> doing a manual step after each package update - serious
David> pita.
By "package download system" do you mean M-x list-packages or the
David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace I am a Christian man, by my actions a great sinner." -- The
Way of a Pilgrim; R. M. French, tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software.