Rodney Sparapani <rsparapa(a)> さんは書きました:
Rodney Sparapani wrote:
> That's probably xft. This has been discussed here with respect to
> Solaris SPARC as well. You should be able to search the archives
> for my name to find a discussion.
> Rodney
Here is the post describing similar symptoms:
And, I think Stephen had some helpful suggestions, but I can't seem to
figure out how to unroll the whole thread.
Maybe this is the whole thread:
It doesn’t see related to the problem I am seeing though.
You write:
Rodney Sparapani> it starts consuming massive amounts
Rodney Sparapani> of memory, about 1G in 30 seconds,
For me it consumes memory very slowly and not when starting XEmacs but
much later when I am already using it for hours (or maybe days if it
didn’t crash). Memory consumption slowly creeps up until my machine
starts swapping and XEmacs becomes almost unusable. Then I have to
restart it to free some memory.
Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)>
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