GPLv3 status
14 years, 3 months
Jerry James
Let's say that, hypothetically speaking, I could spend a little time
over the next couple of weeks on some XEmacs work. Is there something
that needs to be done to finalize the GPLv3 transition? What state
are we in there? How can I help? Sorry for not keeping better track
Jerry James
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[21.5-b29] two japan-utils.el's
14 years, 3 months
Katsumi Yamaoka
Symbol's function definition is void: kana-keyboard-define-keys
This is what I get when building No Gnus in the Japanese locale
using XEmacs 21.5-b29. A workaround is to set LC_ALL to C. In
that case XEmacs runs with the -no-autoloads option. Probably
you may reproduce this problem like the following:
LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8 xemacs -no-autoloads
In relation to this, I realized there are two japan-utils.el's.
One is in lisp/mule/, the other is in the mule-base package,
the later is preferred because of load-path, and only it calls
`kana-keyboard-define-keys'. I guess I have to use the one in
lisp/mule/ because it looks newer than the one in mule-base.
Is it right? If so, how do I configure XEmacs 21.5-b29 so as to
prefer lisp/mule/ than that of mule-base in load-path? I used:
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Xemacs21.5 vs 21.4: speed and frame geometry
14 years, 3 months
Uwe Brauer
I just compared
xemacs21.4.21 (Kubuntu)
xemacs21.4.29 (compiled by myself with the configuration
options /configure --with-mule
--with-xim --with-xfs
--with-optimization --without-error-checking
--with-toolbars --with-xpm --with-xface
there is a considerable speed difference at startup:
Xemacs -vanilla:
21.4 21.5
1sec 6sec
Xemacs (with my init file)
21.4 21.5
6 sec 12 sec
Can anybody confirm that difference.
The other observation (complain) I have concerns the frame
geometry which I have set in .Xdefault,
That work nicely in 21.4 and as I tested even in 21.5.13 but
in 21.5.29 the frame is slightly larger which is annoying on
my 12 inch laptop.
Any comments?
Uwe Brauer
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Xemacs 21.5 + xsymbol debugging
14 years, 3 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
Uwe Brauer writes:
> >> Regarding Re: Xemacs 21.5 + xsymbol debugging; "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen(a)> adds:
> > ugh. Should have expected that. Try this patch, which
> > doesn't have the fontcolor.c hunks in it, so should
> > work on 21.5.29 or on Mercurial tip.
> The good news:is this error does not appear the bad news:
> there is another error.
> Backtrace attached:
> Uwe
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (1) (local-variables/warning) Error in File local-variables: Invalid argument: Invalid tag set, (mule-fonts)
Put `(define-specifier-tag 'mule-fonts)' in init.el. I doubt whether
any version of X?Emacs *needs* that tag in the x-symbol application,
but this is the easy way out.
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