XEmacs Packages have been pre-released (2007-08-14-08)
17 years, 6 months
Norbert Koch
Hash: SHA1
Hey there everyone.
I have just added the following packages to the 'Pre-Releases'
New Packages in Pre-Release:
mule-ucs-1.15-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 0.84
Previously Announced Packages Still in Pre-Release:
auctex-1.48-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 11.55
calendar-1.33-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
ediff-1.69-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 2.75
eshell-1.11-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 2.4.1
general-docs-1.05-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
guided-tour-0.51-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
hyperbole-1.17-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 5.0
leim-1.25-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
locale-1.26-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
mule-base-1.52-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
net-utils-1.53-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: N/A
oo-browser-1.05-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 4.08
perl-modes-1.10-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
prog-modes-2.13-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
psgml-1.45-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 1.3.2
python-modes-1.09-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
text-modes-1.95-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
tramp-1.38-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 2.0.56
viper-1.57-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: 3.09
xemacs-base-2.11-pkg.tar.gz upstream version: none
Detailed Changes:
- ------- ChangeLog Entries from mule-packages/mule-ucs/ChangeLog -------
2007-08-14 Norbert Koch <viteno(a)xemacs.org>
* Makefile (VERSION): XEmacs package 1.15 released.
Installing These:
- --------
1) Download the packages that you want to install from:
2) Unpack them to: [1]
3) Re-start XEmacs.
Using XEmacs Package Tools (XEmacs 21.[245].x):
- ----------------------------------------------
1) Tools -> Packages -> Add Download Site -> Pre-Releases
2) Tools -> Packages -> List and Install
3) Select the packages you wish to install (there are brief
instructions at the bottom of the packages buffer).
4) Packages -> Install/Remove Selected
5) Re-start XEmacs.
Using XEmacs Package Tools (XEmacs 21.1.14):
- -------------------------------------------
1) Options -> Manage Packages -> Add Download Site -> Pre-Releases
2) Options -> Manage Packages -> List and Install
3 - 5) As per XEmacs 21.[245].x.
norbert - XEmacs Package Release Manager.
[1] Note: Mule packages should be installed into:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: CVS update by aidan packages/mule-packages/mule-ucs/lisp, un-define.el ...
17 years, 6 months
Aidan Kehoe
Ar an naoiú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Mike Sperber:
> Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)parhasard.net> writes:
> > (setq load-path (paths-find-recursive-load-path (list lisp-directory
> > mule-lisp-directory)
> > depth))
> I think
> (setq load-path
> (paths-construct-load-path emacs-roots
> '() '() '()
> lisp-directory
> nil
> mule-lisp-directory))
> would be the correct incantation.
For some reason, that loses the make-display-table autoload, which prevents
APEL from compiling. This patch works for me; what I don’t know is if
mule-lisp-directory is bound on a non-Mule XEmacs, and how
paths-find-recursive-load-path will react to it in that context.
--- package-compile.el~ 2007-08-14 08:12:55.000000000 +0200
+++ package-compile.el 2007-08-13 22:53:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
(error "package-compile may only be used with -batch"))
;;; Step 1, set the load-path and load the core autoloads.
(let ((depth (cond
;; #### All hail Mr. Preprocessor!
;; OK, OK, his code is under development; FIXME when it's done.
@@ -72,7 +71,8 @@
((boundp 'paths-core-load-path-depth) ; XEmacs > 21.2.41
(t (error "Somebody has been messing with paths-find-*!")))))
- (setq load-path (paths-find-recursive-load-path (list lisp-directory)
+ (setq load-path (paths-find-recursive-load-path (list lisp-directory
+ mule-lisp-directory)
(load (expand-file-name "auto-autoloads" (car load-path)))
Here’s the error message and backtrace:
Requiring /Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/fsf-compat/overlay.elc...
Requiring /Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/fsf-compat/timer.elc...
Loading /Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/xemacs-base/advice.elc...
Compiling /Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/apel/richtext.el...
Loading /Sources/xemacs-21.5-building/lisp/cl-macs.elc...
load-path is ("/Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/apel/" "/Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/fsf-compat" "/Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/xemacs-base" "/Sources/xemacs-21.5-building/lisp/mule/" "/Sources/xemacs-21.5-building/lisp/")
Requiring /Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/xemacs-base/enriched.elc...
Loading /Sources/xemacs-21.5-building/lisp/cus-face.elc...
While compiling toplevel forms in file /Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/apel/richtext.el:
!! Symbol's function definition is void ((make-display-table))
backtrace(nil t)
# bind (error-info)
byte-compile-report-error((void-function make-display-table))
# bind (error-info)
#<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" [error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2>((void-function make-display-table))
byte-code("..." [enriched-display-table current-load-list custom-declare-face fixed ((t (:bold t))) "Face used for text that must be shown in fixed width.\nCurrently, emacs can only display fixed-width fonts, but this may change.\nThis face is used for text specifically marked as fixed-width, for example\nin text/enriched files." :group enriched excerpt ((t (:italic t))) "Face used for text that is an excerpt from another document.\nThis is used in enriched-mode for text explicitly marked as an excerpt." make-display-table ?\^L make-vector frame-width ?-] 7)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
(load-internal "[internal]")
load-internal("enriched" nil require nil binary)
# bind (path handler filename nosuffix nomessage noerror file)
load("enriched" nil require nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
eval((require (quote enriched)))
# bind (form)
byte-compile-file-form-eval-boundary((require (quote enriched)))
# bind (byte-compile-current-form handler form)
byte-compile-file-form((require (quote enriched)))
# (unwind-protect ...)
#<compiled-function nil "...(43)" [byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-inbuffer 1 " \n
" nil looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read byte-compile-flush-pending byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions] 3>()
# (unwind-protect ...)
call-with-condition-handler(#<compiled-function (error-info) "...(4)" [error-info byte-compile-report-error] 2> #<compiled-function nil "...(43)" [byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-inbuffer 1 " \n
" nil looking-at ";" byte-compile-file-form read byte-compile-flush-pending byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions] 3>)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (byte-compile-warnings-beginning byte-compile-point-max-prev byte-compile-log-buffer byte-compile-macro-environment byte-compile-function-environment byte-compile-autoload-environment byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-bound-variables byte-compile-free-references byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-verbose byte-optimize byte-compile-emacs19-compatibility byte-compile-dynamic byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings byte-compile-warnings byte-compile-file-domain byte-compile-outbuffer float-output-format case-fold-search print-length print-level byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth byte-compile-output eval filename byte-compile-inbuffer)
byte-compile-from-buffer(#<buffer " *Compiler Input*"> "/Sources/packages-current-compile-test/xemacs-packages/apel/richtext.el")
# bind (byte-compile-current-file target-file input-buffer output-buffer byte-compile-dest-file load filename)
byte-code("..." [file byte-compile-file t] 2)
# (condition-case ... . ((error (byte-code "??!?!???!???!??? ?\"???? @?N?? @!??? A\"???!?LJ" [file err princ ">>Error occurred processing " ": " fboundp display-error nil error-message mapcar #<compiled-function (x) "...(8)" [x princ " " prin1] 2> "\n"] 3))))
# bind (file)
# bind (error file-to-process)
# bind (error)
# bind (arg)
# bind (dir file-count line end-of-options file-p arg tem)
# bind (command-line-args-left)
# bind (error-data)
# (condition-case ... . error)
# (catch top-level ...)
>>Error occurred processing richtext.el: Symbol's function definition is void: make-display-table
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Make the Mule-UCS CCL code a little saner.
17 years, 6 months
Aidan Kehoe
Ar an triú lá déag de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Mike FABIAN:
> >> Thank you for the report; I didn’t get this locally when checking my
> >> commit. I will try later today on a 64-bit machine, in case it’s an
> >> incompatibility to do with that.
> >
> > No, the failure seen in the build log is the same on all architectures
> > (I tried i386, ia64, ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x, x86_64).
> >
> >> I have seen bytecode incompatibility with 21.5 on 64-bit machines but
> >> never CCL code incompatibility, but then there’s much less CCL in the
> >> source trees than there is bytecode.
> Aidan,
> did you find any solution to the CCL build problems in the XEmacs packages?
Not yet; if as you say, you see it on all platforms, and I can’t see it on
mine, then something’s very askew.
I haven’t yet tested Michael Sperber’s patch of
http://mid.gmane.org/y9ltzr8hp05.fsf@matt.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de ;
hopefully this evening. If it works, I’ll commit it, and that should solve
the package smoketest problems.
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Xemacs Problem
17 years, 6 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
Timothy A Zitzer writes:
> Thanks. I'm actually doing this in Windows not in Unix.
I can't help much with Windows issues; I know that traversing paths on
Windows is always problematic. The directory separator character
usually isn't a problem, not even if they are mixed, but in the format
below I suppose that it might be treated as an escape. Then you'd get
a file name with an embedded slash; not impossible to produce, but
definitely not what you'd expect.
> When I try to run the M-x edt-emulation-on command it says "Cannot
> open load file: edt-mapper.el", yet it finds the file in this
> directory:
> c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\edt\/edt-mapper.el
> It looks like something is weird with the path, especially the opposing
> slashes.
Check what the value of `directory-sep-char' is using M-:
directory-sep-char RET. It should be ?\.
I hope somebody else can pick up on this, I'm in the process of moving
from Japan to California and can't afford to look in more detail for a
platform I don't even have regular access to.
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Nits with the current source trees
17 years, 6 months
SL Baur
On 8/12/07, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen(a)xemacs.org> wrote:
> In the meantime you can use his patches at zero legal risk. I'm just
> worried about distribution by XEmacs.
That was my main point. I have zero interest in source that I cannot
hack on and share my changes with others. I also have zero interest
in forking XEmacs as he has apparently done. Sigh.
M-x praise-be-unto-xemacs
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Nits with the current source trees
17 years, 6 months
SL Baur
Hello all. I'm subscribed again.
Now tell me, why are all the historical ChangeLog files not distributed
any more? That makes forensic debugging very difficult.
The documentation of forward-sexp stinks, but at least the
implementation doesn't suck as much as FSF 21.4. I'll make a
patch for that once I have a devel environment downloaded.
It *must* be documented that forward-sexp can signal an error.
The cvs instructions on the web page are wrong. You should
say that the .cvspass file must exist before doing any of the
documented cvs actions. (touch ~/.cvspass is OK).
What is the status on this side of Mac OS X Carbon support?
I've had a brief discussion with the author of the prominent patches
on the web and the situation is hopeless. I need something to hack
on and I need a graphical XEmacs in the Carbon environment.
(I don't have very much time on this platform. This box is a present
for my wife, but I want it to have a working XEmacs before I
hand it over).
Excellent job and a pat on the back for 21.4. Andy, I know
there were lots of problems getting the tab support into mainline,
but I *love* the result.
I had problems installing the Microsoft Windows binaries on the
XEmacs website on a Thinkpad T-60 running Microsoft Windows
XP-SP2, but you know what? I don't care. That machine runs Linux
now and XEmacs 21.4 runs *great*.
Do we have a WoW mode for editing LUA source files for WoW
UI addons? Inquiring minds want to know!
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Xemacs Problem
17 years, 6 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
Timothy A Zitzer writes:
> You were right. I loaded the edt library and added that bit of code. Now
> when I load Xemacs it says "Error in Init File: Symbol's value as
> variable is void: *EDT-keys* ".
OK, I had some time to read the file. It seems that EDT emulation
needs to build the keymap that works for your workstation.
It looks like the standard way to access the EDT emulation is by
M-x edt-emulation-on RET
If you have not yet run it on that system, it will build a keymap for
you by asking you which keys are where. This seems to work OK for me,
but I don't know anything about EDT, so my keystrokes were random. It
is best to do this mapping from a fresh xemacs run without running
your init file. Use "xemacs -vanilla -l edt-mapper.el". This only
needs to be done once.
After that, starting EDT emulation can be automated by putting
(add-hook term-setup-hook 'edt-emulation-on)
in your init file. I don't know if this will work, I haven't tested.
You can get more documentation about the EDT emulation by reading the
documentation, which you can access from XEmacs with
M-: (find-file (locate-data-file "edt-user.doc")) RET
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[Bug: 21.4.20] viper keyboard macros broken
17 years, 6 months
Rashid Butte
Dear Bug Team!
Viper-mode macros ceased working awhile back.
See this thread for some details:
Basically, in viper mode, make up a keyboard macro, while editing some long normal text.
Here, just a macro to find lines beginning with the range A to Z:
M-x start-kbd-macro
M-x end-kbd-macro
M-x call-last-kbd-macro
I have these functions mapped to f-keys but I doubt that matters.
You see:
Wrong type argument: natnump, nil
in the mini-buffer (which is then still active).
Doesn't seem to be related to case-fold-search or anything like that, at least that I
could find....
If there's a fix later or even in some earlier viper module, let us know...
Thanks and regards - Cordialement - Freundliche Gruesse
Cordiali saluti - Gracias y un saludo - Domo Arigato
Rashid Butte
IBM Java on AIX Support
Austin, Texas
IBM Corp. T/L 793-5786
System Info to help track down your bug:
uname -a: Linux kaweah 2.6.20-1.2948.fc6 #1 SMP Fri Apr 27 18:53:15 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
./configure '--with-widgets=athena' '--with-athena=3d' '--with-dialogs=athena' '--with-scrollbars=athena' '--with-png' '--with-jpeg' '--with-tiff'
XEmacs 21.4.20 "Double Solitaire" configured for `i686-pc-linux'.
Compilation / Installation:
Source code location: /usr/local/src/xemacs-21.4.20
Installation prefix: /usr/local
Operating system description file: `s/linux.h'
Machine description file: `m/intel386.h'
Compiler: gcc -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch -Winline -Wmissing-prototypes -Wsign-compare -fno-strict-aliasing -Wshadow
Compiler version: gcc (GCC) 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)
Compiler specs file: specs.
Relocating allocator for buffers: no
GNU version of malloc: yes
- Using Doug Lea's new malloc from the GNU C Library.
libc: glibc-2.5-10.fc6
Window System:
Compiling in support for the X window system:
- X Windows headers location:
- X Windows libraries location:
- Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
Compiling in support for the Athena widget set:
- Athena headers location: X11/Xaw3d
- Athena library to link: Xaw3d
Using Lucid menubars.
Using Athena scrollbars.
Using Athena dialog boxes.
Using Athena native widgets.
Compiling in support for ncurses.
Compiling in support for GPM (General Purpose Mouse).
Compiling in support for GIF images (builtin).
Compiling in support for XPM images.
Compiling in support for PNG images.
Compiling in support for JPEG images.
Compiling in support for TIFF images.
Compiling in support for sound (native).
Compiling in support for Berkeley database.
Compiling in support for LDAP.
Compiling in support for "dot-locking" mail spool file locking method.
Other Features:
Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
Compiling in support for dynamic shared object modules.
Using the new portable dumper.
Load-Path Lisp Shadows:
Installed XEmacs Packages:
(zenirc ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.112)
(xwem ver: 1.22 upstream: lg(a)xwem.org--2005/xwem--main--2.1--versionfix-1)
(xslt-process ver: 1.12 upstream: 1.2.1)
(xslide ver: 1.09 upstream: 0.2.2)
(xlib ver: 1.14 upstream: lg(a)xwem.org--2005/xlib--main--2.1--version-0)
(xetla ver: 1.01 upstream: steve(a)eicq.org--2005/xetla--main--1.1--version-0)
(xemacs-devel ver: 1.75 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(xemacs-base ver: 2.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(x-symbol ver: 1.1 upstream: 4.5.1)
(w3 ver: 1.33 upstream: 4.0pre47)
(vm ver: 7.22 upstream: 7.17)
(viper ver: 1.55 upstream: 3.09)
(view-process ver: 1.13 upstream: 2.4)
(vhdl ver: 1.22 upstream: 3.33.12)
(vc-cc ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(vc ver: 1.41 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(tramp ver: 1.37 upstream: 2.0.55)
(tpu ver: 1.14 upstream: 4.2X)
(tooltalk ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(tm ver: 1.38 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(time ver: 1.14 upstream: 1.17)
(textools ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(text-modes ver: 1.92 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(texinfo ver: 1.3 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(supercite ver: 1.21 upstream: 3.55x3)
(strokes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(speedbar ver: 1.28 upstream: 0.14beta4)
(sounds-wav ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sounds-au ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sml-mode ver: 0.12 upstream: 3.9.5)
(slider ver: 1.15 upstream: 0.3x1)
(sieve ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sh-script ver: 1.22 upstream: 2.0f)
(sgml ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(semantic ver: 1.2 upstream: 1.4.4)
(scheme ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sasl ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.14.4)
(ruby-modes ver: 1.02 upstream: 1.6.8)
(rmail ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(riece ver: 1.23 upstream: 3.1.2)
(reftex ver: 1.34 upstream: 4.21)
(re-builder ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.20)
(python-modes ver: 1.08 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(psgml-dtds ver: 1.03 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(psgml ver: 1.44 upstream: 1.3.1)
(ps-print ver: 1.11 upstream: 6.5.6)
(prog-modes ver: 2.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pgg ver: 1.06 upstream: 0.1)
(perl-modes ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pcomplete ver: 1.04 upstream: 1.1.6)
(pcl-cvs ver: 1.67 upstream: R-2_9_9)
(pc ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(os-utils ver: 1.39 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(oo-browser ver: 1.04 upstream: 4.08)
(ocaml ver: 0.06 upstream: 3.06)
(net-utils ver: 1.52 upstream: N/A)
(mmm-mode ver: 1.02 upstream: 0.4.7)
(misc-games ver: 1.19 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(mine ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.9)
(mh-e ver: 1.29 upstream: 7.4.2)
(mew ver: 1.19 upstream: 1.94.2)
(mailcrypt ver: 2.14 upstream: 3.5.8)
(mail-lib ver: 1.79 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(jde ver: 1.51 upstream: 2.3.3)
(ispell ver: 1.32 upstream: 3.6)
(ilisp ver: 1.34 upstream: 5.12.0)
(igrep ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.111)
(idlwave ver: 1.32 upstream: 5.1)
(ibuffer ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(hyperbole ver: 1.16 upstream: 4.18)
(hm--html-menus ver: 1.23 upstream: 5.9)
(haskell-mode ver: 1.11 upstream: 2.1)
(gnus ver: 1.91 upstream: 5.10.8)
(gnats ver: 1.17 upstream: 3.101)
(general-docs ver: 1.04 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(games ver: 1.17 upstream: 1.04)
(fsf-compat ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(frame-icon ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(fortran-modes ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(forms ver: 1.15 upstream: 2.37)
(footnote ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.18x)
(eudc ver: 1.39 upstream: 1.32)
(eterm ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(eshell ver: 1.1 upstream: 2.4.1)
(escreen ver: 1.01 upstream: 1.16)
(erc ver: 0.21 upstream: Version 5.1.2 Revision: 1.796.2.6)
(emerge ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(elib ver: 1.11 upstream: 1.0)
(eieio ver: 1.05 upstream: 0.17)
(efs ver: 1.33 upstream: 1.23)
(edt ver: 1.13 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edit-utils ver: 2.37 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ediff ver: 1.68 upstream: 2.75)
(edebug ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ecrypto ver: 0.2 upstream: 2.0)
(ecb ver: 1.22 upstream: 2.31)
(docbookide ver: 0.08 upstream: 0.1)
(dired ver: 1.17 upstream: 7.13)
(dictionary ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.8)
(debug ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(crisp ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.34)
(cookie ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(clearcase ver: 1.1 upstream: /main/laptop/165)
(cc-mode ver: 1.45 upstream: 5.30.10)
(calendar ver: 1.32 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(calc ver: 1.26 upstream: 2.02fX3)
(c-support ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(build ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.02)
(bbdb ver: 1.32 upstream: 2.35)
(auctex ver: 1.47 upstream: 11.55)
(apel ver: 1.32 upstream: 10.6)
(ada ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.27)
(Sun ver: 1.16 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
Installed Modules:
(mail-abbrevs vm-menu vm-reply vm-summary vm-mouse vm-window vm-summary-faces overlay
vm-misc xemacsbug shadow sendmail rfc822 eldoc semantic-el bookmark pp cus-edit cus-load
wid-edit cc-fonts font-lock passwd font disp-table paren blink-paren semantic-load
semanticdb eieio-base eieio senator semantic-imenu imenu semantic-ctxt
semantic-util-modes timer semantic-util semantic working assoc recent-files rsz-minibuf
crypt crypt++ crypt+pgp-pub cal-china lunar solar cal-dst cal-persia cal-islam
cal-julian cal-hebrew holidays diary-lib calendar cal-xemacs cal-compat mail-watch time
edmacro efs-dired efs-x19.15 efs-fnh efs-ovwrt efs-netrc efs-defun efs browse-url
frame-icon dired-faces dired-xemacs dired tempo windows revive tramp-smb tramp efs-cu
executable shell comint password format-spec timer-funcs trampver cc-mode cc-menus
cc-cmds cc-styles cc-align cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs regexp-opt viper viper-ex
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Thanks and regards - Cordialement - Freundliche Gruesse
Cordiali saluti - Gracias y un saludo - Domo Arigato
Rashid Butte
IBM Java on AIX Support
Austin, Texas
IBM Corp. T/L 793-5786
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: CVS update by aidan packages/mule-packages/mule-ucs/lisp, un-define.el ...
17 years, 6 months
Aidan Kehoe
Ar an naoiú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Mike Sperber:
> Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)parhasard.net> writes:
> > Michael, http://mid.gmane.org/m2abtc4t8o.fsf@xemacs.org will fix this.
> > Is it correct? Can I go ahead and apply it?
> Oops, I missed this. It shouldn't be applied---it'll cost dearly in
> stat() performance. Can you give me a bit more info as to what goes wrong?
mule-lisp-directory does not appear in the load-path when packages are being
compiled, essentially. It may be enough to change package-compile.el to call
(setq load-path (paths-find-recursive-load-path (list lisp-directory
instead of what it currently does, but I haven’t tried.
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: Make the Mule-UCS CCL code a little saner.
17 years, 6 months
Aidan Kehoe
Ar an naoiú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Mike FABIAN:
> > 2007-08-08 Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)parhasard.net>
> >
> > * trans-util.el:
> > Require ccl at compile time for the sake of the macro expansion of
> > define-ccl-program.
> > * un-define.el:
> > Don't manipulate font-ccl-encode-alist; it's pointless in XEmacs
> > 21.4 and XEmacs 21.5.
> Even with this patch, the packages still don’t build.
Thank you for the report; I didn’t get this locally when checking my commit.
I will try later today on a 64-bit machine, in case it’s an incompatibility
to do with that. I have seen bytecode incompatibility with 21.5 on 64-bit
machines but never CCL code incompatibility, but then there’s much less CCL
in the source trees than there is bytecode.
> An extract of the build.log is attached.
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
XEmacs-Beta mailing list