[Success] XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" a1dd514df5c6+ tip i586-pc-win32
15 years, 12 months
Adrian Aichner
> XEmacs Build Report generated by emacs-version
> 21.5 (beta28) "fuki" (+CVS-20071205) XEmacs Lucid
> with system-configuration
> i586-pc-win32
> follows:
Hi All!
This is my first successful build with
Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
I have to yet look into the correct optimization switches, as -G5 is
apparently unknown on my Dell D830.
So far things look good.
I have also update
with a bit of help from my own perl support for re-builder.
This build is using the output of
with no manual corrections to the generated files.
How can I best use ediff to look at local changes against the hg
> Contents of c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\Installation:
> (Output from most recent run of ./configure)
OS version:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
OS: Windows_NT
XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" a1dd514df5c6+ tip configured for `i586-pc-win32'.
Building XEmacs using ""c:\\Programme\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin\\nmake.exe"".
Building XEmacs using make flags " ".
Building XEmacs in source tree "c:\\Hacking\\hg.debian.org\\hg\\xemacs\\xemacs-beta\\xemacs-beta".
For src, using compiler "cl -nologo -W3 -DSTRICT -Zi -O2 -G5 -Ob2 -MDd -c -TP -Ic:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\inc -Ic:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\xpm-3.4k" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\xpm-3.4k\lib" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\libpng-1.2.20" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\zlib" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\tiff-v3.4\libtiff" -I"c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\AichnerAd\Desktop\Downloads\jpeg-6b" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\compface" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\zlib" -DHAVE_MS_WINDOWS -DHAVE_MENUBARS -DHAVE_SCROLLBARS -DHAVE_TOOLBARS -DHAVE_WIDGETS -DHAVE_DIALOGS -DHAVE_XPM -DFOR_MSW -DHAVE_GIF -DHAVE_PNG -DHAVE_TIFF -DHAVE_JPEG -DHAVE_XFACE -DHAVE_ZLIB -DHAVE_NATIVE_SOUND -DMULE -DERROR_CHECK_ALL -DUSE_UNION_TYPE -DPDUMP -DNEW_GC -DUSE_KKCC -DSYSTEM_MALLOC -DDEBUG_XEMACS -D_DEBUG -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN32_NATIVE -Demacs -DNTDDI_VERSION=NTDDI_WIN2K -D_WIN32_WINNT=_WIN32_WINNT_WIN2K -DHAVE_CON!
FIG_H -DPATH_VERSION=\"21.5-b28\" -DPATH_PROGNAME=\"xemacs\" -DEMACS_VERSION=\"21.5-b28\" -DEMACS_PROGNAME=\"xemacs\" -DSHEBANG_PROGNAME=\"xemacs-script\" -DSTACK_TRACE_EYE_CATCHER=xemacs_21_5_b28_i586_pc_win32 -DPATH_PREFIX=\""c:\\Program Files\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.5-b28"\" -DEMACS_MAJOR_VERSION=21 -DEMACS_MINOR_VERSION=5 -DEMACS_BETA_VERSION=28 -DXEMACS_CODENAME=\""fuki"\" -DXEMACS_EXTRA_NAME=\""a1dd514df5c6+ tip"\" -DPATH_LATE_PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES=\""c:\\Programme\\XEmacs"\" -DEMACS_CONFIGURATION=\"i586-pc-win32\"".
For lib-src, using compiler "cl -nologo -W3 -DSTRICT -Zi -O2 -G5 -Ob2 -MDd -Ic:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lib-src -Ic:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DWIN32_NATIVE".
Compiling as C++.
Installing XEmacs in "c:\\Program Files\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.5-b28".
Package path is "c:\\Programme\\XEmacs".
Compiling in support for Microsoft Windows native GUI.
Compiling in international (MULE) support.
Compiling in support for XPM images.
Compiling in support for GIF images.
Compiling in support for PNG images.
Compiling in support for TIFF images.
Compiling in support for JPEG images.
Compiling in support for X-Face message headers.
Compiling in support for GZIP compression/decompression.
Compiling in support for toolbars.
Compiling in support for dialogs.
Compiling in support for widgets.
Compiling in support for native sounds.
Using union type for Lisp object storage.
NOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: This tends to trigger compiler bugs, especially when combined
NOTE: with MULE and ERROR_CHECKING. Crashes in pdump have recently
NOTE: been observed using Visual C++ in combination with union type,
NOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------
Using portable dumper.
Using system malloc.
Using DLL version of C runtime library.
Compiling in extra internal error-checking.
NOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: Compiling in support for runtime error-checking.
NOTE: XEmacs will run noticeably more slowly as a result.
NOTE: Error-checking is on by default for XEmacs beta releases.
NOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------
Compiling in debugging support (no slowdown).
Compiling with optimization.
Using new experimental GC mark algorithms.
Using new experimental incremental garbage collector and new allocator.
> Contents of c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\xemacs-beta-make-all.err
> keeping lines matching
> "^--\[\[\|\]\]$\|^\(cd\|n?make\)\s-\|errors?\|warnings?\|pure.*\(space\|size\)\|hides\b\|strange\|shadowings\|^Compil\(ing\s-+in\|ation\)\|^Using\|not\s-+found\|^While\s-+compiling.*\(
\s-+.+\)*\|^Note:\|Installing\|[Ff]ile(s) copied\|\s-+tests\s-+\|^[A-Z] [^ ]+$\|^Wrong number of arguments:\|^ \*\* "
> and then deleting lines matching
> "confl.*with.*auto-inlining\|^Formatting:"
cd c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\
nmake /f xemacs.mak all
Compilation started at Sun Apr 05 00:31:30 2009 +0200 (Westeuropäische Sommerzeit)
Installing XEmacs in "c:\\Program Files\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.5-b28".
Compiling in extra internal error-checking.
NOTE: Compiling in support for runtime error-checking.
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lib-src\make-dump-id.c(36) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from '__time64_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
<59 lines deleted by Adrian Aichner>
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\editfns.c(1137) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
<8 lines deleted by Adrian Aichner>
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fileio.c(1950) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fileio.c(1951) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fileio.c(2890) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fileio.c(3272) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fileio.c(3618) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fileio.c(4010) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\fns.c(164) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
<16 lines deleted by Adrian Aichner>
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\intl-encap-win32.c(1228) : warning C4995: 'UpdateICMRegKeyW': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\intl-encap-win32.c(1230) : warning C4995: 'UpdateICMRegKeyA': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
<9 lines deleted by Adrian Aichner>
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\nt.c(546) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from '__time64_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
<16 lines deleted by Adrian Aichner>
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\src\strftime.c(502) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'long' to 'char', possible loss of data
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
<9 lines deleted by Adrian Aichner>
cl: Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
Using load-path (c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\)
Using module-load-path (c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\modules)
While compiling byte-compile-from-buffer in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\bytecomp.el:
** variable byte-compile-using-escape-quoted bound but not referenced
Generating autoloads for lisp/next-error.el...
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\menubar-items.el:
** the function bookmark-all-names is not known to be defined.
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\mule\mule-cmds.el:
** the function set-console-tty-coding-system is not known to be defined.
Using load-path (c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\)
Using module-load-path (c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\modules)
While compiling x-win-init-xfree86 in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\x-win-xfree86.el:
** assignment to free variable x-us-keymap-first-keycode
** assignment to free variable x-us-keymap-description
While compiling x-win-init-sun in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\x-win-sun.el:
** assignment to free variable x-us-keymap-first-keycode
** assignment to free variable x-us-keymap-description
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\x-font-menu.el:
** The following functions are not known to be defined:
fc-find-available-font-families, xlfd-font-name-p, fc-font-match,
fc-name-parse, fc-pattern-get-family, fc-pattern-get-successp,
fc-pattern-get-weight, fc-pattern-get-size, fc-pattern-get-slant,
fc-font-slant-translate-to-string, make-fc-pattern,
fc-pattern-add-family, fc-pattern-add-weight,
fc-font-weight-translate-from-string, fc-pattern-add-size,
fc-pattern-add-slant, fc-font-slant-translate-from-string,
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\x-faces.el:
** the function default-x-device is not known to be defined.
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\tty-init.el:
** the function set-console-tty-coding-system is not known to be defined.
Requiring next-error...
Compiling c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\next-error.el...
Wrote c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\next-error.elc
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\fontconfig.el:
** the function default-x-device is not known to be defined.
While compiling font-combine-fonts-internal in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\font.el:
** set-font-family called with 4 arguments, but accepts only 2
While compiling xft-font-create-object:
** attempt to inline fc-pattern-get-family before it was defined
** attempt to inline fc-pattern-get-weight before it was defined
While compiling xft-font-create-name:
** attempt to inline fc-pattern-add-family before it was defined
** attempt to inline fc-pattern-add-size before it was defined
While compiling the end of the data:
** The following functions are not known to be defined:
default-x-device, fc-pattern-get-or-compute-size
While compiling the end of the data in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\descr-text.el:
** The following functions are not known to be defined:
console-tty-output-coding-system, get-database, close-database,
put-database, open-database
While compiling ethio-modify-vowel in file c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\mule\ethio-util.el:
** decompose-composite-char is an obsolete function; use char-to-string instead.
Computing custom-loads for next-error...
Compilation finished at Sun Apr 05 00:35:59
> Contents of c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\xemacs-beta-make-check-temacs.err
> keeping lines matching
> "^--\[\[\|\]\]$\|^\(cd\|n?make\)\s-\|errors?\|warnings?\|pure.*\(space\|size\)\|hides\b\|strange\|shadowings\|^Compil\(ing\s-+in\|ation\)\|^Using\|not\s-+found\|^While\s-+compiling.*\(
\s-+.+\)*\|^Note:\|Installing\|[Ff]ile(s) copied\|\s-+tests\s-+\|^[A-Z] [^ ]+$\|^Wrong number of arguments:\|^ \*\* "
> and then deleting lines matching
> "confl.*with.*auto-inlining\|^Formatting:"
cd c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\
nmake /f xemacs.mak check-temacs
Compilation started at Sun Apr 05 00:36:14 2009 +0200 (Westeuropäische Sommerzeit)
Using load-path (c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\lisp\)
Using module-load-path (c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\modules)
base64-tests.el: 1234 of 1234 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
byte-compiler-tests.el: 66 of 66 tests successful (100%).
38 tests skipped because can't defadvice.
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
c-tests.el: 4 of 4 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
case-tests.el: 1172 of 1172 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
ccl-tests.el: 4570 of 4570 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
database-tests.el: No tests run.
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
extent-tests.el: 194 of 194 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
hash-table-tests.el: 9868 of 9868 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
iso-ir-196-test.el: 2 of 2 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
lisp-reader-tests.el: 52 of 52 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
lisp-tests.el: 3700 of 3700 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
md5-tests.el: 56 of 56 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
Unexpected error (structure-formation-error "Invalid prefix keys in sequence" ?S [?S -]) while executing interpreted code.
Unexpected error (invalid-argument "Invalid (GNU Emacs) key format (see doc of define-key)" C-f9) while executing byte-compiled code.
mule-tests.el: 549 of 549 tests successful (100%).
Unexpected error (structure-formation-error "Invalid prefix keys in sequence" ?S [?S -]) while executing interpreted code
Unexpected error (invalid-argument "Invalid (GNU Emacs) key format (see doc of define-key)" C-f9) while executing byte-compiled code
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
os-tests.el: No tests run.
2 tests skipped because tac executable not found.
2 tests skipped because cat executable not found.
tac process output." BECAUSE "tac executable not found"
cat process output." BECAUSE "cat executable not found"
tac process output." BECAUSE "tac executable not found"
cat process output." BECAUSE "cat executable not found"
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
query-coding-tests.el: 1408 of 1672 tests successful ( 84%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
regexp-tests.el: 396 of 396 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
region-tests.el: 28 of 28 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
symbol-tests.el: 246 of 252 tests successful ( 97%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
syntax-tests.el: 80 of 86 tests successful ( 93%).
2 tests skipped because c-mode unavailable.
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
tag-tests.el: 6 of 6 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
weak-tests.el: 140 of 140 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
base64-tests.el: 1234 of 1234 tests successful (100%).
byte-compiler-tests.el: 66 of 66 tests successful (100%).
c-tests.el: 4 of 4 tests successful (100%).
case-tests.el: 1172 of 1172 tests successful (100%).
ccl-tests.el: 4570 of 4570 tests successful (100%).
database-tests.el: No tests run.
extent-tests.el: 194 of 194 tests successful (100%).
hash-table-tests.el: 9868 of 9868 tests successful (100%).
iso-ir-196-test.el: 2 of 2 tests successful (100%).
lisp-reader-tests.el: 52 of 52 tests successful (100%).
lisp-tests.el: 3700 of 3700 tests successful (100%).
md5-tests.el: 56 of 56 tests successful (100%).
mule-tests.el: 549 of 549 tests successful (100%).
os-tests.el: No tests run.
query-coding-tests.el: 1408 of 1672 tests successful ( 84%).
regexp-tests.el: 396 of 396 tests successful (100%).
region-tests.el: 28 of 28 tests successful (100%).
symbol-tests.el: 246 of 252 tests successful ( 97%).
syntax-tests.el: 80 of 86 tests successful ( 93%).
tag-tests.el: 6 of 6 tests successful (100%).
weak-tests.el: 140 of 140 tests successful (100%).
Compilation finished at Sun Apr 05 00:36:49
> Contents of c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\xemacs-beta-make-check.err
> keeping lines matching
> "^--\[\[\|\]\]$\|^\(cd\|n?make\)\s-\|errors?\|warnings?\|pure.*\(space\|size\)\|hides\b\|strange\|shadowings\|^Compil\(ing\s-+in\|ation\)\|^Using\|not\s-+found\|^While\s-+compiling.*\(
\s-+.+\)*\|^Note:\|Installing\|[Ff]ile(s) copied\|\s-+tests\s-+\|^[A-Z] [^ ]+$\|^Wrong number of arguments:\|^ \*\* "
> and then deleting lines matching
> "confl.*with.*auto-inlining\|^Formatting:"
cd c:\Hacking\hg.debian.org\hg\xemacs\xemacs-beta\xemacs-beta\nt\
nmake /f xemacs.mak check
Compilation started at Sun Apr 05 00:37:07 2009 +0200 (Westeuropäische Sommerzeit)
base64-tests.el: 1234 of 1234 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
byte-compiler-tests.el: 104 of 104 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
c-tests.el: 4 of 4 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
case-tests.el: 1172 of 1172 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
ccl-tests.el: 4570 of 4570 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
database-tests.el: No tests run.
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
extent-tests.el: 194 of 194 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
hash-table-tests.el: 9868 of 9868 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
iso-ir-196-test.el: 2 of 2 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
lisp-reader-tests.el: 52 of 52 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
lisp-tests.el: 3700 of 3700 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
md5-tests.el: 56 of 56 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
KNOWN BUG: (loop for i from 0 to 1114111 with exceptions = #<range-table [55296 57343] t [64976 65007] t [65534 65535] t 0x24a8eb> do (unless (get-range-table i exceptions) (read (format (if (> i 65535) "?\\U%08X" "?\\u%04X") i))) finally return t) ==> error invalid-constant, as expected
KNOWN BUG: (loop for i from 0 to 1114111 with exceptions = #<range-table [55296 57343] t [64976 65007] t [65534 65535] t 0xf384> do (unless (get-range-table i exceptions) (read (format (if (> i 65535) "?\\U%08X" "?\\u%04X") i))) finally return t) ==> error invalid-constant, as expected
mule-tests.el: 1138 of 1140 tests successful ( 99%).
KNOWN BUG: (loop for i from 0 to 1114111 with exceptions = #<range-table [55296 57343] t [64976 65007] t [65534 65535] t 0x24a8eb> do (unless (get-range-table i exceptions) (read (format (if (> i 65535) "?\\U%08X" "?\\u%04X") i))) finally return t) ==> error invalid-constant, as expected
KNOWN BUG: (loop for i from 0 to 1114111 with exceptions = #<range-table [55296 57343] t [64976 65007] t [65534 65535] t 0xf384> do (unless (get-range-table i exceptions) (read (format (if (> i 65535) "?\\U%08X" "?\\u%04X") i))) finally return t) ==> error invalid-constant, as expected
2 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
os-tests.el: 20 of 20 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
query-coding-tests.el: 1408 of 1680 tests successful ( 83%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
regexp-tests.el: 396 of 396 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
region-tests.el: 28 of 28 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
symbol-tests.el: 246 of 252 tests successful ( 97%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
syntax-tests.el: 84 of 90 tests successful ( 93%).
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
KNOWN BUG: (backward-up-list-moves-point-from-to 23 3) ==> error: (syntax-error "Unbalanced parentheses")
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
tag-tests.el: 6 of 6 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
weak-tests.el: 140 of 140 tests successful (100%).
0 errors that should have been generated, but weren't
0 wrong-error failures
base64-tests.el: 1234 of 1234 tests successful (100%).
byte-compiler-tests.el: 104 of 104 tests successful (100%).
c-tests.el: 4 of 4 tests successful (100%).
case-tests.el: 1172 of 1172 tests successful (100%).
ccl-tests.el: 4570 of 4570 tests successful (100%).
database-tests.el: No tests run.
extent-tests.el: 194 of 194 tests successful (100%).
hash-table-tests.el: 9868 of 9868 tests successful (100%).
iso-ir-196-test.el: 2 of 2 tests successful (100%).
lisp-reader-tests.el: 52 of 52 tests successful (100%).
lisp-tests.el: 3700 of 3700 tests successful (100%).
md5-tests.el: 56 of 56 tests successful (100%).
mule-tests.el: 1138 of 1140 tests successful ( 99%).
os-tests.el: 20 of 20 tests successful (100%).
query-coding-tests.el: 1408 of 1680 tests successful ( 83%).
regexp-tests.el: 396 of 396 tests successful (100%).
region-tests.el: 28 of 28 tests successful (100%).
symbol-tests.el: 246 of 252 tests successful ( 97%).
syntax-tests.el: 84 of 90 tests successful ( 93%).
tag-tests.el: 6 of 6 tests successful (100%).
weak-tests.el: 140 of 140 tests successful (100%).
Compilation finished at Sun Apr 05 00:42:22
Adrian Aichner
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[Bug: 21.5-b28] Miscompilation leading (for me) to occasional crashes
15 years, 12 months
Aidan Kehoe
Dear Bug Team!
I have this function:
(defun aidan-vm-visit-folder (folder &optional read-only)
"Visit a VM folder; if it's already being visited, switch to it in this
frame. "
(cd (expand-file-name "~/mail"))
(let ((default-directory (if vm-folder-directory
(expand-file-name vm-folder-directory)
(default (or vm-last-visit-folder vm-last-save-folder))
(this-command this-command)
(last-command last-command))
(list (vm-read-file-name
(format "Visit%s folder:%s "
(if current-prefix-arg " read only" "")
(if default
(format " (default %s)" default)
default-directory default nil nil 'vm-folder-history)
(let ((aidan-loaded (get-file-buffer folder))
(sel-frame (selected-frame)))
(setq vm-last-visit-folder folder)
(let ((access-method nil) foo)
(cond ((and (stringp vm-recognize-pop-maildrops)
(string-match vm-recognize-pop-maildrops folder)
(setq foo (vm-pop-find-name-for-spec folder)))
(setq folder foo
access-method 'pop))
((and (stringp vm-recognize-imap-maildrops)
(string-match vm-recognize-imap-maildrops folder)
(setq foo (vm-imap-find-name-for-spec folder)))
(setq folder foo
access-method 'imap))
(let ((default-directory
(or vm-folder-directory default-directory)))
(setq folder (expand-file-name folder)))))
(vm folder read-only access-method))
(when aidan-loaded
(select-frame sel-frame)
(raise-frame sel-frame)
(split-window-vertically 12)
(switch-to-buffer (format "%s Summary" aidan-loaded))
(other-window 1)
(or (get-buffer (format "%s Presentation" aidan-loaded)) aidan-loaded)
It compiles to this (representing non-alphabet byte-codes with hex escapes):
(defalias 'aidan-vm-visit-folder #[(folder &optional read-only) "\xc6\x0d\x21\xc7\x20\x19\x1c\xc8\x20\x88\xc9\x20\x88\xca\x08\x21\xab\x88\xcb\x08\x21\xab\x83\x08q\x88\xcc\x20\x88\x0d\x16\x24\xcd\x89\x1b\x1b\x1a\x1b\x0e\x21\x3b\xab\x94\xce\x1b\x0e\x21\x0d\x22\xab\x8d\xcf\x0d\x21\x89\x13\xab\x86\x0b\x15\xd0\x12\xaa\xa6\x1b\x0e\x22\x3b\xab\x94\xce\x1b\x0e\x22\x0d\x22\xab\x8d\xd1\x0d\x21\x89\x13\xab\x86\x0b\x15\xd2\x12\xaa\x8d\x1b\x0e\x25\xae\x82\x1b\x0e\x23\x1e\x23\xd3\x0d\x21\x15\x29\xd4\x0d\x1b\x0e\x26\x0a\x23\x88\x2a\x0c\xad\xa6\xd5\x09\x21\x88\xd6\x09\x21\x88\xd7\x20\x88\xd8\xd9\x21\x88\xda\xdb\xdc\x0c\x22\x21\x88\xdd\xde\x21\x88\xda\xdf\xdb\xe0\x0c\x22\x21\xae\x81\x0c\x0c\x22\x2a\x87" [vm-mail-buffer sel-frame access-method foo aidan-loaded folder get-file-buffer selected-frame vm-session-initialization vm-check-for-killed-folder bufferp buffer-name vm-check-for-killed-summary nil string-match vm-pop-find-name-for-spec pop vm-imap-find-name-for-spec imap expand-file-name v!
m select-frame raise-frame delete-other-windows split-window-vertically 12 switch-to-buffer format "%s Summary" other-window 1 get-buffer "%s Presentation" vm-recognize-pop-maildrops vm-recognize-imap-maildrops default-directory vm-last-visit-folder vm-folder-directory read-only] 5 "\
Visit a VM folder; if it's already being visited, switch to it in this
frame. " (save-excursion (cd (expand-file-name "~/mail")) (vm-session-initialization) (vm-check-for-killed-folder) (vm-select-folder-buffer-if-possible) (let ((default-directory (if vm-folder-directory (expand-file-name vm-folder-directory) default-directory)) (default (or vm-last-visit-folder vm-last-save-folder)) (this-command this-command) (last-command last-command)) (list (vm-read-file-name (format "Visit%s folder:%s " (if current-prefix-arg " read only" "") (if default (format " (default %s)" default) "")) default-directory default nil nil 'vm-folder-history) current-prefix-arg)))])
When I try to disassemble this, I get:
optimizer error: missed tags ((98 TAG 8) (90 TAG 5) (63 TAG 2))
and the following is left in the *Disassemble* buffer:
byte code:
doc: Visit a VM folder; if it's already being visited, switch to it in this ...
args: (folder &optional read-only)
interactive: (save-excursion (cd (expand-file-name "~/mail")) (vm-session-initialization) (vm-check-for-killed-folder) (vm-select-folder-buffer-if-possible) (let ((default-directory (if vm-folder-directory (expand-file-name vm-folder-directory) default-directory)) (default (or vm-last-visit-folder vm-last-save-folder)) (this-command this-command) (last-command last-command)) (list (vm-read-file-name (format "Visit%s folder:%s " (if current-prefix-arg " read only" "") (if default (format " (default %s)" default) "")) default-directory default nil nil (quote vm-folder-history)) current-prefix-arg)))
This is a bug somewhere. I don’t know how to fix it, and hopefully I’ll find
a workaround soon.
System Info to help track down your bug:
uname -a: FreeBSD daedalus.asclepian.ie 7.1-STABLE FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE #6: Wed Jan 21 19:23:52 GMT 2009 conall@daedalus.asclepian.ie:/usr/src/obj/usr/src/sys/DAEDALUS amd64
./configure '--enable-mule' '--prefix=/home/aidan' 'CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -lintl' '--with-bignum=gmp' '--with-site-prefixes=/usr/local:/usr/X11R6' '--without-error-checking' '--without-assertions' '--with-x' '--with-rel-alloc'
XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" configured for `x86_64-unknown-freebsd7.1'.
Compilation Environment and Installation Defaults:
Source code location: /home/aidan/xemacs-21.5-checked-out
Installation prefix: /home/aidan
Additional prefixes: /usr/local /usr/X11R6
Operating system description file: `s/freebsd.h'
Not using any machine description file
Compiler version: gcc (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]
- GCC specs file: specs.
- Compiler command: gcc -Wall -Wno-switch -Wundef -Wsign-compare -Wno-char-subscripts -Wpacked -Wpointer-arith -Wunused-parameter -g -I/usr/local/include
libc version:
Relocating allocator for buffers: yes
GNU version of malloc: yes
Linking with `-z nocombreloc'.
- Consider configuring with --enable-pdump.
Window System:
Compiling in support for the X window system:
- X Windows headers location: /usr/X11R6/include
- X Windows libraries location: /usr/X11R6/lib
- Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
Compiling in support for the Athena widget set:
- Athena headers location: X11/Xaw
- Athena library to link: Xaw
Using Lucid menubars.
Using Lucid scrollbars.
Using Athena dialog boxes.
Using Athena native widgets.
Compiling in support for ncurses.
Compiling in support for GIF images (builtin).
Compiling in support for XPM images.
Compiling in support for PNG images.
Compiling in support for JPEG images.
Compiling in support for TIFF images.
Compiling in support for X-Face message headers.
Compiling in support for sound (native).
Compiling in support for Berkeley database.
Compiling in support for GNU DBM.
Compiling in support for LDAP.
Compiling in support for PostgreSQL.
- Using PostgreSQL header file: libpq-fe.h
- Using PostgreSQL V7 bindings.
Compiling in support for Mule (multi-lingual Emacs).
Compiling in support for XIM (X11R5+ I18N input method).
- Using raw Xlib to provide XIM support.
Compiling in support for "flock" mail spool file locking method.
Other Features:
Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
Compiling in support for dynamic shared object modules.
Compiling in support for more number types using the GNU MP library.
Using the new GC mark algorithms (KKCC).
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
WARNING: The new algorithms are experimental. They are enabled by
WARNING: default for this release. Use `--disable-kkcc' to
WARNING: turn it off.
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
Compiling in support for extra debugging code.
Load-Path Lisp Shadows:
Internationalization Settings:
Value of LC_ALL : nil
Value of LC_COLLATE : nil
Value of LC_CTYPE : de_DE.UTF-8
Value of LC_MESSAGES : nil
Value of LC_MONETARY : nil
Value of LC_NUMERIC : nil
Value of LC_TIME : nil
Value of LANG : nil
Lisp locale settings:
current-language-environment => "German (UTF-8)"
default-buffer-file-coding-system => utf-8
default-process-coding-system => (undecided . utf-8)
(current-locale) => "de_DE.UTF-8"
keyboard-coding-system => utf-8
terminal-coding-system => utf-8
(coding-priority-list) =>
(utf-8 iso-8-1 utf-16-little-endian-bom utf-16-bom utf-8-bom iso-7
no-conversion iso-8-2 iso-8-designate iso-lock-shift shift-jis big5
utf-16-little-endian utf-16 ucs-4)
Coding system aliases:
'native is aliased to utf-8
'file-name is aliased to utf-8
'mswindows-multibyte-system-default is not a coding system alias
Installed XEmacs Packages:
(xslt-process ver: 1.12 upstream: 1.2.1)
(xemacs-devel ver: 1.78 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(xemacs-base ver: 2.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(vm ver: 8.07 upstream: 8.0.12-devo)
(view-process ver: 1.13 upstream: 2.4)
(vc-cc ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(vc ver: 1.45 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(tpu ver: 1.14 upstream: 4.2X)
(time ver: 1.14 upstream: 1.17)
(textools ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(text-modes ver: 1.95 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(texinfo ver: 1.3 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(strokes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(speedbar ver: 1.29 upstream: 1.0pre4)
(sml-mode ver: 0.12 upstream: 3.9.5)
(sieve ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sh-script ver: 1.24 upstream: 2.0f)
(sgml ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(scheme ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(rmail ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(reftex ver: 1.34 upstream: 4.21)
(python-modes ver: 1.1 upstream: 426)
(prog-modes ver: 2.16 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pgg ver: 1.06 upstream: 0.1)
(perl-modes ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pcomplete ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.1.6)
(pcl-cvs ver: 1.68 upstream: R-2_9_9)
(pc ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(os-utils ver: 1.41 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(oo-browser ver: 1.05 upstream: 4.08)
(ocaml ver: 0.06 upstream: 3.06)
(net-utils ver: 1.56 upstream: N/A)
(mmm-mode ver: 1.02 upstream: 0.4.7)
(misc-games ver: 1.2 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(mailcrypt ver: 2.14 upstream: 3.5.8)
(mail-lib ver: 1.8 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ispell ver: 1.32 upstream: 3.6)
(ilisp ver: 1.34 upstream: 5.12.0)
(igrep ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.111)
(ibuffer ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(gnats ver: 1.17 upstream: 3.101)
(general-docs ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(games ver: 1.18 upstream: 1.04)
(fsf-compat ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(frame-icon ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(forms ver: 1.15 upstream: 2.37)
(footnote ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.18x)
(eterm ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ess ver: 1.12 upstream: 5.2.3)
(erc ver: 0.22 upstream: Version 5.1.2 Revision: 1.796.2.6)
(emerge ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(elib ver: 1.13 upstream: 1.0)
(eieio ver: 1.06 upstream: 1.0pre4)
(efs ver: 1.34 upstream: 1.24)
(edt ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edit-utils ver: 2.4 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ediff ver: 1.75 upstream: 2.75)
(edebug ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ecrypto ver: 0.21 upstream: 2.0)
(dired ver: 1.19 upstream: 7.16)
(dictionary ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.8)
(debug ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(cookie ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(cc-mode ver: 1.45 upstream: 5.30.10)
(calendar ver: 1.37 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(calc ver: 1.26 upstream: 2.02fX3)
(c-support ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(build ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.02)
(bbdb ver: 1.32 upstream: 2.35)
(auctex ver: 1.49 upstream: 11.55)
(apel ver: 1.33 upstream: 10.6)
(skk ver: 1.24 upstream: 10.62a)
(mule-base ver: 1.53 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(lookup ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.0)
(locale ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(leim ver: 1.27 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(latin-unity ver: 1.2 upstream: 1.20)
(latin-euro-standards ver: 1.08 upstream: 1.08)
(egg-its ver: 1.27 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edict ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.9.9)
Installed Modules:
(timer-funcs xemacsbug shadow mail-abbrevs non-standard-1252 vm-pine cookie1
vm-pgg pgg password pgg-parse pgg-def vm-rfaddons overlay vm-reply
vm-autoload sendmail vm-menu vm-window vm-toolbar vm-folder vm-mime vm-undo
vm-summary vm-mouse vm-page vm-motion vm-minibuf vm-message vm-misc vm-macro
vm-vars highlight-headers vm vm-version view-less view disass byte-optimize
bytecomp byte-compile efs-cu erc-track erc-ring erc-netsplit erc-match
erc-button erc-fill erc-stamp wid-edit erc-autojoin unique erc-truncate
erc-log erc-goodies erc erc-backend erc-menu erc-compat format-spec
thingatpt pp latin-unity-tables latin-euro-standards latin-euro-latin10
latin-euro-latin9 latin-euro-latin8 latin-euro-latin7 latin-unity-vars
latin-unity crypt crypt++ crypt+pgp-pub scroll-in-place redo desktop
savehist alist after-save-commands mail-extr timezone tex-site mailcrypt
rfc822 comint ring mmm advice advice-preload lazy-shot font-lock time
cus-face gnuserv xslt-process-autoloads xemacs-devel-autoloads
xemacs-base-autoloads vm-autoloads view-process-autoloads vc-cc-autoloads
vc-autoloads tpu-autoloads time-autoloads textools-autoloads
text-modes-autoloads texinfo-autoloads strokes-autoloads speedbar-autoloads
sml-mode-autoloads sieve-autoloads sh-script-autoloads sgml-autoloads
scheme-autoloads rmail-autoloads reftex-autoloads python-modes-autoloads
prog-modes-autoloads pgg-autoloads perl-modes-autoloads pcomplete-autoloads
pcl-cvs-autoloads pc-autoloads os-utils-autoloads oo-browser-autoloads
ocaml-autoloads net-utils-autoloads mmm-mode-autoloads misc-games-autoloads
mailcrypt-autoloads mail-lib-autoloads ispell-autoloads ilisp-autoloads
igrep-autoloads ibuffer-autoloads gnats-autoloads general-docs-autoloads
games-autoloads fsf-compat-autoloads frame-icon-autoloads forms-autoloads
footnote-autoloads eterm-autoloads ess-autoloads erc-autoloads
emerge-autoloads elib-autoloads eieio-autoloads efs-autoloads edt-autoloads
edit-utils-autoloads ediff-autoloads edebug-autoloads ecrypto-autoloads
dired-autoloads dictionary-autoloads debug-autoloads cookie-autoloads
cc-mode-autoloads calendar-autoloads calc-autoloads c-support-autoloads
build-autoloads bbdb-autoloads auctex-autoloads apel-autoloads skk-autoloads
mule-base-autoloads lookup-autoloads locale-autoloads leim-autoloads
latin-unity-autoloads latin-euro-standards-autoloads egg-its-autoloads
edict-autoloads modules-autoloads mule-autoloads auto-autoloads auto-show
fontl-hooks canna-leim tibetan slovenian czech romanian lao devanagari
indian cyrillic code-cmds gutter-items menubar-items x-menubar mode-motion
mouse behavior itimer auto-save lisp-mode easymenu easy-mmode iso8859-1 page
buff-menu lib-complete loadhist cus-file derived newcomment rsz-minibuf env
text-props frame obsolete cus-start custom widget cl-extra cl cl-19 packages
backquote unicode lucid-scrollbars cut-buffer lucid-menubars athena-dialogs
x c-balloon-help tty-frames tty toolbar native-sound scrollbar
unix-processes multicast network-streams subprocesses bigfloat ratio bignum
number-types modules menu-accelerator-support menubar berkeley-db dbm md5
xemacs xim mule gutter tiff png gif jpeg xface xpm xbm lisp-float-type
file-coding berkeley-unix dialog devices window-system base64)
Recent keystrokes:
C-n C-n RET ESC [ 5 ~ C-x o C-x 1 C-x C-b C-x o C-n
C-n C-n RET C-x 1 C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p
C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-a C-@ C-n C-n
C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n
C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-v
C-n C-n ESC w C-x m x C-a C-x k RET ESC x r e p o r
t - x e m a c s - b u g RET
Recent messages (most recent first):
Loading timer-funcs...done
Loading timer-funcs...
Loading xemacsbug...done
Loading xemacsbug...
Loading vm-revno...done
Loading vm-revno...
Parsing /home/aidan/.mailrc... done
Parsing /home/aidan/.mailrc...
Loading mail-abbrevs...done
Loading mail-abbrevs...
VM-RFADDONS: VM is now infected. Please report bugs to Robert Widhop-Fenk!
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `take-action-on-attachment'.
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `encode-headers'.
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `check-for-empty-subject'.
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `check-recipients'.
About to use Robert Widhopf-Fenk's add-ons ... done.
VM-RFADDONS: VM is now infected. Please report bugs to Robert Widhop-Fenk!
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `save-all-attachments'.
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `take-action-on-attachment'.
Adding vm-rfaddons-option `clean-subject'.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghe, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?y1VcHN0cmVhbS1WZXIpDQoocm1haWwgdmVyOiAxLjE0IHVwc3RyZWFtOiBOby1VcHN0cmVh
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
Re: [Bug: 21.5-b28] Problem with upgraded packages: semantic.el requires mode-local?
16 years
Philip Aston
OK - this can be put down to "user error", please ignore.
I now have successfully installed the sumo package, so have cedet which
provides mode-local.
- Phil
Philip Aston wrote:
> ================================================================
> Dear Bug Team!
> I upgraded my packages via the package installer today and ran into a
> problem with semantic.el.
> I then overwrote my package installation with the sumo - same results.
> I see a similar trace in an xemacs-beta mail by Vin Shelton:
> http://calypso.tux.org/pipermail/xemacs-beta/2007-December/012873.html
> but no follow up.
> Regards,
> - Phil
> ================================================================
> System Info to help track down your bug:
> ---------------------------------------
> uname -a: Linux paston01 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39
> UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
> ./configure '--with-dragndrop' '--disable-debug'
> '--disable-error-checking' '--with-xft=emacs,tabs,gauges'
> '--with-sound=alsa'
> XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" ad2d2f4848f5 configured for `i686-pc-linux'.
> Compilation Environment and Installation Defaults:
> Source code location: /opt/src/xemacs/xemacs-21.5-hg
> Installation prefix: /usr/local
> Operating system description file: `s/linux.h'
> Machine description file: `m/intel386.h'
> Compiler version: gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu12) 4.3.2
> - GCC specs file: specs.
> - Compiler command: gcc -Wall -Wno-switch -Wundef
> -Wsign-compare -Wno-char-subscripts -Wpacked -Wunused-parameter -g
> libc version: GNU libc 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9 (Debian)
> Relocating allocator for buffers: no
> GNU version of malloc: yes
> - Using Doug Lea's new malloc from the GNU C Library.
> Window System:
> Compiling in support for the X window system:
> - X Windows headers location:
> - X Windows libraries location:
> - Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
> - Using fontconfig to manage fonts.
> - Compiling in support for Xft antialiased fonts (EXPERIMENTAL).
> Using Lucid menubars.
> Using Lucid scrollbars.
> TTY:
> Compiling in support for ncurses.
> Images:
> Compiling in support for GIF images (builtin).
> Compiling in support for XPM images.
> Compiling in support for PNG images.
> Compiling in support for JPEG images.
> Sound:
> Compiling in support for sound (native).
> Compiling in support for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture).
> Compiling in support for NAS (network audio system).
> Databases:
> Internationalization:
> Mail:
> Compiling in support for "file" mail spool file locking method.
> Other Features:
> Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
> Compiling in support for dynamic shared object modules.
> Using the new GC mark algorithms (KKCC).
> WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
> WARNING: The new algorithms are experimental. They are enabled by
> WARNING: default for this release. Use `--disable-kkcc' to
> WARNING: turn it off.
> WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
> Using the new portable dumper.
> Dumping into executable.
> Load-Path Lisp Shadows:
> ----------------------
> (/usr/local/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/build/build-report
> /usr/local/share/xemacs-21.5-b28/lisp/build-report
> /usr/local/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/xemacs-base/easy-mmode
> /usr/local/share/xemacs-21.5-b28/lisp/easy-mmode
> /usr/local/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/xemacs-base/regexp-opt
> /usr/local/share/xemacs-21.5-b28/lisp/regexp-opt)
> Internationalization Settings:
> -------------------------
> Installed XEmacs Packages:
> -------------------------
> (zenirc ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.112)
> (xwem ver: 1.22 upstream: lg(a)xwem.org--2005/xwem--main--2.1--versionfix-1)
> (xslt-process ver: 1.12 upstream: 1.2.1)
> (xslide ver: 1.09 upstream: 0.2.2)
> (xlib ver: 1.14 upstream: lg(a)xwem.org--2005/xlib--main--2.1--version-0)
> (xetla ver: 1.02 upstream: steve(a)eicq.org--2005/xetla--main--1.1--version-0)
> (xemacs-devel ver: 1.79 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (xemacs-base ver: 2.19 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (x-symbol ver: 1.11 upstream: 4.5.1)
> (w3 ver: 1.35 upstream: 4.0pre47)
> (vm ver: 8.07 upstream: 8.0.12-devo)
> (viper ver: 1.65 upstream: 3.09)
> (view-process ver: 1.13 upstream: 2.4)
> (vhdl ver: 1.22 upstream: 3.33.12)
> (vc-cc ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (vc ver: 1.45 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (tramp ver: 1.4 upstream: 2.0.56)
> (tpu ver: 1.14 upstream: 4.2X)
> (tooltalk ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (tm ver: 1.39 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (time ver: 1.14 upstream: 1.17)
> (textools ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (text-modes ver: 1.96 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (texinfo ver: 1.3 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (supercite ver: 1.21 upstream: 3.55x3)
> (strokes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (speedbar ver: 1.29 upstream: 1.0pre4)
> (sounds-wav ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (sounds-au ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (sml-mode ver: 0.12 upstream: 3.9.5)
> (slider ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.3x1)
> (sieve ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (sh-script ver: 1.24 upstream: 2.0f)
> (sgml ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (semantic ver: 1.21 upstream: 2.0pre4)
> (scheme ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (sasl ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.14.4)
> (ruby-modes ver: 1.02 upstream: 1.6.8)
> (rmail ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (riece ver: 1.23 upstream: 3.1.2)
> (reftex ver: 1.34 upstream: 4.21)
> (re-builder ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.20)
> (python-modes ver: 1.13 upstream: 5.0.0)
> (psgml-dtds ver: 1.03 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (psgml ver: 1.45 upstream: 1.3.2)
> (ps-print ver: 1.12 upstream: 6.5.6)
> (prog-modes ver: 2.19 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (pgg ver: 1.07 upstream: 0.1)
> (perl-modes ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (pcomplete ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.1.6)
> (pcl-cvs ver: 1.68 upstream: R-2_9_9)
> (pc ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (os-utils ver: 1.41 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (oo-browser ver: 1.05 upstream: 4.08)
> (ocaml ver: 0.06 upstream: 3.06)
> (net-utils ver: 1.56 upstream: N/A)
> (mmm-mode ver: 1.03 upstream: 0.4.8)
> (misc-games ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (mine ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.9)
> (mh-e ver: 1.31 upstream: 7.4.2)
> (mew ver: 1.19 upstream: 1.94.2)
> (mailcrypt ver: 2.14 upstream: 3.5.8)
> (mail-lib ver: 1.8 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (jde ver: 1.52 upstream:
> (ispell ver: 1.32 upstream: 3.6)
> (ilisp ver: 1.34 upstream: 5.12.0)
> (igrep ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.111)
> (idlwave ver: 1.32 upstream: 5.1)
> (ibuffer ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (hyperbole ver: 1.17 upstream: 5.0)
> (hm--html-menus ver: 1.24 upstream: 5.9)
> (haskell-mode ver: 1.11 upstream: 2.1)
> (gnus ver: 1.93 upstream: 5.10.8)
> (gnats ver: 1.17 upstream: 3.101)
> (general-docs ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (games ver: 1.18 upstream: 1.04)
> (fsf-compat ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (frame-icon ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (fortran-modes ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (forms ver: 1.15 upstream: 2.37)
> (footnote ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.18x)
> (eudc ver: 1.4 upstream: 1.32)
> (eterm ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (eshell ver: 1.17 upstream: 0fc80a3f6bb3bb59f42e9ff83cc8b89bf90fe658)
> (escreen ver: 1.01 upstream: 1.16)
> (erc ver: 0.22 upstream: Version 5.1.2 Revision: 1.796.2.6)
> (emerge ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (elib ver: 1.13 upstream: 1.0)
> (eieio ver: 1.06 upstream: 1.0pre4)
> (efs ver: 1.34 upstream: 1.24)
> (edt ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (edit-utils ver: 2.4 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (ediff ver: 1.77 upstream: 2.75)
> (edebug ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (ecrypto ver: 0.21 upstream: 2.0)
> (ecb ver: 1.22 upstream: 2.31)
> (docbookide ver: 0.08 upstream: 0.1)
> (dired ver: 1.19 upstream: 7.16)
> (dictionary ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.8)
> (debug ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (crisp ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.34)
> (cookie ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (clearcase ver: 1.1 upstream: /main/laptop/165)
> (cc-mode ver: 1.45 upstream: 5.30.10)
> (calendar ver: 1.38 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (calc ver: 1.26 upstream: 2.02fX3)
> (c-support ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> (build ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.02)
> (bbdb ver: 1.32 upstream: 2.35)
> (auctex ver: 1.51 upstream: 11.84)
> (apel ver: 1.33 upstream: 10.6)
> (ada ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.27)
> (Sun ver: 1.16 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
> Installed Modules:
> -----------------
> Features:
> --------
> (mail-abbrevs xemacsbug shadow sendmail bookmark pp tempo psgml-html
> sgml-mode psgml assoc working python-mode info-look info ansi-color
> compile efs-cu paren blink-paren gnuserv mailcrypt rfc822
> weblogic-log-mode cc-styles cc-align cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs
> regexp-opt pending-del byte-optimize bytecomp byte-compile savehist
> time w3 w3-menu cus-edit cus-load w3-emulate w3-auto w3-parse url mm
> w3-display w3-mouse advice advice-preload w3-imap w3-widget w3-vars
> w3-keyword w3-cus url-parse url-vars css font disp-table mule-sysdp
> w3-cfg w3-sysdp x-compose vc-hooks vc-xemacs scroll-in-place
> recent-files psvn edmacro wid-edit overlay log-edit pcl-cvs-util
> cvs-compat add-log diff-mode elp ediff-merg ediff-diff ediff-wind
> ediff-tbar ediff-mult ediff-help ediff-init ediff-util dired-faces
> dired-xemacs dired pc-select ol-helper flyspell ispell ilisp imenu
> ilisp-cl-easy-menu ilisp-ccl ilisp-lw ilisp-chs ilisp-ext ilisp-key
> cltl2 hyperspec thingatpt browse-url bridge comint-ipc ilcompat
> il-luc19 comint ring font-lock cus-face zenirc-autoloads
> xwem-autoloads xslt-process-autoloads xslide-autoloads xlib-autoloads
> xetla-autoloads xemacs-devel-autoloads xemacs-base-autoloads
> x-symbol-autoloads w3-autoloads vm-autoloads viper-autoloads
> view-process-autoloads vhdl-autoloads vc-cc-autoloads vc-autoloads
> tramp-autoloads tpu-autoloads tooltalk-autoloads tm-autoloads
> time-autoloads textools-autoloads text-modes-autoloads
> texinfo-autoloads supercite-autoloads strokes-autoloads
> speedbar-autoloads sounds-wav-autoloads sounds-au-autoloads
> sml-mode-autoloads slider-autoloads sieve-autoloads
> sh-script-autoloads sgml-autoloads semantic-autoloads scheme-autoloads
> sasl-autoloads ruby-modes-autoloads rmail-autoloads riece-autoloads
> reftex-autoloads re-builder-autoloads python-modes-autoloads
> psgml-dtds-autoloads psgml-autoloads ps-print-autoloads
> prog-modes-autoloads pgg-autoloads perl-modes-autoloads
> pcomplete-autoloads pcl-cvs-autoloads pc-autoloads os-utils-autoloads
> oo-browser-autoloads ocaml-autoloads net-utils-autoloads
> mmm-mode-autoloads misc-games-autoloads mine-autoloads mh-e-autoloads
> mew-autoloads mailcrypt-autoloads mail-lib-autoloads jde-autoloads
> ispell-autoloads ilisp-autoloads igrep-autoloads idlwave-autoloads
> ibuffer-autoloads hyperbole-autoloads hm--html-menus-autoloads
> haskell-mode-autoloads gnus-autoloads gnats-autoloads
> general-docs-autoloads games-autoloads fsf-compat-autoloads
> frame-icon-autoloads fortran-modes-autoloads forms-autoloads
> footnote-autoloads eudc-autoloads eterm-autoloads eshell-autoloads
> escreen-autoloads erc-autoloads emerge-autoloads elib-autoloads
> eieio-autoloads efs-autoloads edt-autoloads edit-utils-autoloads
> ediff-autoloads edebug-autoloads ecrypto-autoloads ecb-autoloads
> docbookide-autoloads dired-autoloads dictionary-autoloads
> debug-autoloads crisp-autoloads cookie-autoloads clearcase-autoloads
> cc-mode-autoloads calendar-autoloads calc-autoloads
> c-support-autoloads build-autoloads bbdb-autoloads tex-site
> auctex-autoloads apel-autoloads ada-autoloads Sun-autoloads
> modules-autoloads auto-autoloads auto-show fontl-hooks code-cmds
> gutter-items menubar-items x-menubar mode-motion mouse behavior itimer
> auto-save lisp-mode easymenu easy-mmode iso8859-1 page buff-menu
> lib-complete loadhist cus-file derived newcomment rsz-minibuf env
> text-props fontconfig frame obsolete cus-start custom widget cl-extra
> cl cl-19 packages backquote unicode font-mgr lucid-scrollbars
> cut-buffer xft-fonts lucid-menubars x c-balloon-help tty-frames tty
> toolbar nas-sound native-sound alsa-sound scrollbar unix-processes
> multicast network-streams subprocesses modules
> menu-accelerator-support menubar md5 xemacs gutter png gif jpeg xpm
> xbm lisp-float-type file-coding linux devices window-system base64)
> Recent keystrokes:
> -----------------
> ~ / c u TAB b TAB o TAB c TAB M-BS M-BS M-BS M-BS s
> r TAB p l TAB TAB TAB TAB m TAB RET M-x r e p o TAB
> t TAB BS BS r BS M-BS x e TAB m TAB r p o TAB C-a r
> e p o C-k r TAB b TAB C-a x e m a c s - C-e TAB TAB
> C-a C-k r e p o TAB TAB r t TAB x e TAB RET
> Recent messages (most recent first):
> -----------------------------------
> Loading xemacsbug...done
> Loading xemacsbug...
> Making completion list...
> Making completion list...
> Making completion list...
> Making completion list...
> Warning: Error in File mode specification: Cannot open load file:
> "mode-local"
> Backtrace follows:
> signal(file-error ("Cannot open load file" "mode-local"))
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("mode-local" nil require nil)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> require(mode-local)
> byte-code("..." [emacs-major-version require mode-local featurep
> xemacs defalias semantic-overlay-live-p #<compiled-function (o)
> "...(17)" [o extent-live-p extent-detached-p bufferp extent-buffer] 3>
> semantic-make-overlay make-extent semantic-overlay-put
> set-extent-property semantic-overlay-get extent-property
> semantic-overlay-properties extent-properties semantic-overlay-move
> set-extent-endpoints semantic-overlay-delete delete-extent
> semantic-overlays-at #<compiled-function (pos) "...(6)" [pos extent-list
> nil] 4> semantic-overlays-in #<compiled-function (beg end) "...(6)" [end
> beg extent-list nil] 4> semantic-overlay-buffer extent-buffer
> semantic-overlay-start extent-start-position semantic-overlay-end
> extent-end-position semantic-overlay-size extent-length
> semantic-overlay-next-change next-extent-change
> semantic-overlay-previous-change previous-extent-change
> semantic-overlay-lists #<compiled-function nil "...(4)" [extent-list] 1>
> semantic-overlay-p extentp semantic-read-event #<compiled-function nil
> "...(26)" [c event next-command-event key-press-event-p
> event-to-character char-equal quit-char keyboard-quit] 3> overlay-buffer
> make-overlay overlay-put overlay-get overlay-properties move-overlay
> delete-overlay overlays-at overlays-in overlay-start overlay-end
> overlay-size next-overlay-change previous-overlay-change overlay-lists
> overlayp read-event 21 semantic-make-local-hook identity make-local-hook
> semantic-mode-line-update redraw-modeline force-mode-line-update
> semantic-run-mode-hooks fboundp run-mode-hooks run-hooks
> semantic-subst-char-in-string subst-char-in-string] 4)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> load-internal("semantic-fw" nil require nil binary)
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("semantic-fw" nil require nil)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> require(semantic-fw)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> load-internal("semantic-tag" nil require nil binary)
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("semantic-tag" nil require nil)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> require(semantic-tag)
> byte-code("..." [require working assoc semantic-tag semantic-lex
> inversion] 2)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> load-internal("semantic" nil require nil binary)
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("semantic" nil require nil)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> require(semantic)
> byte-code("..." [require semantic wisent] 2)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> load-internal("semantic-wisent" nil require nil binary)
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("semantic-wisent" nil require nil)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> require(semantic-wisent)
> byte-code("..." [require semantic-wisent wisent-python-wy] 2)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> load-internal("wisent-python" nil nil nil binary)
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("wisent-python" nil nil nil)
> apply(load ("wisent-python" nil nil nil))
> # bind (inhibit-file-name-handlers inhibit-file-name-operation args op)
> dired-handler-fn(load "wisent-python" nil nil nil)
> # bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
> load("wisent-python" nil nil nil)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> wisent-python-default-setup()
> run-hooks(wisent-python-default-setup)
> python-mode()
> # bind (alist mode name keep-going)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # bind (just-from-file-name)
> set-auto-mode()
> #<compiled-function nil "...(5)" [set-auto-mode t] 1>()
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> call-with-condition-handler(#<compiled-function
> (__call_trapping_errors_arg__) "...(17)" [__call_trapping_errors_arg__
> errstr error-message-string lwarn file-mode-spec warning "Error in %s:
> %s\n\nBacktrace follows:\n\n%s" "File mode specification"
> backtrace-in-condition-handler-eliminating-handler] 8>
> #<compiled-function nil "...(5)" [set-auto-mode t] 1>)
> # (condition-case ... . ((error)))
> # bind (find-file)
> normal-mode(t)
> # bind (nomodes after-find-file-from-revert-buffer noauto warn error)
> after-find-file(nil t)
> # (unwind-protect ...)
> # bind (inhibit-read-only error number truename rawfile nowarn
> filename buf)
> find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer "menu.py">
> "/home/philipa/src/play/menu.py" nil nil
> "/home/philipa/src/play/menu.py" (4107857 65026))
> byte-code("..." [number truename rawfile nowarn filename buf
> set-buffer-major-mode find-file-noselect-1] 7)
> # (condition-case ... . ((t (byte-code "Â!Ã @ A\"" [buf data
> kill-buffer signal] 3))))
> # bind (number truename buf wildcards rawfile nowarn filename)
> find-file-noselect("~/src/play/menu.py" nil nil t)
> # bind (wildcards codesys filename)
> #<compiled-function (filename &optional codesys wildcards) "...(77)"
> [wildcards filename coding-system-for-read codesys bufname value
> get-coding-system find-file-noselect nil file-exists-p buffer-file-name
> local-variable-p buffer-file-coding-system switch-to-buffer mapcar] 6
> 1191119 (list (read-file-name "Find file: ") (and current-prefix-arg
> (read-coding-system "Coding system: ")) t)>("~/src/play/menu.py" nil t)
> call-interactively(find-file)
> # (condition-case ... . error)
> # (catch top-level ...)
> Fontifying menu.py... done.
> Loading wisent-python...
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)................
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)...............
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)..............
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps).............
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)...........
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)......
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)......
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps).....
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps).....
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)....
> Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)....
XEmacs-Beta mailing list
[Bug: 21.5-b28] Problem with upgraded packages: semantic.el requires mode-local?
16 years
Philip Aston
Dear Bug Team!
I upgraded my packages via the package installer today and ran into a
problem with semantic.el.
I then overwrote my package installation with the sumo - same results.
I see a similar trace in an xemacs-beta mail by Vin Shelton:
but no follow up.
- Phil
System Info to help track down your bug:
uname -a: Linux paston01 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39
UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
./configure '--with-dragndrop' '--disable-debug'
'--disable-error-checking' '--with-xft=emacs,tabs,gauges'
XEmacs 21.5-b28 "fuki" ad2d2f4848f5 configured for `i686-pc-linux'.
Compilation Environment and Installation Defaults:
Source code location: /opt/src/xemacs/xemacs-21.5-hg
Installation prefix: /usr/local
Operating system description file: `s/linux.h'
Machine description file: `m/intel386.h'
Compiler version: gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu12) 4.3.2
- GCC specs file: specs.
- Compiler command: gcc -Wall -Wno-switch -Wundef
-Wsign-compare -Wno-char-subscripts -Wpacked -Wunused-parameter -g
libc version: GNU libc 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9 (Debian)
Relocating allocator for buffers: no
GNU version of malloc: yes
- Using Doug Lea's new malloc from the GNU C Library.
Window System:
Compiling in support for the X window system:
- X Windows headers location:
- X Windows libraries location:
- Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
- Using fontconfig to manage fonts.
- Compiling in support for Xft antialiased fonts (EXPERIMENTAL).
Using Lucid menubars.
Using Lucid scrollbars.
Compiling in support for ncurses.
Compiling in support for GIF images (builtin).
Compiling in support for XPM images.
Compiling in support for PNG images.
Compiling in support for JPEG images.
Compiling in support for sound (native).
Compiling in support for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture).
Compiling in support for NAS (network audio system).
Compiling in support for "file" mail spool file locking method.
Other Features:
Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
Compiling in support for dynamic shared object modules.
Using the new GC mark algorithms (KKCC).
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
WARNING: The new algorithms are experimental. They are enabled by
WARNING: default for this release. Use `--disable-kkcc' to
WARNING: turn it off.
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
Using the new portable dumper.
Dumping into executable.
Load-Path Lisp Shadows:
Internationalization Settings:
Installed XEmacs Packages:
(zenirc ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.112)
(xwem ver: 1.22 upstream: lg(a)xwem.org--2005/xwem--main--2.1--versionfix-1)
(xslt-process ver: 1.12 upstream: 1.2.1)
(xslide ver: 1.09 upstream: 0.2.2)
(xlib ver: 1.14 upstream: lg(a)xwem.org--2005/xlib--main--2.1--version-0)
(xetla ver: 1.02 upstream: steve(a)eicq.org--2005/xetla--main--1.1--version-0)
(xemacs-devel ver: 1.79 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(xemacs-base ver: 2.19 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(x-symbol ver: 1.11 upstream: 4.5.1)
(w3 ver: 1.35 upstream: 4.0pre47)
(vm ver: 8.07 upstream: 8.0.12-devo)
(viper ver: 1.65 upstream: 3.09)
(view-process ver: 1.13 upstream: 2.4)
(vhdl ver: 1.22 upstream: 3.33.12)
(vc-cc ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(vc ver: 1.45 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(tramp ver: 1.4 upstream: 2.0.56)
(tpu ver: 1.14 upstream: 4.2X)
(tooltalk ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(tm ver: 1.39 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(time ver: 1.14 upstream: 1.17)
(textools ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(text-modes ver: 1.96 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(texinfo ver: 1.3 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(supercite ver: 1.21 upstream: 3.55x3)
(strokes ver: 1.1 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(speedbar ver: 1.29 upstream: 1.0pre4)
(sounds-wav ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sounds-au ver: 1.12 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sml-mode ver: 0.12 upstream: 3.9.5)
(slider ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.3x1)
(sieve ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sh-script ver: 1.24 upstream: 2.0f)
(sgml ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(semantic ver: 1.21 upstream: 2.0pre4)
(scheme ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(sasl ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.14.4)
(ruby-modes ver: 1.02 upstream: 1.6.8)
(rmail ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(riece ver: 1.23 upstream: 3.1.2)
(reftex ver: 1.34 upstream: 4.21)
(re-builder ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.20)
(python-modes ver: 1.13 upstream: 5.0.0)
(psgml-dtds ver: 1.03 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(psgml ver: 1.45 upstream: 1.3.2)
(ps-print ver: 1.12 upstream: 6.5.6)
(prog-modes ver: 2.19 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pgg ver: 1.07 upstream: 0.1)
(perl-modes ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(pcomplete ver: 1.05 upstream: 1.1.6)
(pcl-cvs ver: 1.68 upstream: R-2_9_9)
(pc ver: 1.28 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(os-utils ver: 1.41 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(oo-browser ver: 1.05 upstream: 4.08)
(ocaml ver: 0.06 upstream: 3.06)
(net-utils ver: 1.56 upstream: N/A)
(mmm-mode ver: 1.03 upstream: 0.4.8)
(misc-games ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(mine ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.9)
(mh-e ver: 1.31 upstream: 7.4.2)
(mew ver: 1.19 upstream: 1.94.2)
(mailcrypt ver: 2.14 upstream: 3.5.8)
(mail-lib ver: 1.8 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(jde ver: 1.52 upstream:
(ispell ver: 1.32 upstream: 3.6)
(ilisp ver: 1.34 upstream: 5.12.0)
(igrep ver: 1.16 upstream: 2.111)
(idlwave ver: 1.32 upstream: 5.1)
(ibuffer ver: 1.09 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(hyperbole ver: 1.17 upstream: 5.0)
(hm--html-menus ver: 1.24 upstream: 5.9)
(haskell-mode ver: 1.11 upstream: 2.1)
(gnus ver: 1.93 upstream: 5.10.8)
(gnats ver: 1.17 upstream: 3.101)
(general-docs ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(games ver: 1.18 upstream: 1.04)
(fsf-compat ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(frame-icon ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(fortran-modes ver: 1.05 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(forms ver: 1.15 upstream: 2.37)
(footnote ver: 1.16 upstream: 0.18x)
(eudc ver: 1.4 upstream: 1.32)
(eterm ver: 1.17 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(eshell ver: 1.17 upstream: 0fc80a3f6bb3bb59f42e9ff83cc8b89bf90fe658)
(escreen ver: 1.01 upstream: 1.16)
(erc ver: 0.22 upstream: Version 5.1.2 Revision: 1.796.2.6)
(emerge ver: 1.11 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(elib ver: 1.13 upstream: 1.0)
(eieio ver: 1.06 upstream: 1.0pre4)
(efs ver: 1.34 upstream: 1.24)
(edt ver: 1.14 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(edit-utils ver: 2.4 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ediff ver: 1.77 upstream: 2.75)
(edebug ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(ecrypto ver: 0.21 upstream: 2.0)
(ecb ver: 1.22 upstream: 2.31)
(docbookide ver: 0.08 upstream: 0.1)
(dired ver: 1.19 upstream: 7.16)
(dictionary ver: 1.16 upstream: 1.8)
(debug ver: 1.18 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(crisp ver: 1.15 upstream: 1.34)
(cookie ver: 1.15 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(clearcase ver: 1.1 upstream: /main/laptop/165)
(cc-mode ver: 1.45 upstream: 5.30.10)
(calendar ver: 1.38 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(calc ver: 1.26 upstream: 2.02fX3)
(c-support ver: 1.22 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
(build ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.02)
(bbdb ver: 1.32 upstream: 2.35)
(auctex ver: 1.51 upstream: 11.84)
(apel ver: 1.33 upstream: 10.6)
(ada ver: 1.14 upstream: 2.27)
(Sun ver: 1.16 upstream: No-Upstream-Ver)
Installed Modules:
(mail-abbrevs xemacsbug shadow sendmail bookmark pp tempo psgml-html
sgml-mode psgml assoc working python-mode info-look info ansi-color
compile efs-cu paren blink-paren gnuserv mailcrypt rfc822
weblogic-log-mode cc-styles cc-align cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs
regexp-opt pending-del byte-optimize bytecomp byte-compile savehist
time w3 w3-menu cus-edit cus-load w3-emulate w3-auto w3-parse url mm
w3-display w3-mouse advice advice-preload w3-imap w3-widget w3-vars
w3-keyword w3-cus url-parse url-vars css font disp-table mule-sysdp
w3-cfg w3-sysdp x-compose vc-hooks vc-xemacs scroll-in-place
recent-files psvn edmacro wid-edit overlay log-edit pcl-cvs-util
cvs-compat add-log diff-mode elp ediff-merg ediff-diff ediff-wind
ediff-tbar ediff-mult ediff-help ediff-init ediff-util dired-faces
dired-xemacs dired pc-select ol-helper flyspell ispell ilisp imenu
ilisp-cl-easy-menu ilisp-ccl ilisp-lw ilisp-chs ilisp-ext ilisp-key
cltl2 hyperspec thingatpt browse-url bridge comint-ipc ilcompat
il-luc19 comint ring font-lock cus-face zenirc-autoloads
xwem-autoloads xslt-process-autoloads xslide-autoloads xlib-autoloads
xetla-autoloads xemacs-devel-autoloads xemacs-base-autoloads
x-symbol-autoloads w3-autoloads vm-autoloads viper-autoloads
view-process-autoloads vhdl-autoloads vc-cc-autoloads vc-autoloads
tramp-autoloads tpu-autoloads tooltalk-autoloads tm-autoloads
time-autoloads textools-autoloads text-modes-autoloads
texinfo-autoloads supercite-autoloads strokes-autoloads
speedbar-autoloads sounds-wav-autoloads sounds-au-autoloads
sml-mode-autoloads slider-autoloads sieve-autoloads
sh-script-autoloads sgml-autoloads semantic-autoloads scheme-autoloads
sasl-autoloads ruby-modes-autoloads rmail-autoloads riece-autoloads
reftex-autoloads re-builder-autoloads python-modes-autoloads
psgml-dtds-autoloads psgml-autoloads ps-print-autoloads
prog-modes-autoloads pgg-autoloads perl-modes-autoloads
pcomplete-autoloads pcl-cvs-autoloads pc-autoloads os-utils-autoloads
oo-browser-autoloads ocaml-autoloads net-utils-autoloads
mmm-mode-autoloads misc-games-autoloads mine-autoloads mh-e-autoloads
mew-autoloads mailcrypt-autoloads mail-lib-autoloads jde-autoloads
ispell-autoloads ilisp-autoloads igrep-autoloads idlwave-autoloads
ibuffer-autoloads hyperbole-autoloads hm--html-menus-autoloads
haskell-mode-autoloads gnus-autoloads gnats-autoloads
general-docs-autoloads games-autoloads fsf-compat-autoloads
frame-icon-autoloads fortran-modes-autoloads forms-autoloads
footnote-autoloads eudc-autoloads eterm-autoloads eshell-autoloads
escreen-autoloads erc-autoloads emerge-autoloads elib-autoloads
eieio-autoloads efs-autoloads edt-autoloads edit-utils-autoloads
ediff-autoloads edebug-autoloads ecrypto-autoloads ecb-autoloads
docbookide-autoloads dired-autoloads dictionary-autoloads
debug-autoloads crisp-autoloads cookie-autoloads clearcase-autoloads
cc-mode-autoloads calendar-autoloads calc-autoloads
c-support-autoloads build-autoloads bbdb-autoloads tex-site
auctex-autoloads apel-autoloads ada-autoloads Sun-autoloads
modules-autoloads auto-autoloads auto-show fontl-hooks code-cmds
gutter-items menubar-items x-menubar mode-motion mouse behavior itimer
auto-save lisp-mode easymenu easy-mmode iso8859-1 page buff-menu
lib-complete loadhist cus-file derived newcomment rsz-minibuf env
text-props fontconfig frame obsolete cus-start custom widget cl-extra
cl cl-19 packages backquote unicode font-mgr lucid-scrollbars
cut-buffer xft-fonts lucid-menubars x c-balloon-help tty-frames tty
toolbar nas-sound native-sound alsa-sound scrollbar unix-processes
multicast network-streams subprocesses modules
menu-accelerator-support menubar md5 xemacs gutter png gif jpeg xpm
xbm lisp-float-type file-coding linux devices window-system base64)
Recent keystrokes:
~ / c u TAB b TAB o TAB c TAB M-BS M-BS M-BS M-BS s
r TAB p l TAB TAB TAB TAB m TAB RET M-x r e p o TAB
t TAB BS BS r BS M-BS x e TAB m TAB r p o TAB C-a r
e p o C-k r TAB b TAB C-a x e m a c s - C-e TAB TAB
C-a C-k r e p o TAB TAB r t TAB x e TAB RET
Recent messages (most recent first):
Loading xemacsbug...done
Loading xemacsbug...
Making completion list...
Making completion list...
Making completion list...
Making completion list...
Warning: Error in File mode specification: Cannot open load file:
Backtrace follows:
signal(file-error ("Cannot open load file" "mode-local"))
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("mode-local" nil require nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
byte-code("..." [emacs-major-version require mode-local featurep
xemacs defalias semantic-overlay-live-p #<compiled-function (o)
"...(17)" [o extent-live-p extent-detached-p bufferp extent-buffer] 3>
semantic-make-overlay make-extent semantic-overlay-put
set-extent-property semantic-overlay-get extent-property
semantic-overlay-properties extent-properties semantic-overlay-move
set-extent-endpoints semantic-overlay-delete delete-extent
semantic-overlays-at #<compiled-function (pos) "...(6)" [pos extent-list
nil] 4> semantic-overlays-in #<compiled-function (beg end) "...(6)" [end
beg extent-list nil] 4> semantic-overlay-buffer extent-buffer
semantic-overlay-start extent-start-position semantic-overlay-end
extent-end-position semantic-overlay-size extent-length
semantic-overlay-next-change next-extent-change
semantic-overlay-previous-change previous-extent-change
semantic-overlay-lists #<compiled-function nil "...(4)" [extent-list] 1>
semantic-overlay-p extentp semantic-read-event #<compiled-function nil
"...(26)" [c event next-command-event key-press-event-p
event-to-character char-equal quit-char keyboard-quit] 3> overlay-buffer
make-overlay overlay-put overlay-get overlay-properties move-overlay
delete-overlay overlays-at overlays-in overlay-start overlay-end
overlay-size next-overlay-change previous-overlay-change overlay-lists
overlayp read-event 21 semantic-make-local-hook identity make-local-hook
semantic-mode-line-update redraw-modeline force-mode-line-update
semantic-run-mode-hooks fboundp run-mode-hooks run-hooks
semantic-subst-char-in-string subst-char-in-string] 4)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
load-internal("semantic-fw" nil require nil binary)
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("semantic-fw" nil require nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
load-internal("semantic-tag" nil require nil binary)
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("semantic-tag" nil require nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
byte-code("..." [require working assoc semantic-tag semantic-lex
inversion] 2)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
load-internal("semantic" nil require nil binary)
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("semantic" nil require nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
byte-code("..." [require semantic wisent] 2)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
load-internal("semantic-wisent" nil require nil binary)
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("semantic-wisent" nil require nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
byte-code("..." [require semantic-wisent wisent-python-wy] 2)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
load-internal("wisent-python" nil nil nil binary)
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("wisent-python" nil nil nil)
apply(load ("wisent-python" nil nil nil))
# bind (inhibit-file-name-handlers inhibit-file-name-operation args op)
dired-handler-fn(load "wisent-python" nil nil nil)
# bind (handler path nosuffix nomessage noerror filename)
load("wisent-python" nil nil nil)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (alist mode name keep-going)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (just-from-file-name)
#<compiled-function nil "...(5)" [set-auto-mode t] 1>()
# (unwind-protect ...)
(__call_trapping_errors_arg__) "...(17)" [__call_trapping_errors_arg__
errstr error-message-string lwarn file-mode-spec warning "Error in %s:
%s\n\nBacktrace follows:\n\n%s" "File mode specification"
backtrace-in-condition-handler-eliminating-handler] 8>
#<compiled-function nil "...(5)" [set-auto-mode t] 1>)
# (condition-case ... . ((error)))
# bind (find-file)
# bind (nomodes after-find-file-from-revert-buffer noauto warn error)
after-find-file(nil t)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (inhibit-read-only error number truename rawfile nowarn
filename buf)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer "menu.py">
"/home/philipa/src/play/menu.py" nil nil
"/home/philipa/src/play/menu.py" (4107857 65026))
byte-code("..." [number truename rawfile nowarn filename buf
set-buffer-major-mode find-file-noselect-1] 7)
# (condition-case ... . ((t (byte-code "Â!Ã @ A\"" [buf data
kill-buffer signal] 3))))
# bind (number truename buf wildcards rawfile nowarn filename)
find-file-noselect("~/src/play/menu.py" nil nil t)
# bind (wildcards codesys filename)
#<compiled-function (filename &optional codesys wildcards) "...(77)"
[wildcards filename coding-system-for-read codesys bufname value
get-coding-system find-file-noselect nil file-exists-p buffer-file-name
local-variable-p buffer-file-coding-system switch-to-buffer mapcar] 6
1191119 (list (read-file-name "Find file: ") (and current-prefix-arg
(read-coding-system "Coding system: ")) t)>("~/src/play/menu.py" nil t)
# (condition-case ... . error)
# (catch top-level ...)
Fontifying menu.py... done.
Loading wisent-python...
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)................
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)...............
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)..............
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps).............
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)...........
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)......
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)......
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps).....
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps).....
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)....
Fontifying menu.py... (regexps)....
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