commit/auctex: Jerry James: Remove generated files CHANGES and README again. See xemacs-patches message
10 years, 8 months
1 new commit in auctex:
Changeset: dba523870942
User: Jerry James
Date: 2014-06-04 23:38:18
Summary: Remove generated files CHANGES and README again. See xemacs-patches message
Affected #: 3 files
diff -r 205bc50740c13d23f5f16ea086623a419ff485d8 -r dba52387094241da43d5f91eee3ec2ba2a4e951a CHANGES
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-Changes and New Features in AUCTeX
-News in 11.55
- * A bug was fixed which lead to the insertion of trailing whitespace
- during filling. In particular extra spaces were added to sentence
- endings at the end of lines. You can make this whitespace visible
- by setting the variable `show-trailing-whitespace' to `t'. If you
- want to delete all trailing whitespace in a buffer, type `M-x
- delete-trailing-whitespace RET'.
- * A bug was fixed which lead to a `*Compile-Log*' buffer popping up
- when the first LaTeX file was loaded in an Emacs session.
- * On some systems the presence of an outdated Emacspeak package lead
- to the error message `File mode specification error: (error
- "Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size")'. Precautions
- were added which prevent this error from happening. But
- nevertheless, it is advised to upgrade or uninstall the outdated
- Emacspeak package.
- * The value of `TeX-macro-global' is not determined during
- configuration anymore but at load time of AUCTeX. Consequently the
- associated configuration option `--with-tex-input-dirs' was
- removed.
- * Support for the LaTeX Japanese classes `jsarticle' and `jsbook'
- was added.
-News in 11.54
- * The parser (used e.g. for `TeX-auto-generate-global') was extended
- to recognize keywords common in LaTeX packages and classes, like
- "\DeclareRobustCommand" or "\RequirePackage". Additionally a bug
- was fixed which led to duplicate entries in AUCTeX style files.
- * Folding can now be done for paragraphs and regions besides single
- constructs and the whole buffer. With the new `TeX-fold-dwim'
- command content can both be hidden and shown with a single key
- binding. In course of these changes new key bindings for
- unfolding commands where introduced. The old bindings are still
- present but will be phased out in future releases.
- * Info files of the manual now have a .info extension.
- * There is an experimental toolbar support now. It is not activated
- by default. If you want to use it, add
- (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'LaTeX-install-toolbar)
- to your init file.
- * The manual now contains a new chapter "Quick Start". It explains
- the main features and how to use them, and should be enough for a
- new user to start using AUCTeX.
- * A new section "Font Locking" was added to the manual which explains
- syntax highlighting in AUCTeX and its customization. Together with
- the sections related to folding and outlining, the section is part
- of the new chapter "Display".
- * Keywords for syntax highlighting of LaTeX constructs to be typeset
- in bold, italic or typewriter fonts may now be customized.
- Besides the built-in classes, new keyword classes may be added by
- customizing the variable `font-latex-user-keyword-classes'. The
- customization options can be found in the customization group
- `font-latex-keywords'.
- * Verbatim content is now displayed with the `fixed-pitch' face. (GNU
- Emacs only)
- * Syntax highlighting should not spill out of verbatim content
- anymore. (GNU Emacs only)
- * Verbatim commands like `\verb|...|' will not be broken anymore
- during filling.
- * You can customize the completion for graphic files with
- `LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file'.
- * Support for the LaTeX packages `url', `listings', `jurabib' and
- `csquotes' was added with regard to command completion and syntax
- highlighting.
- * Performance of fontification and filling was improved.
- * Insertion of nodes in Texinfo mode now supports completion of
- existing node names.
- * Setting the variable `LaTeX-float' to `nil' now means that you
- will not be prompted for the float position of figures and tables.
- You can get the old behaviour of `nil' by setting the variable to
- `""', i.e. an empty string. See also *Note Floats::.
- * The XEmacs-specific bug concerning `overlays-at' was fixed.
- * Lots of bug fixes.
-News in 11.53
- * The LaTeX math menu can include Unicode characters if your Emacs
- built supports it. See the variable `LaTeX-math-menu-unicode',
- *Note Mathematics::.
- * Bug fixes for XEmacs.
- * Completion for graphic files in the TeX search path has been added.
- * `start' is used for the viewer for MikTeX and fpTeX.
- * The variable `TeX-fold-preserve-comments' can now be customized to
- deactivate folding in comments.
-News in 11.52
- * Installation and menus under XEmacs work again (maybe for the first
- time).
- * Fontification of subscripts and superscripts is now disabled when
- the fontification engine is not able to support it properly.
- * Bug fixes in the build process.
-News in 11.51
- * PDFTeX and Source Special support did not work with ConTeXt, this
- has been fixed. Similar for Source Special support under Windows.
- * Omega support has been added.
- * Bug fixes in the build process.
- * `TeX-fold' now supports folding of environments in Texinfo mode.
-News in 11.50
- * The use of source specials when processing or viewing the document
- can now be controlled with the new `TeX-source-specials' minor mode
- which can be toggled via an entry in the Command menu or the key
- binding `C-c C-t C-s'. If you have customized the variable
- `TeX-command-list', you have to re-initialize it for this to work.
- This means to open a customization buffer for the variable by
- typing `M-x customize-variable RET TeX-command-list RET', selecting
- "Erase Customization" and do your customization again with the new
- default.
- * The content of the command menu now depends on the mode (plain TeX,
- LaTeX, ConTeXt etc.). Any former customization of the variable
- `TeX-command-list' has to be erased. Otherwise the command menu
- and the customization will not work correctly.
- * Support for hiding and auto-revealing macros, e.g. footnotes or
- citations, and environments in a buffer was added, *Note Folding::.
- * You can now control if indentation is done upon typing <RET> by
- customizing the variable `TeX-newline-function', *Note Indenting::.
- * Limited support for `doc.sty' and `ltxdoc.cls' (`dtx' files) was
- added. The new docTeX mode provides functionality for editing
- documentation parts. This includes formatting (indenting and
- filling), adding and completion of macros and environments while
- staying in comments as well as syntax highlighting. (Please note
- that the mode is not finished yet. For example syntax
- highlighting does not work yet in XEmacs.)
- * For macro completion in docTeX mode the AUCTeX style files
- `doc.el', `ltxdoc.el' and `ltx-base.el' were included. The latter
- provides general support for low-level LaTeX macros and may be
- used with LaTeX class and style files as well. It is currently
- not loaded automatically for those files.
- * Support for ConTeXt with a separate ConTeXt mode is now included.
- Macro definitions for completion are available in Dutch and
- English.
- * The filling and indentation code was overhauled and is now able to
- format commented parts of the source syntactically correct. Newly
- available functionality and customization options are explained in
- the manual.
- * Filling and indentation in XEmacs with preview-latex and activated
- previews lead to the insertion of whitespace before multi-line
- previews. AUCTeX now contains facilities to prevent this problem.
- * If `TeX-master' is set to `t', AUCTeX will now query for a master
- file only when a new file is opened. Existing files will be left
- alone. The new function `TeX-master-file-ask' (bound to `C-c _'
- is provided for adding the variable manually.
- * Sectioning commands are now shown in a larger font on display
- devices which support such fontification. The variable
- `font-latex-title-fontify' can be customized to restore the old
- appearance, i.e. the usage of a different color instead of a
- change in size.
- * Support for `alphanum.sty', `beamer.cls', `booktabs.sty',
- `captcont.sty', `emp.sty', `paralist.sty', `subfigure.sty' and
- `units.sty'/`nicefrac.sty' was added. Credits go to the authors
- mentioned in the respective AUCTeX style files.
- * Inserting graphics with `C-c RET \includegraphics RET' was
- improved. See the variable `LaTeX-includegraphics-options-alist'.
- * If `LaTeX-default-position' is `nil', don't prompt for position
- arguments in Tabular-like environments, see *Note Tabular-like::.
- * Completion for available packages when using `C-c RET \usepackage
- RET' was improved on systems using the kpathsea library.
- * The commenting functionality was fixed. The separate functions for
- commenting and uncommenting were unified in one function for
- paragraphs and regions respectively which do both.
- * Syntax highlighting can be customized to fontify quotes delimited
- by either >>German<< or <<French>> quotation marks by changing the
- variable `font-latex-quotes'.
- * Certain TeX/LaTeX keywords for functions, references, variables
- and warnings will now be fontified specially. You may add your own
- keywords by customizing the variables
- `font-latex-match-function-keywords',
- `font-latex-match-reference-keywords',
- `font-latex-match-variable-keywords' and
- `font-latex-match-warning-keywords'.
- * If you include the style files `german' or `ngerman' in a document
- (directly or via the `babel' package), you should now customize
- `LaTeX-german-open-quote', `LaTeX-german-close-quote' and
- `LaTeX-german-quote-after-quote' instead of `TeX-open-quote',
- `TeX-close-quote' and `TeX-quote-after-quote' if you want to
- influence the type of quote insertion.
- * Upon viewing an output file, the right viewer and command line
- options for it are now determined automatically by looking at the
- extension of the output file and certain options used in the
- source file. The behavior can be adapted or extended respectively
- by customizing the variable `TeX-output-view-style'.
- * You can control whether `TeX-insert-macro' (`C-c RET') ask for all
- optional arguments by customizing the variable
- `TeX-insert-macro-default-style', *Note Completion::.
- * `TeX-run-discard' is now able to completely detach a process that
- it started.
- * The build process was enhanced and is now based on `autoconf'
- making installing AUCTeX a mostly automatic process. See *Note
- Installation:: and *Note Installation under MS Windows:: for
- details.
-News in 11.14
- * Many more LaTeX and LaTeX2e commands are supported. Done by
- Masayuki Ataka <ataka(a)>
-News in 11.12
- * Support for the KOMA-Script classes. Contributed by Mark Trettin
- <Mark.Trettin(a)>.
-News in 11.11
- * Support for `prosper.sty', see `'.
- Contributed by Phillip Lord <p.lord(a)>.
-News in 11.10
- * `comment-region' now inserts %% by default. Suggested by "Davide
- G. M. Salvetti" <salve(a)>.
-News in 11.06
- * You can now switch between using the `font-latex' (all emacsen),
- the `tex-font' (Emacs 21 only) or no special package for font
- locking. Customize `TeX-install-font-lock' for this.
-News in 11.04
- * Now use -t landscape by default when landscape option appears.
- Suggested by Erik Frisk <frisk(a)>.
-News in 11.03
- * Use `tex-fptex.el' for fpTeX support. Contributed by Fabrice
- Popineau <Fabrice.Popineau(a)>.
-News in 11.02
- * New user option `LaTeX-top-caption-list' specifies environments
- where the caption should go at top. Contributed by
- ataka(a) (Masayuki Ataka).
- * Allow explicit dimensions in `graphicx.sty'. Contributed by
- ataka(a) (Masayuki Ataka).
- * Limited support for `verbatim.sty'. Contributed by
- ataka(a) (Masayuki Ataka).
- * Better support for asmmath items. Patch by
- ataka(a) (Masayuki Ataka).
- * More accurate error parsing. Added by David Kastrup
- <David.Kastrup(a)>.
-News in 11.01
- * Bug fixes.
diff -r 205bc50740c13d23f5f16ea086623a419ff485d8 -r dba52387094241da43d5f91eee3ec2ba2a4e951a ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2014-06-02 Jerry James <james(a)>
+ * CHANGES: Remove generated file. See 2003-10-26 change.
+ * README: Ditto.
2014-05-15 Norbert Koch <viteno(a)>
* Makefile (VERSION): XEmacs package 1.51 released.
diff -r 205bc50740c13d23f5f16ea086623a419ff485d8 -r dba52387094241da43d5f91eee3ec2ba2a4e951a README
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-1 Introduction to AUCTeX
-This section of the AUCTeX manual gives a brief overview of what AUCTeX
-is, and the section is also available as a `README' file. It is *not*
-an attempt to document AUCTeX. Real documentation for AUCTeX is
-available in the rest of the manual, which you can find in the `doc'
- Read the `INSTALL' or `' file respectively for
-information about how to install AUCTeX. The files comprise the same
-information as the Installation chapter in the AUCTeX manual.
- If you are upgrading from the previous version of AUCTeX, the latest
-changes can be found in the `CHANGES' file. If you are upgrading from
-an older version, read the History chapter in the AUCTeX manual.
- AUCTeX is a comprehensive customizable integrated environment for
-writing input files for TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt using GNU Emacs.
- AUCTeX lets you run TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt and LaTeX/ConTeXt-related
-tools, such as a output filters or post processor from inside Emacs.
-Especially `running LaTeX' is interesting, as AUCTeX lets you browse
-through the errors TeX reported, while it moves the cursor directly to
-the reported error, and displays some documentation for that particular
-error. This will even work when the document is spread over several
- AUCTeX automatically indents your `LaTeX-source', not only as you
-write it -- you can also let it indent and format an entire document.
-It has a special outline feature, which can greatly help you `getting an
-overview' of a document.
- Apart from these special features, AUCTeX provides a large range of
-handy Emacs macros, which in several different ways can help you write
-your LaTeX/ConTeXt documents fast and painlessly.
- All features of AUCTeX are documented using the GNU Emacs online
-documentation system. That is, documentation for any command is just a
-key click away!
- AUCTeX is written entirely in Emacs-Lisp, and hence you can easily
-add new features for your own needs. It was not made as part of any
-particular employment or project (apart from the AUCTeX project
-itself). AUCTeX is distributed under the `GNU Emacs General Public
-License' and may therefore almost freely be copied and redistributed.
- The next sections are a short introduction to some `actual' features.
-For further information, refer to the built-in online documentation of
-1.1 Availability
-The most recent version is always available at
- `'
- WWW users may want to check out the AUCTeX page at
- `'
-1.2 Contacts
-Several channels have been established for help, bug reports, feature
-requests and general discussion about AUCTeX. You're very welcome to
-join. If you are only interested in information on updates, you could
-refer to the newsgroups `comp.text.tex' and `gnu.emacs.sources'.
- Bug reports on AUCTeX may be sent to <bug-auctex(a)>. To join
-the list send mail to <bug-auctex-subscribe(a)>.
- The AUCTeX maintainers can be reached at <auctex-devel(a)>.
-Subscription requests should be sent to
-1.2.1 XEmacs and AUCTeX
-Note that the XEmacs package version currently lags the upstream
-version substantionally. If you are missing features or there seems to
-be a bug in features related to editing documents, you are probably
-best advised to remove the XEmacs package and install the upstream
-version before contacting the AUCTeX maintainers.
- If you are having trouble installing the XEmacs package, or wish to
-help in updating the package version to the current upstream version,
-then <xemacs-beta(a)> is the appropriate channel.
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XEmacs-Patches mailing list
commit/skk: Jerry James: Replace troublesome texinfo characters with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER for now.
10 years, 8 months
1 new commit in skk:
Changeset: 0733acf1eea3
User: Jerry James
Date: 2014-06-04 23:37:15
Summary: Replace troublesome texinfo characters with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER for now.
Thanks to Aidan Kehoe and Stephen Turnbull. See xemacs-patches message with
id <CAHCOHQ=KnqkHK4eq9Zj88CDtVMy2antAWrXKiPTDGcXQ348gQA(a)>.
Affected #: 2 files
diff -r cd6ebd8d4052952c43e58cbcfac236ef25cbb318 -r 0733acf1eea30f37921345e012c144e78ee0f773 ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2014-06-02 Jerry James <james(a)>
+ * texi/skk.texi: Replace troublesome characters with REPLACEMENT
+ CHARACTER for now. Thanks to Aidan Kehoe and Stephen Turnbull.
2014-05-15 Norbert Koch <viteno(a)>
* Makefile (VERSION): XEmacs package 1.26 released.
diff -r cd6ebd8d4052952c43e58cbcfac236ef25cbb318 -r 0733acf1eea30f37921345e012c144e78ee0f773 texi/skk.texi
--- a/texi/skk.texi
+++ b/texi/skk.texi
@@ -4776,7 +4776,7 @@
-A:$B!!(B S:$B!1(B D:$B!A(B F:$B!Q(B G:$B!a(B H:$B!q(B Q:$B"!(B W:$B"1(B E:$B"A(B R:$B"Q(B T:$B"a(B Y:$B"q(B
+A:$B!!(B S:$B!1(B D:$B!A(B F:$B!Q(B G:$B!a(B H:$B!q(B Q:$B"!(B W:$B".(B E:$B"A(B R:$B".(B T:$B"a(B Y:$B".(B
@end group
@end example
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XEmacs-Patches mailing list
commit/mule-ucs: Jerry James: Apply patch
10 years, 8 months
1 new commit in mule-ucs:
Changeset: f7fb28ff013e
User: Jerry James
Date: 2014-06-04 23:36:18
Summary: Apply patch
to fix crash while generating UTF-8 HTML from mule texinfo sources. See
<CAHCOHQ=KnqkHK4eq9Zj88CDtVMy2antAWrXKiPTDGcXQ348gQA(a)> in
Affected #: 2 files
diff -r 34eb2a4c087800c35a9418ecac3b4f1e132689a1 -r f7fb28ff013e12e7d94db7caae862dcff4c2dc16 lisp/ChangeLog
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2014-06-02 Jerry James <james(a)>
+ * mucs-ccl.el (mucs-ccl-generate-registration-program): Apply
+ patch to fix crash while generating UTF-8 HTML from mule texinfo
+ sources.
2009-10-01 Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)>
* mucs-type.el (mucs-make-coding-system):
diff -r 34eb2a4c087800c35a9418ecac3b4f1e132689a1 -r f7fb28ff013e12e7d94db7caae862dcff4c2dc16 lisp/mucs-ccl.el
--- a/lisp/mucs-ccl.el
+++ b/lisp/mucs-ccl.el
@@ -643,10 +643,9 @@
(mucs-notify-embedment 'mucs-ccl-required name)
(setq ccl-pgm-list (cdr ccl-pgm-list)))
; (message "MCCLREGFIN:%S" result)
- `(progn
- (setq mucs-ccl-facility-alist
- (quote ,mucs-ccl-facility-alist))
- ,@result)))
+ `((setq mucs-ccl-facility-alist
+ (quote ,mucs-ccl-facility-alist))
+ ,@result)))
;;; Add hook for embedding translation informations to a package.
(add-hook 'mucs-package-definition-end-hook
Repository URL:
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this email.
XEmacs-Patches mailing list
commit/mule-base: Jerry James: Enable byte compiling ethio-util.el with XEmacs 21.5. See message with id
10 years, 8 months
1 new commit in mule-base:
Changeset: 73778e0c6557
User: Jerry James
Date: 2014-06-04 23:35:24
Summary: Enable byte compiling ethio-util.el with XEmacs 21.5. See message with id
<CAHCOHQ=KnqkHK4eq9Zj88CDtVMy2antAWrXKiPTDGcXQ348gQA(a)> in
Affected #: 2 files
diff -r debccbb1b41832fa7c9f505aa0bd9de087783d45 -r 73778e0c6557f3895bf507414ec4d6e9b8492670 ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2014-06-02 Jerry James <james(a)>
+ * Makefile (EXTRA_SOURCES): Enable byte compiling ethio-util.el
+ with XEmacs 21.5.
2014-05-15 Norbert Koch <viteno(a)>
* Makefile (VERSION): XEmacs package 1.58 released.
diff -r debccbb1b41832fa7c9f505aa0bd9de087783d45 -r 73778e0c6557f3895bf507414ec4d6e9b8492670 Makefile
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -31,9 +31,11 @@
mule-trex.elc mule-util.elc thai-xtis-util.elc viet-util.elc \
ethio-util.elc fsf-compat-unicode.elc
-# The following are shipped unbytecompiled because they aren't grokked by
-# the version of XEmacs used to build distribution packages
-#EXTRA_SOURCES = ethio-util.el
+# The following are shipped unbytecompiled if built by XEmacs 21.4 or earlier
+# because they aren't grokked by those versions.
+ifeq ($(XEMACS_21_5),t)
+EXTRA_SOURCES = ethio-util.el
DATA_FILES = $(shell echo etc/[FMTVcdmt]*)
DATA_DEST = mule
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XEmacs-Patches mailing list
[PATCH packages] Build UTF-8 HTML pages
10 years, 8 months
Jerry James
PATCH packages
This is a resend. I sent the original on May 27, but haven't seen it
show up in the archives. The sent mail is not HTML (I checked), so
maybe the patch was too large? I've compressed it this time, just in
This patch enables building UTF-8 HTML pages from texinfo sources of varying
encodings. It also fixes a number of minor bugs I stumbled across along the
way. Items of note:
- This involves another top-level push, Norbert.
- Support for texi2html 1.56k is dropped in favor of texi2html 1.64 and
later. Note that 1.64 was released in 2004, a decade ago. I don't think we
need to support anything older than that.
- I had to apply a 2002 mule-ucs bug fix from emacs-devel to get XEmacs 21.4
to do the right thing.
- I could not apply Stephen's suggestion for character replacements to
skk.texi. XEmacs 21.5 dealt with them just fine, but 21.4 choked on them.
Is that because jisx0213 support is disabled in mule-ucs? In any case, I
used Aidan's REPLACEMENT CHARACTER suggestion instead.
The compressed patch is attached.
Jerry James
XEmacs-Patches mailing list