xemacs-users-ru mailing list
23 years, 9 months
XEmacs Webmaster
Announcing a new mailing list, xemacs-users-ru(a)xemacs.org.
xemacs-users-ru is an open list for discussion and bug reporting for
XEmacs. Russian is the preferred language of discussion. It is not
gated to comp.emacs.xemacs or the "xemacs-news" list. For fastest
response, bugs not specifically related to Russian or Mule features
should be reported on xemacs-news (in English).
For complete information, see:
XEmacs 21.4.3 "Academic Rigor" is released.
23 years, 10 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
* XEmacs 21.4.3 "Academic Rigor" is released.
"Academic Rigor" is the fourth in the OXYMORON series.
Relative to XEmacs 21.4.2 "Developer-Friendly Unix APIs", it contains
fixes to two build bugs on Windows platforms and one for TTY-only, and
a few typo fixes in the documentation. More detailed information
about the changes is presented below.
The first release in this series, Xemacs 21.4.0 "Solid Vapor",
contained a large number of improvements and extensions to the current
stable version, XEmacs 21.1.14. For more information about the
OXYMORON series, see etc/NEWS, the initial release announcement
and the release planning page,
For general information about XEmacs, the developers, and the user
community, see our home page,
* XEmacs 21.4.3 is "gamma" software.
Besides the usual "no warranty" disclaimer (see etc/WARRANTY, sections
10 and 11), we are now experimenting with a level of stability
intermediate between "beta" and "stable", dubbed "gamma". At this
point all the developers and most of our beta testers trust the 21.4
code base with all their editing needs. However, for several reasons,
for users who absolutely must minimize risk, we continue to recommend
the 21.1 series.
Nevertheless, almost all users will get very high reliability from
XEmacs 21.4, and in return, access to many new features and improved
functionality. No new destabilizing code will be added; each release
in the 21.4 series should be strictly more stable and bug-free than
the preceding one. We also recommend the 21.4 series to distribution
packagers (such as Linux distributions and the open source BSD "ports"
or "packages" maintainers) for their "testing" and "development"
* Changes included in XEmacs 21.4.3 "Academic Rigor"
There are no user-visible behavior changes.
- (All Windows) Restore include of src/events-mod.h.
- (Cygwin) Detect Windows native sound under Cygwin
- (TTY-only) Restore patch for building --with-scrollbars=no
- (small stack Unix) Can build with -DREGEX_MALLOC.
- Update package docs
- More photos
- Misc comment fixes in source
Thanks to Adrian Aichner (and several others) and Karl Hegbloom for
catching me where I missed patches. Thanks to Yoshiki Hayashi, Paul
Stodghill, and Steve Youngs for patches.
* Getting and Installing XEmacs 21.4.3
XEmacs 21.4.3 is available in source form, including pre-compiled
"core" Lisp libraries and pre-built Info files, from ftp.xemacs.org
and mirrors (http://www.xemacs.org/Download/index.html#mirror_index).
The file INSTALL in the top directory of the sources explains how to
build XEmacs on Unix. The equivalent for Windows is nt/README. Note
that building XEmacs 21.4 on Windows ME and other 9x variants is not
currently supported. If you want to help fix the problems, please
join the xemacs-nt mailing list.
for general information about downloading XEmacs. For those wedded to
their old command-line FTP client, the following URLs may be useful:
or build the Lisp and Info from source, saving download time, with
In either case, you need the "packaged Lisp" for more than the most
basic functionality. You may use packages previously installed for
use with XEmacs 21.1 or later without change. For new installations,
the "SUMO" distribution of (almost) all packaged Lisp is available as
The latter should be installed only if you are building XEmacs with
the MULE multilingual support; it contains Lisp files that cannot be
correctly loaded by a unibyte XEmacs. See README.packages.
XEmacs 21.4.3 is also available via anonymous CVS. To get the latest
in the 21.4 series, check out (or update) with the "release-21-4" tag.
This should be sufficient for almost all users; throughout this series
patches will be carefully screened to ensure that every release is
more stable than the last. If for some reason you specifically want
this release, use the "r21-4-3" tag.
See http://cvs.xemacs.org/ for general instructions on getting XEmacs
via anonymous CVS.
Binary kits are not planned at this time, except for selected releases
for the MS Windows platform. Setups based on the Cygwin
"netinstaller", Wise installer, and Installshield are in various
degrees of readiness. The adventurous can subscribe
to the xemacs-nt mailing list to learn about prerelease tests.
The current public release for Windows is based on 21.4.0 "Solid Vapor".
We are considering providing binary kits for important platforms that
lack independent distributors once 21.4 is accepted as "stable".
Volunteers should contact the Release Manager, "Stephen Turnbull"
<stephen(a)xemacs.org>, and let me know for which platforms you can
* Important notices for CVS users:
The structure of the CVS repository for packaged Lisp is in the
process of being reorganized, thanks to Steve Youngs. This will
involve a change in the default hierarchy of workspaces. Please watch
the xemacs-beta mailing list for details.
The structure of the CVS repository for XEmacs sources has been
rationalized thanks to Michael Sperber. The development code is now
on the trunk. See earlier release announcements for details. Eg,
* Thanks
... to all the developers, reviewers, and testers; to the
Electrotechnical Laboratory and BeOpen.com for financial support; to
Tux.org and SourceForge[tm] for hosting services; and to our users.
May 17, 2001
XEmacs 21.4 Release Manager
Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen(a)xemacs.org>
University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
What are those straight lines for? "XEmacs rules."
XEmacs 21.4.2 "Developer-Friendly Unix APIs" is released.
23 years, 10 months
Stephen J. Turnbull
* XEmacs 21.4.2 "Developer-Friendly Unix APIs" is released.
"Developer-Friendly Unix APIs" is the second in the OXYMORON series.
Relative to XEmacs 21.4.1 "Copyleft", it contains a few typo fixes in
the documentation and some fixes to critical bugs (including a nasty
hang in menus on the Windows platform). More detailed information
about the changes is presented below.
The first release in this series, Xemacs 21.4.0 "Solid Vapor",
contained a large number of improvements and extensions to the current
stable version, XEmacs 21.1.14. For more information about the
OXYMORON series, see etc/NEWS, the initial release announcement
and the release planning page,
For general information about XEmacs, the developers, and the user
community, see our home page,
* XEmacs 21.4.2 is "gamma" software.
Besides the usual "no warranty" disclaimer (see etc/WARRANTY, sections
10 and 11), we are now experimenting with a level of stability
intermediate between "beta" and "stable", dubbed "gamma". At this
point all the developers and most of our beta testers trust the 21.4
code base with all their editing needs. However, for several reasons,
for users who absolutely must minimize risk, we continue to recommend
the 21.1 series.
Nevertheless, almost all users will get very high reliability from
XEmacs 21.4, and in return, access to many new features and improved
functionality. No new destabilizing code will be added; each release
in the 21.4 series should be strictly more stable and bug-free than
the preceding one. We also recommend the 21.4 series to distribution
packagers (such as Linux distributions and the open source BSD "ports"
or "packages" maintainers) for their "testing" and "development"
* Changes included in XEmacs 21.4.2 "Developer-Friendly Unix APIs"
User-visible behavior changes are flagged with (**). The first two
rarely manifest, the other three are feature additions to platforms
whose support is still maturing. (Critical bug fixes are not flagged,
since you'll be too busy continuing to work to notice the change.)
- (**) Stop shifted motion from making active region persist if no motion.
- (**) kill-line reverts to same behavior interactively or not.
- (**) MS Windows: Printer support now (optionally) adds headers/footers.
- (**) MS Windows: Critical-quit works.
- (**) GTK: Face editor changes can apply to GTK too.
- Fix hang in Customize menu on Windows platforms.
- Fix crash with xlc -O3 on AIX.
- make-charset handles short-name correctly.
- Trivial sign-compare warning fix.
- MS Windows: nt/*.mak version string fix and assorted build cleanups.
- GCC 3.0 link error from cruft fixed.
- make-stds.info builds again with makeinfo 1.68
- Remove CVS keywords from build-report.el.
- Miscellaneous documentation fixes.
- Add photos, update descriptions in about.el.
- Update copyright notice on splash screen.
- FTP mirror site updates
Thanks to Adrian Aichner, Martin Buchholz, Karl Hegbloom, Yoshiaki
Kasahara, Jason Mastaler, Hrvoje Niksic, Andy Piper, and Ben Wing for
patches. And thanks to the Fates, I had time for a one-liner.
* Getting XEmacs 21.4.2
XEmacs 21.4.2 is available in source form, including pre-compiled
"core" Lisp libraries and pre-built Info files, from ftp.xemacs.org
and mirrors (http://www.xemacs.org/Download/index.html#mirror_index).
for general information about downloading XEmacs. For those wedded to
their old command-line FTP client, the following URLs may be useful:
or build the Lisp and Info from source, saving download time, with
In either case, you need the "packaged Lisp" for more than the most
basic functionality. You may use packages previously installed for
use with XEmacs 21.1 or later without change. For new installations,
the "SUMO" distribution of (almost) all packaged Lisp is available as
The latter should be installed only if you are building XEmacs with
the MULE multilingual support; it contains Lisp files that cannot be
correctly loaded by a unibyte XEmacs. See README.packages.
XEmacs 21.4.2 is also available via anonymous CVS. To get the latest
in the 21.4 series, check out (or update) with the "release-21-4"
tag. This should be sufficient for almost all users; from now on
patches will be carefully screened to ensure that every release is
more stable than the last. If for some reason you specifically want
this release, use the "r21-4-2" tag.
See http://cvs.xemacs.org/ for general instructions on getting XEmacs
via anonymous CVS.
Binary kits are not planned at this time, except for selected releases
for the MS Windows platform. Setups based on the Cygwin
"netinstaller", Wise installer, and Installshield are in various
degrees of readiness. The adventurous can subscribe
to the xemacs-nt mailing list to learn about prerelease tests.
The current public release for Windows is based on 21.4.0 "Solid Vapor".
We are considering providing binary kits for important platforms that
lack independent distributors (a la the Linux "distributions" or the
FreeBSD "ports" maintainers) for at least some releases once 21.4 is
accepted as "stable". Volunteers should contact the Release Manager,
"Stephen Turnbull" <stephen(a)xemacs.org>, and let me know what
platforms you can build for.
* Important notice for CVS users:
The CVS Repository structure has been rationalized thanks to Michael
Sperber. The development code is now on the trunk. There are several
active branches, each with per-release tags of the form "r21-4-0"
(major-minor-patchlevel), and a branch tag which always gives the tip:
Branch Branch tag Release tag
Development trunk (21.5): none r21-5-xx
"Gamma" branch (21.4): release-21-4 r21-4-xx
Stable branch (21.1): release-21-1 r21-1-xx
The trunk has a special "moving" release tag, "r21-5-latest-beta".
This is updated with each release to reflect the most recent beta
release. (The Beta Release Maintainer makes some effort to ensure
that beta releases at least build; there is no way to make such a
guarantee for the tip of the trunk in our development model.)
There is no "moving" release tag for stable versions; just use "-r
release-21-1" if you need the current release of version 21.1, and "-r
release-21-4" for 21.4.
To update an existing CVS checkout to the trunk (development), use the
-A flag to cvs update. For a fresh checkout, simply use no -r flag.
To checkout or update to one of the other branches, use the -r flag
with the appropriate branch tag. http://cvs.xemacs.org/ has more
information. It is in the process of being updated, so some
information about tags may be inaccurate for a few days.
* Thanks
... to all the developers, reviewers, and testers; to the
Electrotechnical Laboratory and BeOpen.com for financial support; to
Tux.org and SourceForge[tm] for hosting services; and to our users.
May 10, 2001
XEmacs 21.4 Release Manager
Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen(a)xemacs.org>
University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
What are those straight lines for? "XEmacs rules."
[ANNOUNCE] Updated Packages Released. - May 8.
23 years, 10 months
Steve Youngs
Hey there Folks.
The following XEmacs Packages have been released, which you can grab
from ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/packages/ (or from any of its mirror
There are installation instructions at the end of this message.
build-1.01-pkg.tar.gz *** New Package ***
The `build' command generates a widget-based interface to configure
and build XEmacs either using GNU Tools (`configure', `make') or
Microsoft Tools (`nmake' with command-line options (<= 21.2-b32) or
`config.inc' configuration file (> 21.2-b32)).
2001-04-16 Felicia Neff <fn(a)panix.com>
* calc.texinfo: Fix up @direntry.
2001-04-11 Nick V. Pakoulin <npak(a)ispras.ru>
* calc.el (calc-init-base): Added support for numeric keypad.
2001-03-31 Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor] <sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>
* Makefile.dired: Added IGNORE_CUSTOM variable to control inclusion
of cust-stub.el.
* cust-stub.el: Added, courtesy of Noah Friedman
* dired.el (dired-recursive-delete-directory): Hopefully make it
less Unix-dependent.
* Makefile (REQUIRES): Add prog-modes dependency.
* diff.el: Remove diff parsing code, now uses Stefan Monnier's
diff-mode which is far more robust.
(diff): Properly support `diff-do-narrow'.
2001-04-20 Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg(a)microsharp.com>
* id-select.el (id-select-thing-with-mouse): Use `own-selection' in
newest XEmacs.
2001-04-21 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* func-menu.el:
* func-menu.el (fume-add-menubar-entry):
* func-menu.el (fume-do-add-menubar-entry): New.
* func-menu.el (fume-update-menubar-entry): When invoked from
find-file-hooks, delay creation of menubar entry until XEmacs
becomes idle. This way, func-menu will not intrude when files are
loaded temporarily (e.g. as part of patch-to-change-log).
2001-04-06 Glynn Clements <glynn.clements(a)virgin.net>
* man.el (manual-entry): limit search to current line when trying
to find a default.
2001-04-28 Steve Youngs <youngs(a)xemacs.org>
* goto-addr.el: Added.
2001-03-30 David M. Karr <dmkarr(a)earthlink.net>
* smtpmail.el (smtpmail-send-it): Use (user-mail-address).
2001-04-12 Mike Sperber <mike(a)xemacs.org>
* pcl-cvs.el (cvs-mode-diff): Remove call to
Use diff-mode again.
* cvs-compat.el (cvs-prepare-diff-mode): Remove again.
* Makefile (REQUIRES): Add prog-modes.
2001-04-23 Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg(a)microsharp.com>
* cperl-mode.el (cperl-pod2man-build-command): Man-filter-list is
not always bound, depending on which man viewer you are using.
Only set flist when boundp Man-filter-list.
2001-04-20 Trey Belew <trey(a)veggie.stu.wesleyan.edu>
* cperl-mode.el (pod-spell): New.
(make-pod-list): New.
2001-04-14 Alex Schroeder <alex(a)gnu.org>
* sql.el (sql-escape-newlines-and-send): New function.
(sql-db2): Set comint-input-sender to
2001-04-13 Alex Schroeder <alex(a)gnu.org>
* sql.el (sql-db2-program): New option.
(sql-db2-options): New option.
(sql-db2): New function.
2001-04-02 Glynn Clements <glynn.clements(a)virgin.net>
* hexl.el (hexl-find-file): force use of 'binary coding-system
Nothing updated in this package, it was just re-released because of a
problem in the package-index file.
2001-04-26 Albert L. Ting <alt(a)artisan.com>
* vc.el (vc-do-command):
Fix a bug that could cause files to be moved to another
2001-04-26 Albert L. Ting <alt(a)artisan.com>
* vc-hooks.el (vc-mode-face): New.
(vc-mode-ext): New.
(vc-mode-line): Use them.
2001-04-23 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* compile.el (compilation-shell-minor-mode):
Remember to localize the menubar before adding to it.
2001-04-21 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* sort.el: need autoload for sort-regexp-fields-numerically.
2001-04-21 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* add-log.el (change-log-mode):
Fix paragraph filling to correctly handle descriptor lines
(those beginning with e.g. * add-log.el (change-log-mode):).
* add-log.el (patch-to-change-log):
Don't error if patch blank.
2001-04-20 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* sort.el:
* sort.el (sort): New.
* sort.el (sort-subr):
* sort.el (sort-fields):
* sort.el (sort-regexp-fields):
* sort.el (sort-regexp-fields-numerically): New.
* sort.el (sort-columns):
Synch with FSF 20.7.
Add new arg for compare fun to `sort-subr', `sort-regexp-fields'.
New command `sort-regexp-fields-numerically'.
2001-04-10 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* add-log.el (patch-to-change-log):
Fix warnings. Make sure font-lock-auto-fontify is not
turned off when visiting ChangeLogs, so that they end up
font-locked when all is done. Anchor file-re1 at begline
to avoid problems when the diff itself contains `Index:'.
2001-05-07 Didier Verna <didier(a)xemacs.org>
* Patcher 2.2 is released.
2001-04-26 Steve Youngs <youngs(a)xemacs.org>
* Makefile (REQUIRES): Add mail-lib.
2001-04-25 Didier Verna <didier(a)xemacs.org>
* Patcher 2.1 is released.
2001-04-12 Steve Youngs <youngs(a)xemacs.org>
* patcher.el: New
2001-04-10 Ben Wing <ben(a)xemacs.org>
* docref.el: Use correct name for hook.
2001-04-30 Ovidiu Predescu <ovidiu(a)cup.hp.com>
* Makefile: Define the proper paths where the files should go.
* lisp/xslt-process.el (xslt-process-find-xslt-directory):
Modified to take into account the XEmacs packaging scheme.
Installation Instructions:
Simply download the package files to your hard disk and then unpack
them to '/usr/local/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/'
Automatic (XEmacs 21.1.x):
1) Options -> Manage Packages -> Add Download Site -> choose site.
2) Options -> Manage Packages -> List and Install
3) Choose the packages you wish to install/upgrade (there are brief
instructions at the bottom of the 'Packages' buffer).
4) Packages -> Add Required
5) Packages -> Install/Remove Selected
6) Re-start XEmacs.
Automatic (XEmacs 21.2.x and above):
1) Tools -> Packages -> Add Download Site -> choose site.
2) Tools -> Packages -> List and Install
3 - 6) Same as for XEmacs 21.1.
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 9E7E2820>---|
| XEmacs - It's not just an editor. |
| It's a way of life. |