XEmacs 21.0.67 "20 minutes to 日光" is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from the not-quite-usual places:
After 14 months, 66 test releases and 1 year of feature freeze
... it's showtime.
Greetings from Tsukuba Japan and day 3 of the m17n99 XEmacs/Free
Software Mule symposium. Today's guest XEmacs releaser is Didier
Verna -- see group picture at a URL to be named later.
The SUMO lisp and packaged lisp will be updated before the end of the
month. Time constraints and the m17n99 Symposium have prevented
getting it updated earlier. The next beta release of 21.2 will be
made sometime around the first weekend of April and the first 21.1
release will be made about the same time.
to 21.0.67 "20 minutes to Nikko"
-- last minute bug & doc fixes
XEmacs 21.2.13 "Demeter" is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places:
This beta contains initial support for ucs-4 and utf-8 character
encoding. The required lisp code to use this is:
Install under mule-packages. Version 1.0 is the original version,
1.01 is a repackaging under the usual XEmacs packaging standards.
Note that it is not yet available under CVS and won't be until
some building problems are addressed. In particular it can't be
bytecompiled with XEmacs 21.0 and one file blows up internal limits in
the bytecompiler and must be dealt with specially.
The recent reported MS Windows build problem related to file-coding
should be fixed.
21.2.14 is scheduled for Saturday, March 20 and will be the last 21.2
beta released while Martin and I are still in Japan.
NOTE: I lied about the release schedule for 21.0.67. It will also be
made on the 20th and will be the final beta before release.
The first 21.1 bug fix release will be made some time in April after I
get back to the US.
I will be at the Linux World Expo on the 18th if I manage not to get
lost in the Japanese public transportation system. If you're in
Japan and wish to meet, please contact either me or IENAGA Kazuyuki
to 21.2.13 "Demeter"
-- Build fixes from Martin Buchholz
-- experimental splash screen rewrite from Didier Verna
-- Various patches from Jan Vroonhof and Andy Piper
-- alist.el synched up with APEL 9.13 from MORIOKA Tomohiko
-- MS Window build fixes from Jonathan Harris
-- UCS-4/UTF-8 support from MORIOKA Tomohiko
XEmacs 21.2.12 "Clio" is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places:
Bug fixes. The next 21.2 beta is scheduled for Friday, March 12.
to 21.2.12 "Clio"
-- event-stream unification for MS Windows from Andy Piper
-- Determine best visual to use to avoid flashing from IENAGA Kazuyuki
-- Fix for new Berkeley DB library from Paul Keusemann/Gregory Neal Shapiro
-- Various package-ui fixes from Jan Vroonhof
-- Fix for doubled font-locking during buffer reversion
-- KFM browsing support from Neal Becker
-- info fix from Didier Verna
-- Build bug fixes from Martin Buchholz
-- Various Documentation updates
-- X-Face support for MS Windows native build from Gleb Arshinov
XEmacs 21.0.65 "20 minutes to 日光" is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places:
"Are we there yet?"
"I told you the last time you asked, we're 20 minutes away."
Bug fixes. 21.0.66 is scheduled for Friday, March 12.
I screwed up the patch kit again. To get the codename right, please
apply the following patch (the CVS tree is correct) if you are using
either the full tarball or the patch kit.
Index: version.sh
RCS file: /usr/CVSroot/XEmacs/xemacs/version.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.146
retrieving revision 1.147
diff -u -r1.146 -r1.147
--- version.sh 1999/03/05 16:01:01 1.146
+++ version.sh 1999/03/05 16:12:22 1.147
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+xemacs_codename="20 minutes to Nikko"
to 21.0.65 "20 minutes to Nikko"
-- Fix for new Berkeley DB library from Paul Keusemann/Gregory Neal Shapiro
-- Various package-ui fixes from Jan Vroonhof
-- Fix for doubled font-locking during buffer reversion
-- KFM browsing support from Neal Becker
-- info fix from Didier Verna
-- Build bug fixes from Martin Buchholz
-- Various Documentation updates
-- X-Face support for MS Windows native build from Gleb Arshinov
-- Restore corrupted CHANGES-beta file
XEmacs Sumo-1999-03-05 is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from:
Updated packages are
Fix hideifdef autoload breakage
Fix steve build problems
bug fixes from Michael Kifer
bug fixes from Michael Kifer
Upgrade the code to 6.67 instead of just the manual (oops)
Make advocacy.el Work with MS Windows sound
KFM Support
KFM Support
Fix for running with no XPM
Install dummy autoloads
XEmacs 21.2.11 "Calliope" is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places:
There has been a minor amount of reorganization to make the build
cleaner. Having the mule-base package around is no longer required
for building XEmacs mule so the XEmacs core is self-contained again.
Please update mule-base to 1.28
to avoid unnecessary lisp shadows.
21.2.12 is scheduled for Friday, but if anything slips in the
schedule, it's first on the list to be postponed.
to 21.2 beta11 "Calliope"
-- Dialog box fix from Jan Vroonhof
-- unified mswindows and tty event loops from Andy Piper
-- miscellaneous patches from Gleb Arshinov
-- miscellaneous patches from Charles Waldman and Adrian Aichner
-- Mule dump time files remerged from mule-base package
-- Documentation fixes from Jan Vroonhof
-- 24bit color image fix from Kazuo OISHI
-- various build fixes from Martin Buchholz
XEmacs 21.0.64 "20 minutes to 日光" is released
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places:
There has been a minor amount of reorganization to make the build
cleaner. Naturally, something went wrong. In order to get the name
right, please apply the following patch if you are not using CVS to
update with. If this is the only new thing wrong[1], I'll be happy ...
Index: version.sh
RCS file: /usr/CVSroot/XEmacs/xemacs/version.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.144
retrieving revision 1.145
diff -u -r1.144 -r1.145
--- version.sh 1999/03/01 18:11:26 1.144
+++ version.sh 1999/03/01 19:26:49 1.145
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+xemacs_codename="20 minutes to Nikko"
Building with Mule should be a little easier now. Mulish dumped lisp
files are now distributed with the core. I will separate them out
into a separate tarball if there are any problems with Latin-1 XEmacs,
but I didn't find any in my own testing.
You will need the latest & greatest mule-base package in order to
avoid lots of Lisp shadows.
Install that prior to building the new version and make sure that
the previous directory, lisp/mule-base, gets `rm -rf'ed prior to
installation of the update.
There will be a new 21.0 release in very short order, definitely by
the end of the week. I'm aiming for Friday.
to 21.0 "20 minutes to Nikko"
-- Dialog box fix from Jan Vroonhof
-- prevent minimization of maximized frame from Andy Piper
-- miscellaneous patches from Andy Piper and Gleb Arshinov
-- miscellaneous patches from Charles Waldman and Adrian Aichner
-- Mule dump time files remerged from mule-base package
-- Documentation fixes from Jan Vroonhof
-- 24bit color image fix from Kazuo OISHI
-- various build fixes from Martin Buchholz
[1] I already know about the hideifdef breakage, but I won't have
time to fix it tonight. An update will be coming first thing in the
New XEmacs SUMO lisp tarballs are available
25 years, 11 months
SL Baur
If you are running with Mule, you will need the mule-sumo. If you
are not running with Mule, you don't.
Updated packages include:
Install htmlize.el
Don't install pop3.el
mule-base-1.28 [1]
All dumped lisp files removed as they will be distributed
again with the XEmacs core.
hideifdef keymap fix
Update to W3-4.0-pre39
Update to VM-6.67
Autoload holiday
New support for file-coding compile-time option
imenu fix for Python
Various updates
New version of after-save-commands.el
f90.el update
[1] Incompatible with prior mule-base packages. Be sure that the
lisp/mule-base directory is rm -rf'ed prior to installation if you're
installing by hand. You will also need XEmacs 21.0.64 and/or 21.2.11
in order to build XEmacs/Mule. Prior versions of mule-base will be
O.K. with 21.0.64+ and 21.2.11+, but you will have to ignore all the
Lisp shadows.