XEmacs 21.0-b50/pre7 "Benadir" is released
26 years, 8 months
SL Baur
As numerous people pointed out, the 21.0-pre6 distribution was hosed
and did not have any of 21.0-pre6 in it. Sorry about that.[1]
I've checked this one out, and it does have the pre6 patches, except
that it's now called 21.0-pre7. :-P
The next edition of XEmacs 21.0 has been uploaded to the ftp site.
CVS sources are at
Installable Lisp packages are in:
The CVS tag for this beta is `r21-0b50'. CVS revision r21-0b49 is
empty. The CVS tag for the 21.2 branch is `release-21-2'.
to 21.0 pre6 "Belgian Fawn"
-- Miscellaneous bug fixes from various people
-- Rename MS Windows 'resource image instantiator to 'mswindows-resource
courtesy of Altrasoft and Ben Wing
[1] Note to myself:
I will not make XEmacs releases at 3 in the morning.
I will not make XEmacs releases at 3 in the morning.
I will not make XEmacs releases at 3 in the morning.
I will not make XEmacs releases at 3 in the morning.
I will not make XEmacs releases at 3 in the morning.
XEmacs 21.0-b49/pre6 "Belgian Fawn" is released
26 years, 8 months
SL Baur
This is the start of the out-of-alphabetical order Goats I warned you
about last announcement. They will be alphabetical from now on.
The next edition of XEmacs 21.0 has been uploaded to the ftp site.
CVS sources are at
Installable Lisp packages are in:
The CVS tag for this beta is `r21-0b49'. The CVS tag for the 21.2
branch is `release-21-2'.
This release contains bug fixes and is a release candidate. I have
further patches for about.el pending that don't effect basic testing.
All such patches will get into 21.0 released. We're going to delay
release until late August for further package support and the binary
coordinator to get back from vacation.
Um, it appears I've screwed up package-get-base.el in both 21.2-b1 and
this release. Could someone please propose some code to deal with
this file coming from ftp.xemacs.org? The whole XEmacs community will
love you if you do.
to 21.0 pre6 "Belgian Fawn"
-- Miscellaneous bug fixes from various people
-- Rename MS Windows 'resource image instantiator to 'mswindows-resource
courtesy of Altrasoft and Ben Wing
XEmacs 21.2-beta1 is released
26 years, 8 months
SL Baur
[This is going out in advance of the network update, so please allow
at least 30 minutes from the time in the `Date:' field in this message
for the appropriate areas to get updated. The CVS tree will be
updated *last* because it will be updated when I upload the latest
I am putting out the first beta of XEmacs 21.2. Yes, Virginia,
there's going to be another release of XEmacs.
Get it from:
The CVS tree will be updated later than the FTP site.
The major "feature" in 21.2 is removal of long-dead symbols. This
causes all kinds of things to break, unless you have updated your
packages from today's update.
21.2-beta is going to track 21.0 and 21.1 Lisp package-wise.
I've also opened a 22.0 source tree, but I haven't determined what's
going to go into it. The proposed Lisp engine changes probably need
more time than what I wish to allow for 22.0 (about a year to 18
months). At any rate, the 22.0 tree is wide open for patches, the
21.2 tree is being led by Ben Wing, and his judgement on patches for
it is (mostly) final.
If you've ever considered a career in XEmacs maintenance, but haven't
decided whether it was for you, you might consider apprenticeship.
I'm looking for someone to closely maintain the 21.2 beta tree while
I'm bug-fixing 21.0 and 21.1, and I'll take things back over once 21.1
is released to the 'net. Please email me if you have any interest in
this. This isn't any different than what Vinnie Shelton did with the
19.16 release (and he did a *wonderful* job).
to 21.2 beta1 "Aeolus"
-- Synch with 21.0-pre6
-- Removal of ancient obsolete symbols courtesy of Altrasoft
-- Fix version numbers
Fork at 21.0 pre5 "Zhong Wei"
XEmacs 21.0-b48/pre5 "Zhong Wei" is released
26 years, 8 months
SL Baur
[If another 21.0 release candidate is released, it will be out of
alphabetical order -- be warned]
The next edition of XEmacs 21.0 has been uploaded to the ftp site.
CVS sources are at
Installable Lisp packages are in:
The CVS tag for this beta is `r21-0b48'.
[NOTE: 21.0-b46/pre3 "Toggenburg" was never announced].
Please use the tarballs on the FTP site in preference to the CVS tree
if you can.
NOTE: The tarballs are named `b48', but this is not a beta. It is a
qualified[1] release candidate. Build it as highly optimized as you dare
and make it feel pain and see how it goes.
Send problems, questions, etc. to xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org, patches to
Despite best intentions, I forgot to update package-get-base.el in the
source. Um, we really need to get this file out of XEmacs, now. A
patch is appended.
The next release is unscheduled, but will be made if any showstopping
problems are identified. I think this is stable enough to be a
release candidate.
This release does not contain any of Ben Wing's suggested fixes. No
one else seems to care about them and I don't have the time to make
them myself.
The 21.0 release is on-schedule for 31-July. I hope to have a SUMO
tarball out sometime in the week after next. The later the better ...
Updated packages:
Repackaged and rebytecompiled against new Gnus
Romanian translation fixes
Index: lisp/package-get-base.el
RCS file: /usr/local/xemacs/xemacs-20.0/lisp/package-get-base.el,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 package-get-base.el
--- lisp/package-get-base.el 1998/07/10 02:49:02 1.19
+++ lisp/package-get-base.el 1998/07/12 08:50:42
@@ -58,19 +58,19 @@
(standards-version 1.0
- version "1.21"
- author-version "5.6.23"
+ version "1.22"
+ author-version "5.6.24"
date "1998-07-06"
- build-date "1998-07-09"
+ build-date "1998-07-12"
maintainer "XEmacs Development Team <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>"
distribution stable
priority medium
category "comm"
dump nil
description "The Gnus Newsreader and Mailreader."
- filename "gnus-1.21-pkg.tar.gz"
- md5sum "6d58f34293ec00bbd297a6abb98fe2e9"
- size 1693384
+ filename "gnus-1.22-pkg.tar.gz"
+ md5sum "0b969b84e56f64ff3d17e8eb93b05752"
+ size 1698823
provides (gnus message)
requires (gnus w3 mh-e mailcrypt rmail mail-lib xemacs-base)
type regular
@@ -191,19 +191,19 @@
(standards-version 1.0
- version "1.09"
+ version "1.10"
author-version "21.0"
date "1998-06-09"
- build-date "1998-07-09"
+ build-date "1998-07-12"
maintainer "XEmacs Development Team <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>"
distribution stable
priority low
category "comm"
dump nil
description "Emacs MIME support."
- filename "tm-1.09-pkg.tar.gz"
- md5sum "a5697117fc719a9c5a74a62f6b812101"
- size 253269
+ filename "tm-1.10-pkg.tar.gz"
+ md5sum "f5876ef7eda31c0ef9b6fb2ce63c155d"
+ size 252978
provides (tm tm-edit tm-view mime-setup)
requires (gnus mh-e rmail vm mailcrypt mail-lib apel xemacs-base)
type regular
@@ -229,19 +229,19 @@
(standards-version 1.0
- version "1.06"
- author-version "4.0pre18"
- date "1998-05-01"
- build-date "1998-05-02"
+ version "1.07"
+ author-version "4.0pre23"
+ date "1998-06-22"
+ build-date "1998-07-09"
maintainer "XEmacs Development Team <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>"
distribution experimental
priority high
category "comm"
dump nil
description "A Web browser."
- filename "w3-1.06-pkg.tar.gz"
- md5sum "fea5098f9e8dd5b3b82e3ebe7d447b9c"
- size 581731
+ filename "w3-1.07-pkg.tar.gz"
+ md5sum "1909a436b584cfb649891b5a79ad8000"
+ size 584830
provides (w3 url)
requires (w3 mail-lib xemacs-base)
type regular
@@ -609,19 +609,19 @@
(standards-version 1.0
- version "1.04"
- author-version "21.0b35"
- date "1998-03-01"
- build-date "1998-04-04"
+ version "1.07"
+ author-version "21.0"
+ date "1998-07-10"
+ build-date "1998-07-12"
maintainer "XEmacs Development Team <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>"
distribution mule
priority high
category "mule"
dump nil
description "Localized menubars and localized splash screens."
- filename "locale-1.04-pkg.tar.gz"
- md5sum "5d6dd1391ac017f4f210a810db2541cb"
- size 34651
+ filename "locale-1.07-pkg.tar.gz"
+ md5sum "9aef9faf63f430c1cc2dc6af8b2c2c91"
+ size 29878
provides ()
requires (mule-base)
type regular
@@ -1312,19 +1312,19 @@
(standards-version 1.0
- version "1.08"
+ version "1.09"
author-version "9.7p"
date "1998-04-10"
- build-date "1998-04-17"
+ build-date "1998-07-12"
maintainer "XEmacs Development Team <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>"
distribution stable
priority medium
category "wp"
dump nil
description "Basic TeX/LaTeX support."
- filename "auctex-1.08-pkg.tar.gz"
- md5sum "e79c956bd2a7cfc086d91c399667c2ef"
- size 305607
+ filename "auctex-1.09-pkg.tar.gz"
+ md5sum "d65325f96c3861db5f7f7b6fe5250b99"
+ size 306623
provides (auc-old bib-cite font-latex latex multi-prompt tex-buf tex-info tex-jp tex-site tex)
requires (xemacs-base)
type regular
XEmacs 21.0-b47/pre4 "Uzbek Black" is released
26 years, 8 months
SL Baur
The next edition of XEmacs 21.0 has been uploaded to the ftp site.
CVS sources are at
Installable Lisp packages are in:
The CVS tag for this beta is `r21-0b47'.
[NOTE: 21.0-b46/pre3 "Toggenburg" was never announced].
Please use the tarballs on the FTP site in preference to the CVS tree
if you can.
NOTE: The tarballs are named `b47', but this is not a beta. It is a
qualified[1] release candidate. Build it as highly optimized as you dare
and make it feel pain and see how it goes.
Send problems, questions, etc. to xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org, patches to
The next release is unscheduled, but will be made once showstopping
problems are identified, if any. I think this is stable enough to
start thinking about opening up the next cycle's development trees.
Details will be posted to xemacs-beta.
Updated packages:
Romanian and Russian Tutorial support
etc/BABYL added
etc/enriched.doc added
color fixes for passwd.el
compile.el fix to be nice to the c-mode hook
Massive synch with FSF 20.2, this is the first update of this
package in three years.
Yomi fix for egg-wnn
Bug fixes
VM-6.53, removal of dumped-lisp.el
NOTE: the sounds packages have not yet been added to the CVS tree.
Documentation update
Colon file name rename, bug fixes, load hook for
Color fixes
BS/DEL fixes
Bug fixes
Python imenu fix
image mode fix
emacsbug.el update[5]
Repackaging -- no code changes
Repackaging -- no code changes
Bug fixes
Author update
Package-get-base fodder for w3:
(standards-version 1.0
version "1.07"
author-version "4.0pre23"
date "1998-06-22"
build-date "1998-07-09"
maintainer "XEmacs Development Team <xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org>"
distribution experimental
priority high
category "comm"
dump nil
description "A Web browser."
filename "w3-1.07-pkg.tar.gz"
md5sum "1909a436b584cfb649891b5a79ad8000"
size 584830
provides (w3 url)
requires (w3 mail-lib xemacs-base)
type regular
to 21.0 pre4 "Uzbek Black"
-- Miscellaneous documentation cleanup from Altrasoft
-- Updates for using emacsbug.el as primary bug report interface from
Hrvoje Niksic
-- Russian TUTORIAL courtesy of Vladimir Bormotov
-- Build and dump fixes for MS Windows from Jonathan Harris
-- Modeline/Toolbar background color fix from Andy Piper
-- Hook fix redux from Kyle Jones
-- Patch for EFS for MS Windows NT native from Jonathan Harris
-- various patches and manual changes from Adrian Aichner
-- Miscellaneous hook patches from Kyle Jones
-- Calendar manual updates from Jeff Miller
-- various fixes from Martin Buchholz, Olivier Galibert, Michael Sperber
-- Documentation cleanup by Michael Sperber
-- Fix for customize breakage in MS Windows from Andy Piper
-- Line-number mode tuning from Hrvoje Niksic
-- Romanian Tutorial translation courtesy of Tudor Hulubei
-- Romanian Tutorial integration from Altrasoft
to 21.0 pre3 "Toggenburg"
-- Configure changes to handle Berkeley DB 2 from Kazuyuki IENAGA and Martin
-- 64 bit cleanliness fix from Olivier Galibert
-- Package Documentation from Michael Sperber
-- Cygwin font lossage fix from Andy Piper
to 21.0 pre2 "Thuringian"
-- MS Windows font fixes from Jonathan Harris
-- MS Windows native build fixes from Fabrice POPINEAU
-- Miscellaneous bug fixes
-- Documentation updates
-- credits updates
[1] W3 was synched with 4.0-pre23 after I had wrapped up the
[2] New version checked in by maintainer
[3] Ditto.
[4] Ditto.
[5] emacsbug.el probably needs a new home.