Some belated announcements for XEmacs releases.
26 years, 2 months
Martin Buchholz
The following recent announcements for xemacs-21.2.6, xemacs-21.2.7,
and xemacs-21.2.8 should have gone to xemacs-announce, but didn't
quite make it.
Here they are, again.
From: Andy Piper <andyp(a)>
Sender: owner-xemacs-beta(a)
To: xemacs-beta(a), xemacs-nt(a), xemacs-announce(a)
Subject: XEmacs 21.2.6 "Apollo" is released
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 18:30:09 +0000
This is nothing specical in that there are no new changes to CVS I am
simply tagging, updating changelogs and fixing the version so that people
can get back at a stable version before we start another patch-fest. I am
unable to upload tarballs.
to 21.2 beta6 "Apollo"
-- mswindows compile fixes from Martin Buchholz, Andy Piper, Greg
Klanderman and Adrian Aichner
-- Synch with XEmacs 21.0.60
-- mega-patch fixes from Martin Buchholz
-- md5 fixes and testsuite from Hrvoje Niksic
-- database fix from Hrvoje Niksic
" .sigs are like your face - rarely seen by you and uglier than you think"
Dr Andy Piper, Technical Architect, Parallax Solutions Ltd
mail: andyp(a) web:
From: Martin Buchholz <martin(a)>
Sender: owner-xemacs-beta(a)
To: XEmacs Beta Test <xemacs-beta(a)>
Subject: XEmacs 21.2.7 is released
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 14:33:22 -0800 (PST)
Ho Ho Ho!
This is my first beta release. Have mercy. Have fun finding all the
different ways I've messed up.
XEmacs 21.2.6 was a CVS-only release. No one ever got around to
making tarballs. It doesn't seem worth making tarballs now. Diffs
are, however, available to allow folks to patch up.
All of my own patches are finally released. XEmacs should be fairly
stable on Unix, if not yet on Windows.
Andy's subwindow support is in. So all the large patches have been
applied, and XEmacs is still alive.
There certainly are some patches that have not yet been applied, but
should be. Several regular XEmacs contributors, such as myself, have
recently converted to doing direct CVS commits. I encourage others,
Hrvoje in particular, to do the same.
As a complete coincidence, the Latin name for Ares is Mars, so this is
not just a Martin release, but also a Martian one.
to 21.2 beta7 "Ares"
-- mswindows modeline crash fix from Jonathan Harris
-- picon glyph fix from Gunnar Evermann
-- widgets-in-buffers and subwindow support from Andy Piper
-- movemail pop support under mswindows from Fabrice Popineau
-- ldap fixes from Oscar Figueiredo
-- fns cleanup from Hrvoje Niksic
-- menubar fixes from Didier Verna
-- mswindows accelerator fix from Jonathan Harris
-- dired mule fix from Didier Verna
-- sound doc cleanup from Charles Waldman
-- new display table functionality from Hrvoje Niksic
-- minor cleanups
-- package fixes from Jan Vroonhof
-- subwindow support fixes from Martin Buchholz
From: Martin Buchholz <martin(a)>
Sender: owner-xemacs-beta(a)
To: XEmacs Beta Test <xemacs-beta(a)>
Cc: XEmacs Mule <xemacs-mule(a)>
Subject: XEmacs 21.2.8 "Artemis" is released
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 21:12:39 -0800 (PST)
This is another experimental beta release, mostly spent fighting with
CVS problems.
I have only applied my own patches to this beta, and am still hoping
that someone else, perhaps Andy, will deal with the problem of
managing everyone else's patches. In particular, Andy, please apply
all the Windows-relevant patches.
Having already invested some effort in script writing to put out two
betas, I will probably volunteer to keep maintaining my personal
scripts that actually put out releases.
To the Mule folks (and that includes everyone who uses the Mule
version, not just the ones with large character sets), there are some
important bug fixes in this release. Some Mule bugs were introduced
during the great Windows hacking frenzy.
to 21.2 beta8 "Artemis"
-- A bunch of Mule fixes from Martin Buchholz
From: Martin Buchholz <martin(a)>
To: XEmacs Announcements <xemacs-announce(a)>
Cc: python-mode(a), bug-cc-mode(a)
Subject: Sync with Barry Warsaw packages, + cc-mode fix
X-Mailer: VM 6.62 under 21.2 "Ares" XEmacs Lucid (beta7)
Reply-To: martin(a)
Happy New Year!
Schöne Grüße zum Neujahr!
The following have been imported from Barry Warwaw's elisp site and converted/added to XEmacs 21-style
The CVS tree at has been
updated with the latest changes, and binary packages are available at
Oh, I almost forgot: this also includes a fix for tar-mode.el in
os-utils, so that editing .tar.gz files in XEmacs 21.2 should work again.
Here are the new binary kits:
-rw-r--r-- 1 6112 6199 212482 Dec 31 00:44 cc-mode-1.14-pkg.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 6112 6199 574688 Dec 31 00:45 edit-utils-1.35-pkg.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 6112 6199 227190 Dec 31 00:46 os-utils-1.13-pkg.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 6112 6199 594358 Dec 31 00:48 prog-modes-1.16-pkg.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 6112 6199 195316 Dec 31 00:49 text-modes-1.16-pkg.tar.gz
This is the first time I've released new-style XEmacs packages, so
it's likely I've done something wrong.
XEmacs 21.0.60 is released
26 years, 3 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places.
The SUMO tarballs are up to date. Untar them in $prefix/lib/xemacs.
This is another experimental release that happened to work. I hope to
release a "real" 21.0 within a few days. All emergency patches I
could find have been applied. If anything has been missed, scream at
me and point me in the direction of the patch I forgot or resend it.
The only technical detail lacking for release is a working PGP and
we're working on that.
There will be periodic 21.1 maintenance releases while folks are
developing cool stuff in 21.2.
Note that until PGP signing is possible on I'm not
updating the individual binary package tarballs. Sigh. If it's not
one thing, it's another.
to 21.0 "Poitou60"
-- help-echo message fix from Hrvoje Niksic
-- Fix building with union type on MS Windows NT from Andy Piper
-- Installation/Installation.el/config.values for MS Windows from Adrian
-- Package get cleanups from Greg Klanderman and Jan Vroonhof
-- Avoid defining CLASH_DETECTION on MS Windows NT from Adrian Aichner
-- Package UI fixes from Jan Vroonhof
to 21.0 "Poitou59"
-- Menu accelerator bug fix from Didier Verna
-- easymenu.el synch with FSF from Jan Vroonhof
-- chartable bug fixes from Hrvoje Niksic
-- Various MULE filenaming/localization bug fixes from Didier Verna
-- Linux/ARM support from James LewisMoss
-- Realpath fix for UnixWare2.1.3 from Takeshi Hagiwara
-- OSS Sound support for AIX from Michael Sperber
-- msw-faces X11 emulation fix from Adrian Aichner
-- Wnn6 detection fix from IENAGA Kazuyuki
-- More Cygwin b20 from Andy Piper
-- 64 bit cleanliness fix from Olivier Galibert
-- Package-get updates from Jan Vroonhof and Greg Klanderman
-- Movemail build fix for MS Windows NT from Andy Piper
-- Clicking on buttons not switching windows patch from Hrvoje Niksic
-- Cygwin b20 support from Andy Piper
-- Autoload cookie fix for cus-face.el from Jan Vroonhof
-- Frame resize inside window fix for MS Windows from Andy Piper
-- Type clean up patches from Steve Carney
-- movemail pop patches from Andy Piper
-- Fix auto-save-directory-fallback hardcoding at dump time from Jan Vroonhof
-- Package loading fixes from Greg Klanderman
-- Package Tool Finishing Touches from Jan Vroonhof
-- package-get-base.el removed from the core
-- BS/DEL fix from Glynn Clements
-- Tty vertical divider width now defaults to 1 instead of 0
-- MS Windows toolbar fixes from Jonathan Harris
-- Fix for XtDisplay being called with stale widget from Takeshi Hagiwara
-- Fixes for Cygwin b20 from Andy Piper
-- Package UI fetching improvements from Greg Klanderman
-- isearch regexp pruning bugfix from Hrvoje Niksic
-- package deletion fixes from Jan Vroonhof
-- gnuclient fix from Jan Vroonhof
XEmacs 21.2.5 "Aphrodite" is released
26 years, 3 months
SL Baur
Get it from the usual places:
Builds for distribution are now being done on The
noticeable changes from this are that that machine does not yet have a
complete XEmacs maintainer-friendly environment, but it's close.
The .tar.gz's are back.
There are no PGP signatures because we don't have a functional PGP or
the equivalent yet.
This build drops core immediately for me, though it may last longer
for others. After building try the following:
xemacs-21.2.5 -nw -q
M-x find-library packages
M-x font-lock-mode
M-x fast-lock-mode
and report the results to xemacs-beta. It drops core on both machines
(Linux 2.1 and BSDI 3.0) I've built it on.
If you haven't built 21.0 and are comfortable with XEmacs 21, this is
definitely not for you.
As of this beta, I'm forking myself off of the XEmacs 21.2 branch to
concentrate what little time I have on 21.0. Report all bugs and
problems to xemacs-beta.
to 21.2 beta5 "Aphrodite"
-- bytecode interpreter rewritten
-- byte compiler fixes
-- hash table implementation rewritten
-- basic lisp functions rewritten
-- spelling fixes
-- garbage collector tuned a little
-- various global code changes for consistency
-- automated test suite
-- major internals manual updates
-- lisp reference updates
to 21.2 beta4 "Aglaophonos"
-- isearch keymap fix from Katsumi Yamaoka
-- directory_files cleanup from Hrvoje Niksic
-- C implementation of base64 from Hrvoje Niksic
-- C implementation of `buffer-substring-no-properties' from Hrvoje Niksic
-- Experimental fix for spurious `file has changed on disk' message from
Charles Waldman
-- Fix for etags.el hook calling from Malcolm Box
-- User-name-completion fix for MS Windows NT from Greg Klanderman