Malcolm Purvis <malcolmp(a)> wrote:
Thanks Jerry! This is the first that I'd heard of autoconf's -Wobsolete
>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Wing <benwing666(a)> writes:
Ben> seems like the autoconf folks are changing api's faster than madonna
Ben> changes hairstyles.
To be fair their APIs got shot to pieces in the years that autoconf lay
abandoned after 2.13 and automake and friends tried to fill in the gap.
They're still trying to recover from that.
Yeah, but you've got to admit that you laughed when you read Ben's
On the other-hand, they don't make it easy for people:
-Wobsolete isn't
listed in the .texi file.
I ran into by accident one day when I ran autoconf --help to see if it
had some capability I thought it should have.
Jerry James, Assistant Professor james(a)
Computer Science Department
Utah State University