I was asked to forward this message for possible inclusion in a future
XEmacs release. Send questions directly to me. Cheers, Bob
This package provides ready access to Python documentation throughout
an emacs editing session. The README for the package is included
below. It is licensed under the same terms as Python. The package
necessitated changes to python-mode.el, so the updated version of that code is
included as well. Follow the installation instructions in the pydoc.el to ensure the
package works properly for you. You can download the code via
http from:
www.deepware.com/pub/python/. I hope this speeds your
Python development even further. Enjoy, Bob
# SUMMARY: README for pydoc.el emacs interface to Python pydoc.
# AUTHOR: Bob Weiner
# ORG: Deepware
# ORIG-DATE: 23-Apr-01 at 00:03:37
# LAST-MOD: 23-Apr-01 at 00:16:15 by Bob Weiner
# Copyright (C) 2001 Bob Weiner
# Licensed under the Python license version 2.0 or higher.
# DESCRIPTION: pydoc.el is an Emacs/XEmacs/InfoDock interface to the Python pydoc
It provides convenient integration with powerful programming editors,
speeding both Python learning and day-to-day access of reference
documentation while programming. For installation information, see the DESCRIPTION section
pydoc.el adds one new global key binding, {C-c M-h} (pydoc-commands) which displays a menu
commands for interacting with pydoc. It is global so you may examine Python
whenever needed, regardless of whether you have a Python code buffer on screen. The
commands are available, each invoked by typing the first character of the command name
prompted with the menu.
A)propos <term> - list modules/packages with <term> in their first line doc
H)elp <term> - display doc for name <term> or string literal
K)eyword <keyword> - with completion, display doc for a Python <keyword>
M)odule <name> - with completion, display doc for a Python module <name>
P)ackage <name> - with completion, display doc for a Python package <name>
T)opic <topic> - with completion, display Python reference doc for
X)ref <term> - with completion, display doc for a pydoc cross-reference
within a Python reference manual section
? - show the above help
C-g - abort from menu
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