Attached is a standard XEmacs bug report. I am sending this email in .html format to
illustrate the bug. The first instance of "autoload" illustrates the
fontification before modifying Line 2, and the second after putting a space at the end of
Line 2.
(autoload (quote vm-scroll-backward-one-line) "vm-page" "Scroll backward
one line.
Prefix arg N means scroll backward N lines.
Negative arg means scroll forward." t nil)
(autoload (quote vm-scroll-backward-one-line) "vm-page" "Scroll backward
one line.
Prefix arg N means scroll backward N lines.
Negative arg means scroll forward." t nil)
This bug is not critical. However, it does rip my attention away from coding momentarily;
thereby, increasing the probability of a coding error.
Ed Earl Ross
Schelling: "Man is a part of Nature. Therefore, human creativity is part of
Nature's productivity. In man, Nature has arrived at self-awareness."
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