sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
Jan> Hmm.. isn't the problem here that a particular lisp file
might not
Jan> even know which package it is in?
How could a lisp file not know? Right now, the mapping of lisp files
to packages is injective, I think, and thus reversible.
I am not saying it was impossible to find-out this information. I mean
that currently in the source there is no reference to the package the
file is in, i.e. the writer of the lisp source doesn't care about in
which package we stick his file, he just uses locate-data-file.
I interpret what you wrote as that you want a "package" argument
passed to locate-data-*, which does need the lisp author to be aware.
Jan> Or we will just make the requirement that each set of lisp
Jan> with data files needs to be in its own package?
I don't understand what you're saying here. Don't we currently
fulfill that requirement?
I think so. But it is more or less by accident.