Jan Vroonhof <vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
Note that that is not a good test. The X11 specification also
an underline so you cannot see the difference (unless your xterms can
show color f course).
Ok, I tried this (to avoid gnuclient interference):
xterm% xemacs
M-x customize-face RET custom-invalid-face RET
M-x make-frame-on-tty RET RET
The X11 frame now shows the `sample' text as yellow on red background,
while the tty frame shows `sample' text bold and underlined.
It seems as thought custom stuff to make the faces for the new tty
frame are not called.
However under XEmacs 20.4 this does indeed work!
So, it is a bug introduced in 21.0. The code to initialize custom
faces for a new frame in 20.4 are `initialize-custom-faces' and
`custom-initialize-frame'. Does calling one of these manually in 21.0