On 08 Oct 2002, ville.skytta(a)xemacs.org wrote:
XEmacs 21.4.10 RC2 (and older 21.4 releases) have displayed big,
italic fonts for me quite some time now. Actually I've had the
following workaround in my site-start.el so long that I had almost
forgotten about the bug (?):
(setq-default try-oblique-before-italic-fonts t)
'(bold-italic ((t (:bold t :italic t))) t)
'(italic ((t (:italic t))) t))
With only the setq-default part above, big and ugly italics go away in
eg. cperl-mode, but not the startup splash screen. With that and the
weird, hacky custom-set-faces blurb (yep, redefined just as they are by
default), all italic fonts look correct.
I've attached a couple of screenshots to demonstrate the effect, one
without the above blurb installed (with-italic.png) and one with it
(with-oblique.png) along with my installation info.
I wonder if anyone else is seeing this, and if there's something that
could be done so the fonts would look good out of the box?
Yes. There is something funky going on.
In 21.4.3, 21.4.4, 21.4.6 I've had to resort to different 'tricks' to
get default, bold, and italic fonts to look right. The tricks
1) custom-set-faces for default, bold, italic, and bold-italic, like
you have
2) (make-face-bold-italic (get-face 'bold-italic)))
(had to do this for the windows versions)
3) reset-face of 'bold, 'italic and 'bold-italic
(had to do this in 21.4.4)
I'm not sure I consider the try-oblique-before-italic-fonts a bug more
than a feature of the courier font that I have. I haven't had a chance to
upgrade to 21.4.10. I had to do something slightly different for
each of the other 21.4 releases to get the base fonts looking right,
but 21.4.6 was much better than the prior releases.
The good news is once the base fonts are setup, everything else works.