Ar an cúigiú lá is fiche de mí na Nollaig, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
Jeff Sparkes, Aidan:
If you're listening, I'd appreciate an ACK even if you have nothing to
say. (Otherwise I'll eventually spam you personally ....)
On Mac OS X "High Sierra" I'm having trouble with the recently
committed GTK3 port (thanks Jeff and Aidan!) Lots of things are less
than copacetic, but the first problem I ran into is an infloop if I
even mouseover the toolbar.
Thanks for tracking this down; I had seen it but not debugged it.
Turns out that gdk_events_pending can return non-zero even when
gdk_event_peek returns NULL. So I wrote the attached patch to use the
latter to test for no more events. This isn't great, but it seems to
work. I think I got the GdkEvent cleanup right, but I suppose it's
possible this leaks GdkEvents, so be warned.
I think you did too, but to be sure we need to look at the source, and doesn’t give us the GTK source, and it’s not particularly
practical for me to untar everything here on the farm with my laptop. But go
ahead and commit it.
‘As I sat looking up at the Guinness ad, I could never figure out /
How your man stayed up on the surfboard after forty pints of stout’
(C. Moore)