>>>> "Jan" == Jan Vroonhof
<vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
Jan> Raymond Toy <toy(a)rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
> This is 100% repeatable. Start with xemacs -vanilla. Then
Jan> Not for me...
Shoot. My mistake.
Instead of evaluating (load-library ...), do M-x load-library RET
eudc-export. When it asks to configure the search base, press n.
This crashes xemacs repeatably for me. Does this recipe work for you?
Jan> You need to eliminate some stuff. Please rename your eudc-options.
Jan> Then M-x load-file RET it in a "xemacs -vanilla", does that crash?
Jan> What if you simply do a
Jan> (eudc-set-server "mbb1.ericsson.se" 'ldap t)
Asks to configure search-base then returns NIL. No crash.
Jan> in the *scratch* buffer without loading anything (and without options file).
Jan> What does M-x load-library RET eudc RET followed by M-x disassemble
Jan> RET eudc-set-server RET give?
byte code for eudc-set-server:
doc: Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL. ...
args: (server protocol &optional no-save)
interactive: (list (read-from-minibuffer "Directory Server: ") (intern
(completing-read "Protocol: " (mapcar (quote (lambda (elt) (cons (symbol-name
elt) elt))) eudc-known-protocols))))
0 varref protocol
1 varref eudc-supported-protocols
2 member
3 goto-if-not-nil 1
5 constant load
6 constant "eudc-bck-"
7 constant symbol-name
8 varref protocol
9 call 1
10 concat2
11 constant t
12 call 2
13 goto-if-not-nil 1
15 constant error
16 constant "Unsupported protocol: %s"
17 varref protocol
18 call 2
19 discard
20:1 constant run-hooks
21 constant eudc-switch-from-server-hook
22 call 1
23 discard
24 varref protocol
25 varset eudc-protocol
27 varref server
29 varset eudc-server
31 constant eudc-update-local-variables
32 call 0
33 discard
34 constant run-hooks
35 constant eudc-switch-to-server-hook
36 call 1
37 discard
38 interactive-p
39 goto-if-nil 2
41 constant message
42 constant "Current directory server is now %s (%s)"
43 varref eudc-server
45 varref eudc-protocol
47 call 3
48 discard
49:2 varref no-save
51 not
52 goto-if-nil-else-pop 3
54 constant eudc-save-options
55 call 0
56:3 return
Note that if I try any of the above suggestions (except
eudc-set-server) WITH an .eudc-options file, I get a crash.
Hope this helps,