We need a delete function for XEmacs packages. I can make binary
packages include a MANIFEST file that can be used by a lisp-level
delete function. Where should this MANIFEST file be placed?
a) The top level
b.1) A subdirectory
b.2) If yes to b.1, where? My suggestion is `pkginfo/MANIFEST.${PACKAGE}'
or pkginfo/${PACKAGE}
I'm in the process of adding texinfo sources to binary package kits.
In order to facilitate processing by the user, it would be nice to
add a generic Makefile to create hardcopy. Functionally this can
work as a template Makefile copied from the toplevel XEmacs package
source directory into the generated tarball. Is there a volunteer to
create such a Makefile? You can assume that the template will be
passed the names of the manual(s), that there is no need to worry
about dependencies of source files (they're really handled in the
canonical-for-XEmacs sources), and you can assume GNU Make is being
used. Martin first asked for this, so he is the obvious primary
candidate. Any other takers?
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