i just hit this after hitting ESC ESC ESC, which was doing the equivalent of C-x
1 on a frame with 2 windows [the bottom one a grep window].
Dynarr_free(void * 0x0000007d) line 207 + 3 bytes
free_display_line(display_line * 0x02489318) line 6962 + 12 bytes
free_display_lines(display_line_dynarr * 0x0206d740) line 6993 + 19 bytes
free_display_structs(window_mirror * 0x02060840) line 7012 + 12 bytes
free_window_mirror(window_mirror * 0x02060840) line 478 + 9 bytes
update_mirror_internal(long 28360708, window_mirror * 0x02060980) line 358 + 9
update_mirror_internal(long 28595200, window_mirror * 0x01ee10c0) line 369 + 28
update_frame_window_mirror(frame * 0x01d1d600) line 461 + 22 bytes
window_display_buffer(window * 0x01b45400) line 575 + 21 bytes
output_display_line(window * 0x01b45400, display_line_dynarr * 0x01d26840,
display_line_dynarr * 0x01d26640, int 0, int -1, int -1) line 578 + 9 bytes
output_gutter(frame * 0x01d1d600, int 0, int 0) line 318 + 25 bytes
update_frame_gutters(frame * 0x01d1d600) line 562 + 15 bytes
redisplay_frame(frame * 0x01d1d600, int 0) line 6384 + 9 bytes
redisplay_device(device * 0x01bc4000, int 1) line 6467 + 11 bytes
redisplay_without_hooks() line 6556 + 11 bytes
redisplay() line 6619
Fnext_event(long 34969604, long 28360708) line 2183
Fcommand_loop_1() line 570 + 16 bytes
command_loop_1(long 28360708) line 495
condition_case_1(long 28360804, long (long)* 0x0105a4fb command_loop_1(long),
long 28360708, long (long, long)* 0x01059f10 cmd_error(long, long), long
28360708) line 1640 + 7 bytes
command_loop_3() line 256 + 35 bytes
command_loop_2(long 28360708) line 268
internal_catch(long 28438700, long (long)* 0x0105a060 command_loop_2(long), long
28360708, int * 0x00000000) line 1306 + 7 bytes
initial_command_loop(long 28360708) line 305 + 25 bytes
STACK_TRACE_EYE_CATCHER(int 1, char * * 0x01b8cfc8, char * * 0x01df5300, int 0)
line 2169 + 9 bytes
main(int 1, char * * 0x01b8cfc8, char * * 0x01df5300) line 2598 + 21 bytes
mainCRTStartup + 211 bytes
_start() line 169
KERNEL32! 77e9bc52()
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as succinctly as possible -- please don't be offended. If you send me
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apparent in your message, please say so. Thanks for your understanding.
See also