>>>"PEJH" == P E Jareth Hein schrieb am 02 Jul 1998
19:21:04 +0900:
PEJH> The basic arguments I can see for replacing the lisp engine
PEJH> would be easing of support problems (separate from
PEJH> packaging/object systems, although that would obviously help
PEJH> things out a LOT), adding of features that are truly needed
PEJH> (threading, lexical scoping and packages to name three) to
PEJH> support improvements in current usage, and speedups.
Okay, I buy that (essentially that's why I'm watching Erik's
CL-Emacs). But I don't think it's a reason to start a Scheme-CL
language discussion. Why not have an engine that supports both
(besides Elisp), which abstracts away from specific language details ?
(One reason is, of course, that we'll probably have to write such a
beast on our own - any PhD candidates volunteering for it ?)
http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~schauer ---
Why people hate using Lisp:
"Are people suffering from parenthophobia-by-proxy, mistaking
`parens' for `parents'?" - Erik Naggum in comp.emacs.xemacs