I know I sort of did it, but I'm incredibly pleased to note that the
ESS package in XEmacs (i.e. installable via the Tools->Packages menu
installer) works, verified with R (
www.r-project.org). I can't quite
verify SAS at this point (or S-PLUS, or XLispStat), but will tommorow.
See below for the OS reason.
Thanks, Steve Young of the XEmacs team for assisting me with all this,
and random other developers there for straightening out my mistakes.
(there are a few small things I need to fix, but they are SMALL
compared with not having to D/L a tarball, set paths, etc, etc...).
Even better, this was on a new iBook running Mac OS-X, XEmacs running
via XDarwin, rather than my usual Debian (i386 or PPC) setup... (this
was on OS-X fink's 21.5.4 version of XEmacs, D/L'ing packages from
xemacs.org site).
A.J. Rossini Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics rossini(a)u.washington.edu
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net rossini(a)scharp.org
http://software.biostat.washington.edu/ ----------------
FHCRC: M: 206-667-7025 (fax=4812)|Voicemail is pretty sketchy/use Email
UW: Th: 206-543-1044 (fax=3286)|Change last 4 digits of phone to FAX
(my tuesday/wednesday/friday locations are completely unpredictable.)