I hesitate to report this, because the systems folks have made some changes
to the mail server, and there have been other problems. However, I seem to
be the only one having problems (most people here use Netscape for mail,
and the other XEmacs/VM guys use a separate proc to grab mail from the POP
Also, I've had no problems with XEmacs/VM prior to this for years.
What I'm seeing is this:
o although I have vm-auto-get-new-mail set to 60 seconds, it never actually
gets mail until I manually tell it to (via g)
o even when I do that, I have to try repeatedly - after several tries
(i.e. banging on "g" like a madman), it will either:
- tell me my password is incorrect, so I have to re-enter it, or
- download a large batch of messages
o another weird thing I'm seeing is that occasionally I'm seeing msgs with
this in the header:
+OK 2286 octets
in between the X-VM-v5-Data and Return-Path headers
the reason I notice this is that it screws up the displayed headers, so I
see many more than usual
o the sys admin says he's seeing lots of this in the mail server logs:
Aug 6 11:54:49 gimel qpopper[40152]: turner at
denmark.blueskystudios.com (
-ERR Unknown command: "ass".
Aug 6 11:55:49 gimel qpopper[40228]: turner at
denmark.blueskystudios.com (
-ERR Unknown command: "ass".
Aug 6 11:56:49 gimel qpopper[40360]: turner at
denmark.blueskystudios.com (
-ERR Unknown command: "ass".
looks like something related to password?
o one last data point is that when I sent a msg to our sys admin, he said
he rec'd two identical copies, even down to the time stamp and message id
let me know if there's any other data that might be useful, or if there's
anything I should try
most of all, I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else is seeing similar
-John Turner
Emacs : XEmacs 21.5 (beta2) "artichoke" [Lucid] (mips-sgi-irix6.5) of Mon Jul
30 2001 on denmark
Package: VM 6.95
current state:
vm-arrived-message-hook nil
vm-arrived-messages-hook nil
vm-auto-center-summary 0
vm-auto-decode-mime-messages t
vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-type-exceptions '("text/html")
vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types '("text/plain"
"text/enriched" "multipart"
"image/gif" "image/jpg" "image/jpeg"
"image/png" "image/tiff" "image/tif")
vm-auto-folder-case-fold-search t
vm-auto-get-new-mail 60
vm-auto-next-message t
vm-berkeley-mail-compatibility nil
vm-check-folder-types t
vm-circular-folders nil
vm-confirm-new-folders t
vm-confirm-quit 0
vm-convert-folder-types t
vm-crash-box "~/INBOX.CRASH"
vm-crash-box-suffix nil
vm-default-From_-folder-type 'From_
vm-default-folder-type 'From_
vm-delete-after-archiving t
vm-delete-after-bursting nil
vm-delete-after-saving t
vm-delete-empty-folders t
vm-digest-burst-type "guess"
vm-digest-identifier-header-format "X-Digest: %s\n"
vm-digest-center-preamble t
vm-digest-preamble-format "\"%s\" (%F)"
vm-digest-send-type "mime"
vm-display-buffer-hook nil
vm-display-using-mime t
vm-edit-message-hook nil
vm-edit-message-mode 'text-mode
vm-fill-paragraphs-containing-long-lines nil
vm-flush-interval 90
vm-folder-directory "/u/turner/Mail"
vm-folder-read-only nil
vm-folders-summary-database "~/.vm.folders.db"
vm-folders-summary-directories '("~/")
vm-folders-summary-format " %12f %4t total, %n new, %u unread, %s spooled\n"
vm-follow-summary-cursor t
vm-forward-message-hook nil
vm-forwarded-headers nil
vm-forwarding-digest-type "mime"
vm-forwarding-subject-format "forwarded message from %F"
vm-frame-parameter-alist '((completion ((width . 82) (height . 50)))
(composition ((width . 82) (height . 50)))
(edit ((width . 82) (height . 50)))
(folder ((width . 82) (height . 50)))
(primary-folder ((width . 82) (height . 50)))
(summary ((width . 82) (height . 50))))
vm-frame-per-completion t
vm-frame-per-composition t
vm-frame-per-edit t
vm-frame-per-folder t
vm-frame-per-folders-summary nil
vm-frame-per-help nil
vm-frame-per-summary nil
vm-highlight-url-face 'blue
vm-highlighted-header-regexp nil
vm-honor-page-delimiters nil
vm-image-directory "/usr/net/rnd/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/vm/"
vm-imap-bytes-per-session nil
vm-imap-expunge-after-retrieving t
vm-imap-max-message-size nil
vm-imap-messages-per-session nil
vm-imap-session-preauth-hook nil
vm-in-reply-to-format "%i"
vm-included-text-attribution-format "%F writes:\n"
vm-included-text-discard-header-regexp nil
vm-included-text-headers nil
vm-included-text-prefix " > "
vm-index-file-suffix nil
vm-init-file "~/.vm"
vm-infer-mime-types nil
vm-invisible-header-regexp nil
vm-jump-to-new-messages t
vm-jump-to-unread-messages t
vm-keep-crash-boxes nil
vm-keep-sent-messages 1
vm-lynx-program "lynx"
vm-mail-header-from nil
vm-mail-header-insert-date t
vm-mail-header-insert-message-id t
vm-mail-hook nil
vm-make-crash-box-name nil
vm-make-spool-file-name nil
vm-mail-check-interval 300
vm-mail-mode-hook '(jt-add-headers mc-install-write-mode)
vm-mail-send-hook nil
vm-mime-7bit-composition-charset "us-ascii"
vm-mime-8bit-composition-charset "iso-8859-1"
vm-mime-8bit-text-transfer-encoding 'quoted-printable
vm-mime-alternative-select-method 'best-internal
vm-mime-attachment-auto-type-alist '(("\\.jpe?g" . "image/jpeg")
("\\.gif" . "image/gif")
("\\.png" . "image/png")
("\\.tif?f" . "image/tiff")
("\\.pbm" . "image/pbm")
("\\.pgm" . "image/pgm")
("\\.ppm" . "image/ppm")
("\\.sgi" . "image/x-sgi-image")
("\\.rgb" . "image/x-sgi-image")
("\\.bw" . "image/x-sgi-image")
("\\.xbm" . "image/x-bitmap")
("\\.fit" . "image/x-fit")
("\\.xpm" . "image/x-xpm1")
("\\.xwd" . "image/x-xwd")
("\\.html?" . "text/html")
("\\.rtf" . "text/richtext")
("\\.RTF" . "text/richtext")
("\\.txt" . "text/plain")
("\\.au" . "audio/basic")
("\\.aiff" . "audio/aiff")
("\\.aifc" . "audio/aifc")
("\\.wav" . "audio/x-wave")
("\\.WAV" . "audio/x-wave")
("\\.###" . "movie types")
("\\.mpe?g" . "video/mpeg")
("\\.mov" . "video/quicktime")
("\\.qt" . "video/quicktime")
("\\.mv" . "video/x-sgi-movie")
("\\.gz" . "application/octet-stream")
("\\.taz" . "application/octet-stream")
("\\.tgz" . "application/octet-stream")
("\\.tar" . "application/octet-stream")
("\\.Z" . "application/octet-stream")
("\\.zip" . "application/octet-stream")
("\\.ps" . "application/postscript")
("\\.pgp" . "application/pgp")
("\\.pdf" . "application/pdf")
("\\.PDF" . "application/pdf")
("\\.ai" . "application/x-illustrator")
("\\.AI" . "application/x-illustrator")
("\\.eps" . "application/x-illustrator")
("\\.EPS" . "application/x-illustrator")
("\\.XLS" . "application/x-dos_ms_excel")
("\\.DOC" . "application/x-dos_ms_word")
("\\.iv" . "application/x-inventor")
("\\.sc" . "application/x-showcase"))
vm-mime-attachment-save-directory nil
vm-mime-avoid-folding-content-type t
vm-mime-base64-decoder-program "base64-decode"
vm-mime-base64-decoder-switches nil
vm-mime-base64-encoder-program "base64-encode"
vm-mime-base64-encoder-switches nil
vm-mime-button-face 'gui-button-face
vm-mime-button-format-alist '(("text" . "%-35.35(%d, %c%) [%k to
("multipart/alternative" .
"%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
("multipart/digest" .
"%-35.35(%d, %n message%s%) [%k to %a]")
("multipart" .
"%-35.35(%d, %n part%s%) [%k to %a]")
("message/partial" .
"%-35.35(%d, part %N (of %T)%) [%k to %a]")
("message/external-body" .
"%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a (%x)]")
("message" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
("audio" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
("video" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
("image" . "%-35.35(%d%) [%k to %a]")
("application/octet-stream" .
"%-35.35(%d, %f%) [%k to %a]")
vm-mime-charset-font-alist nil
vm-mime-confirm-delete t
vm-mime-decode-for-preview t
vm-mime-default-face-charset-exceptions nil
vm-mime-default-face-charsets '("us-ascii" "iso-8859-1"
"iso-8859-9" "iso-2022-jp" "koi8-r"
"unknown-8bit" "UTF-7" "UTF-8"
"x-unknown" "x-user-defined")
vm-mime-delete-after-saving nil
vm-mime-delete-viewer-processes t
vm-mime-digest-discard-header-regexp nil
vm-mime-digest-headers '("Resent-" "From:" "Sender:"
"To:" "Cc:" "Subject:"
"Date:" "Message-ID:" "Keywords:"
vm-mime-display-function nil
vm-mime-external-content-types-alist '(("application/x-dvi"
("application/pdf" "acroread")
("audio/x-pn-realaudio" "raplayer")
"netscape -remote 'openURL(%f)'")
("HTML" "netscape -remote 'openURL(%f)'")
("audio/basic" "soundplayer")
("application/postscript" "xpsview")
("image/gif" "xv") ("image/jpg" "xv")
("image/jpeg" "xv") ("image/png" "xv")
("image/x-png" "xv") ("image/tiff" "xv")
("image/x-rgb" "xv")
("video/mpeg" "movieplayer")
("video" "movieplayer"))
vm-mime-ignore-mime-version t
vm-mime-internal-content-type-exceptions nil
vm-mime-internal-content-types t
vm-mime-max-message-size nil
vm-mime-qp-decoder-program nil
vm-mime-qp-decoder-switches nil
vm-mime-qp-encoder-program nil
vm-mime-qp-encoder-switches nil
vm-mime-type-converter-alist nil
vm-mime-uuencode-decoder-program "uudecode"
vm-mime-uuencode-decoder-switches nil
vm-mode-hook '((lambda nil (make-variable-buffer-local (quote scroll-in-place))
(setq tab-width 8) (setq scroll-in-place nil)
(setq truncate-lines nil))
mc-install-read-mode turn-off-scroll-in-place)
vm-mode-hooks nil
vm-mosaic-program "Mosaic"
vm-mosaic-program-switches nil
vm-move-after-deleting t
vm-move-after-undeleting nil
vm-move-after-killing nil
vm-move-messages-physically nil
vm-movemail-program "movemail"
vm-mutable-frames t
vm-mutable-windows t
vm-netscape-program "netscape"
vm-netscape-program-switches nil
vm-page-continuation-glyph "...press SPACE to see more..."
vm-paragraph-fill-column 75
vm-pop-bytes-per-session nil
vm-pop-expunge-after-retrieving t
vm-pop-max-message-size nil
vm-pop-messages-per-session nil
vm-pop-md5-program "md5"
vm-popup-menu-on-mouse-3 t
vm-preferences-file "~/.vm.preferences"
vm-preview-lines nil
vm-preview-read-messages nil
vm-primary-inbox "/u/turner/Mail/INBOX"
vm-quit-hook nil
vm-recognize-imap-maildrops "^imap:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+"
vm-recognize-pop-maildrops "^[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+"
vm-reply-hook nil
vm-reply-ignored-reply-tos nil
vm-reply-subject-prefix "Re: "
vm-resend-bounced-discard-header-regexp nil
vm-resend-bounced-headers '("MIME-Version:" "Content-"
"From:" "Sender:"
"Reply-To:" "To:" "Cc:" "Subject:"
"In-Reply-To:" "References:" "Keywords:"
vm-resend-bounced-message-hook nil
vm-resend-discard-header-regexp "\\(\\(X400-\\)?Received:\\|Resent-\\)"
vm-resend-headers nil
vm-resend-message-hook nil
vm-retrieved-spooled-mail-hook nil
vm-rfc1153-digest-discard-header-regexp "\\(X400-\\)?Received:"
vm-rfc1153-digest-headers '("Resent-" "Date:" "From:"
"Sender:" "To:" "Cc:"
"Subject:" "Message-ID:" "Keywords:")
vm-rfc934-digest-discard-header-regexp nil
vm-rfc934-digest-headers '("Resent-" "From:" "Sender:"
"To:" "Cc:" "Subject:"
"Date:" "Message-ID:" "Keywords:")
vm-search-using-regexps nil
vm-select-message-hook '(turn-off-scroll-in-place)
vm-select-new-message-hook nil
vm-select-unread-message-hook nil
vm-send-digest-hook nil
vm-send-using-mime t
vm-skip-deleted-messages t
vm-skip-read-messages nil
vm-spool-file-suffixes nil
vm-spooled-mail-waiting-hook nil
vm-startup-with-summary 1
vm-strip-reply-headers t
vm-subject-significant-chars nil
vm-summary-format "%n %*%a %-17.17F %-3.3m %2d %4l/%-5c %I\"%s\"\n"
vm-summary-highlight-face 'font-lock-comment-face
vm-summary-mode-hook '(smiley-buffer mc-install-read-mode
vm-summary-mode-hooks nil
vm-summary-redo-hook '(smiley-buffer)
vm-summary-show-threads nil
vm-summary-thread-indent-level 2
vm-summary-uninteresting-senders nil
vm-summary-uninteresting-senders-arrow "To: "
vm-tale-is-an-idiot nil
vm-temp-file-directory "/tmp"
vm-thread-using-subject t
vm-toolbar-pixmap-directory "/usr/net/rnd/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/vm/"
vm-trust-From_-with-Content-Length nil
vm-undisplay-buffer-hook nil
vm-unforwarded-header-regexp "only-drop-this-header"
vm-url-browser 'browse-url-netscape
vm-url-retrieval-methods '(lynx wget url-w3)
vm-url-search-limit 12000
vm-use-menus '(folder motion send mark label sort virtual undo dispose emacs
nil help)
vm-use-toolbar nil
vm-virtual-folder-alist nil
vm-virtual-mirror t
vm-visible-headers '("Resent-" "From:" "Sender:"
"To:" "Apparently-To:" "Cc:"
"Subject:" "Date:")
vm-visit-folder-hook nil
vm-visit-when-saving 0
vm-warp-mouse-to-new-frame nil
vm-wget-program "wget"
vm-window-configuration-file "~/.vm.windows"
features '(reporter view-less view hyper-apropos supercite mail-extr regi
mail-abbrevs sendmail vm-reply timezone vm-thread vm-save vm-mark
vm-delete vm-sort vm-virtual vm-undo vm-macro vm-minibuf vm-pop
highlight-headers vm-page vm-mime vm-summary tapestry vm-motion
vm-message vm-menu vm-folder efs-cu vm-misc vm-mouse vm-window
smiley annotations messagexmas nnheader nnheaderxm mm-util
mail-prsvr mail-utils mailcrypt rfc822 comint ring vm-autoload
vm-vars vm-version vm vm-startup font disp-table filladapt paren
blink-paren backup-dir lazy-shot font-lock cus-face pending-del
rsz-minibuf sniff-mode advice advice-preload uniquify
scroll-in-place func-menu tex-site xslt-process-autoloads
xemacs-devel-autoloads xemacs-base-autoloads w3-autoloads
vm-autoloads view-process-autoloads vc-autoloads tooltalk-autoloads
time-autoloads textools-autoloads text-modes-autoloads
texinfo-autoloads supercite-autoloads strokes-autoloads
speedbar-autoloads sounds-wav-autoloads sounds-au-autoloads
slider-autoloads sh-script-autoloads sgml-autoloads
semantic-autoloads reftex-autoloads psgml-autoloads
ps-print-nomule-autoloads prog-modes-autoloads pcomplete-autoloads
pcl-cvs-autoloads pc-autoloads os-utils-autoloads
net-utils-autoloads misc-games-autoloads mine-autoloads
mh-e-autoloads mew-autoloads mailcrypt-autoloads mail-lib-autoloads
ispell-autoloads ilisp-autoloads igrep-autoloads
hm--html-menus-autoloads gnus-autoloads gnats-autoloads
games-autoloads fsf-compat-autoloads frame-icon-autoloads
forms-autoloads footnote-autoloads eudc-autoloads eterm-autoloads
eshell-autoloads emerge-autoloads elib-autoloads efs-autoloads
edit-utils-autoloads ediff-autoloads edebug-autoloads
dired-autoloads debug-autoloads cookie-autoloads cc-mode-autoloads
calendar-autoloads calc-autoloads c-support-autoloads
build-autoloads bbdb-autoloads auctex-autoloads apel-autoloads
-autoloads loadhist auto-show fontl-hooks x-iso8859-1 gutter-items
menubar-items x-menubar mode-motion mouse itimer auto-save lisp-mode
easymenu iso8859-1 page buff-menu lib-complete help-nomule cus-file
derived frame text-props obsolete cus-start custom widget cl-extra
mini-cl cl cl-19 packages backquote very-early-lisp lucid-scrollbars
cut-buffer lucid-menubars motif-dialogs x c-balloon-help tty-frames
tty toolbar native-sound scrollbar unix-processes multicast
network-streams subprocesses modules menu-accelerator-support
menubar berkeley-db dbm md5 xemacs gutter tiff png gif jpeg xface
xpm xbm lisp-float-type irix dialog devices window-system base64)