You won't believe this but Send Bug Report under the Help menu is
grey'd-out. And M-x report-... gives no match. However I have made some
progress. If I put the following into my init.el, I get no c-mode errors.
My concern is, I haven't seen this in any other example init file so I
would still like to fix my problem rather than accept my work-around. And
actually, I may be wrong, but I think Send Bug Report wasn't grey'd-out
until I added the following to my init file. And now since emacs actually
started without errors, I may have lost whatever dump you were hoping to
get from the bug report.
Let me know if there is still a way to get the bug report. If I remove the
above load-file statements, save the init file, and re-opened a .c file, I
get the errors but it doesn't un-grey the bug report menu.
---------------------- Forwarded by Carlos Cantu/Boulder/IBM on 09/17/2002
09:35 AM ---------------------------
Adrian Aichner <>(a) on 09/16/2002 11:58:38 PM
Sent by: xemacs-beta-admin(a)
To: Carlos Cantu/Boulder/IBM@IBMUS
cc: xemacs-beta(a)
Subject: Re: c-mode not installed
>>>> "Carlos" == Carlos Cantu
<ccantu(a)> writes:
Carlos, please use
Help->Send Bug Report...
M-x report-emacs-bug
as suggested in
This will tell us enough about your XEmacs installation so that we
should be able to help you.
If XEmacs does not build or start up, please send any version and
configuration information you have to xemacs-beta(a) with any
mailer as plain text (MIME attachments are OK, please don't send HTML
On linux type
ulimit -c unlimited
in the shell before starting XEmacs from it, else you might not get a
core file.
Best regards,
Carlos> Installed XEmacs-21.4.9 on Windows 2000.
Carlos> When I try opening a .c file, I get the following messages.
"Mode c-mode
Carlos> is not installed. Download package (prog-modes 1.60)" & then
"File mode
Carlos> specification error: (error "c-mode")".
Carlos> I installed the sumo-tarball packages. I also installed the
Carlos> package separately.
Carlos> I tried putting
Carlos> (load-file
Carlos> in my init.el. Also tried
Carlos> (require 'cc-mode)
Carlos> and
Carlos> (load-library "cc-mode")
Carlos> and
Carlos> (setq load-path (cons
Carlos> "C:/progra~1/XEmacs/XEmacs-21.4.9/xemacs-packages" load-path))
Carlos> I still get the same messages. So it seems it's not finding my
Carlos> package and for some reason it's looking for c-mode which I
don't have. My
Carlos> packages are right under the XEmacs-21.4.9 directory. cc-mode
is in the
Carlos> xemacs-packages/lisp/cc-mode directory. I had similar problems
on 21.4.6 &
Carlos> 4.5. I never ran into any problems when I was on 21.1.xx. But
since my
Carlos> hard drive crashed I've been trying to load the latest of
Carlos> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Carlos> Carlos
Adrian Aichner