Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing you on behalf of the XEmacs maintainers. As you might
know XEmacs ( is an enhanced and separately maintained
version of the Emacs editor maintained by the Free Software Foundation. As a
consequence of that, and by choice, XEmacs falls under the GNU Public
Licence (GPL). One of the enhancements is a toolbar.
Because some users were dissatisfied with the plain look of the
standard XEmacs icons several alternative sets appeared. Currently we
are looking at distributing these alternatives officially. A
particular interesting set is made Jonathan Leffert. They have been
available from his web page for some time but are not really widely
known among XEmacs users. We would like to distribute these icons. In
particular we would like to do so under the GPL.
Where does the OmniGroup come into this? Jonathan made these by
adapting from icons used by Omniweb. Here he describes how he made them:
I originally took the icons from screenshots of the OmniGroup's
OmniWeb: a NeXTSTEP web browser. I reduced the icons in size, put
them over transparent backgrounds, converted them to xpm format, and
placed them into the XEmacs toolbar. As to the issue of distributing
the icons, I have no problem with it as long as they are distributed
under the GPL as you have indicated. The only issue is the rights of
the OmniGroup. But since I put this package together, I believe
OmniWeb has gone opensource. So, the long and the short of it is that
I have no problem with it, but the OmniGroup might.
We would very much like the permission from the Omnigroup to
distribute these icons under the GPL.
For your information here is a partial screen shot of XEmacs with
Jonathan's icon set installed.
The exact files we want to distribute and that we think were derived
from Omniweb are these files contained in
etc/next-compile-cap-up.xpm etc/next-info-up-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-compile-up.xpm etc/next-info-up.xpm
etc/next-copy-cap-up.xpm etc/next-last-win-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-copy-up.xpm etc/next-last-win-up.xpm
etc/next-cut-cap-up.xpm etc/next-mail-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-cut-up.xpm etc/next-mail-up.xpm
etc/next-debug-cap-up.xpm etc/next-news-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-debug-up.xpm etc/next-news-up.xpm
etc/next-disk-cap-up.xpm etc/next-next-win-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-disk-up.xpm etc/next-next-win-up.xpm
etc/next-file-cap-up.xpm etc/next-paste-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-file-up.xpm etc/next-paste-up.xpm
etc/next-folder-cap-up.xpm etc/next-printer-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-folder-up.xpm etc/next-printer-up.xpm
etc/next-info-def-cap-up.xpm etc/next-replace-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-info-def-up.xpm etc/next-replace-up.xpm
etc/next-info-exit-up.xpm etc/next-spell-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-info-exit.xpm etc/next-spell-up.xpm
etc/next-info-next-cap-up.xpm etc/next-undo-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-info-next.xpm etc/next-undo-up.xpm
etc/next-info-prev-cap-up.xpm etc/next-workshop-cap-up.xpm
etc/next-info-prev.xpm etc/next-workshop-up.xpm
Awaiting your hopefully positive response,
yours truly,
Jan Vroonhof
P.S. For your reference here is a copy of the GPL
Jan Vroonhof
Mathematik, vroonhof @
HG E16, ETH-Zentrum, Tel: +41-1-6325456/25154
Raemistrasse 101, CH-8092 Zuerich. Fax: +41-1-6321085