>>>> "Didier" == Didier Verna
<verna(a)inf.enst.fr> writes:
Didier> They're oblidged to make win98 and ie pass Sun's
Didier> Java test suit, or remove them from the market within 90
Didier> days.
Sounds good. Now let's hope MS looses the antitrust suit too.
Didier> -- / / _ _ Didier Verna
http://www.inf.enst.fr/~verna/ - /
Didier> / - / / /_/ / E.N.S.T. INF C201.1 mailto:vernaļ¼ inf.enst.fr
Didier> /_/ / /_/ / /__ / 46 rue Barrault Tel. (33) 01 45 81 73
Didier> 46 75634 Paris cedex 13 Fax. (33) 01 45 81 31 19
Adrian Aichner
European Design Center
Teradyne GmbH
Semiconductor Test Group Telephone +49/89/41861(0)-208
Dingolfinger Strasse 2 Fax +49/89/41861-217
D-81673 MUENCHEN E-mail adrian.aichner(a)teradyne.com