sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
kazz> Could the binary kit for each OSen use each package style
rather than
kazz> _normal_ *.tar.gz as some binary kit had been made as RPM for Linux
kazz> distributions in previous release?
I thought:
- Can't it reduce the cost for installation for system admin?
- Can't it reduce the cost for building binary kits because major
operating systems often provides XEmacs in their
distributions. For me, I made FreeBSD version of binary kit in
previous two releases. But I think most of FreeBSD users
installed XEmacs from its package distributed, not binary kit.
- It probably increases disk usage on our ftp server because of
having each xemacs-21.x-common.{noarch.rpm,tgz,deb}.
- The directory layout can't be freely specified with some
package system? (I just know FreeBSD's package and RPM can
specify it)